Extra bits and pieces for installing things on MacOS.
brew tap synchronal/tap
brew install synchronal/tap/<recipe>
Available recipes:
- synchronal/tap/dyd - daily diff CLI.
- synchronal/tap/medic - a CLI for developer workflow management.
- synchronal/tap/medic-bash - Shell scripts for writing medic helpers in bash.
- synchronal/tap/medic-ext-elixir - Checks and steps for using medic with Elixir projects.
- synchronal/tap/medic-ext-node - Checks and steps for using medic with Node projects.
- synchronal/tap/medic-ext-rust - Checks and steps for using medic with Rust projects.
- synchronal/tap/medic-ext-postgres - Checks, steps, and scripts for using medic with projects that use Postgres.
- synchronal/tap/medic-ext-potpourri - Helpers and extra scripts for medic, written in various languages.
brew "synchronal/tap/<recipe>"