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syl20bnr committed Nov 18, 2018
1 parent bd67bac commit 97c31a4
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Showing 788 changed files with 493 additions and 213 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion archive-contents

This file was deleted.

File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
Binary file not shown.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
124 changes: 122 additions & 2 deletions ace-link-20180308.900.el → packages/ace-link-20181103.2106.el
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

;; Author: Oleh Krehel <[email protected]>
;; URL:
;; Package-Version: 20180308.900
;; Package-Version: 20181103.2106
;; Version: 0.5.0
;; Package-Requires: ((avy "0.4.0"))
;; Keywords: convenience, links, avy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
(cond ((eq major-mode 'Info-mode)
((member major-mode '(help-mode package-menu-mode geiser-doc-mode elbank-report-mode elbank-overview-mode))
((member major-mode '(help-mode package-menu-mode geiser-doc-mode elbank-report-mode
elbank-overview-mode slime-trace-dialog-mode))
((eq major-mode 'woman-mode)
Expand All @@ -69,6 +70,12 @@
((eq major-mode 'Custom-mode)
((eq major-mode 'sldb-mode)
((eq major-mode 'slime-xref-mode)
((eq major-mode 'slime-inspector-mode)
((and ace-link-fallback-function
(funcall ace-link-fallback-function)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -551,6 +558,113 @@
(push (overlay-start overlay) candidates)))
(nreverse candidates)))

;;* `ace-link-sldb'
(defun ace-link-sldb ()
"Interact with a frame or local variable in a sldb buffer."
(let ((pt (avy-with ace-link-sldb
(avy--style-fn avy-style)))))
(ace-link--sldb-action pt)))

(declare-function sldb-default-action "slime")

(defvar ace-link--sldb-action-fn #'sldb-default-action
"Function to call after jump.")

(defun ace-link--sldb-action (pt)
(when (number-or-marker-p pt)
(goto-char pt)
(funcall ace-link--sldb-action-fn)))

(defun ace-link--sldb-collect ()
(let ((vars (list))
(frames (list))
(frame-prop 'frame)
(var-face 'sldb-local-value-face))
(goto-char (window-start))
(while (< (point) (window-end))
(when (get-text-property (point) frame-prop)
(if (get-text-property (point) 'var)
(push (text-property-any
'face var-face)
(push (point) frames)
(forward-visible-line 1)))
;; sort variables before frames
(nreverse (nconc frames vars))))

;;* `ace-link-slime-xref'
(defun ace-link-slime-xref ()
"Open a visible link in an `slime-xref-mode' buffer."
(let ((pt (avy-with ace-link-slime-xref
(avy--style-fn avy-style)))))
(ace-link--slime-xref-action pt)))

(declare-function slime-goto-xref "slime.el")

(defun ace-link--slime-xref-action (pt)
(when (number-or-marker-p pt)
(goto-char pt)

(defun ace-link--slime-xref-collect ()
(let ((candidates (list))
(prop 'slime-location)
(pt (window-start)))
(while (and pt (< pt (window-end)))
(when (get-text-property pt prop)
(push pt candidates))
(setq pt (next-single-property-change pt prop)))
(nreverse candidates)))

;;* `ace-link-slime-inspector'
(defun ace-link-slime-inspector ()
"Interact with a value, an action or a range button in a
`slime-inspector-mode' buffer."
(let ((pt (avy-with ace-link-slime-inspector
(avy--style-fn avy-style)))))
(ace-link--slime-inspector-action pt)))

(declare-function slime-inspector-operate-on-point "slime.el")
(declare-function slime-inspector-copy-down-to-repl "slime.el")

(defun ace-link--slime-inspector-action (pt)
(when (number-or-marker-p pt)
(goto-char pt)
(if (= pt 1)
(call-interactively #'slime-inspector-copy-down-to-repl)

(defun ace-link--slime-inspector-collect ()
(let ((candidates (list))
(part 'slime-part-number)
(range 'slime-range-button)
(action 'slime-action-number)
(pt (window-start)))
(while (and pt (< pt (window-end)))
(when (or (get-text-property pt part)
(get-text-property pt range)
(get-text-property pt action))
(push pt candidates))
(setq pt (next-property-change pt)))
(nreverse candidates)))

;;* Bindings
(defvar eww-link-keymap)
(defvar eww-mode-map)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -586,6 +700,12 @@
'(ace-link-addr . pre))
(add-to-list 'avy-styles-alist
'(ace-link-xref . at))
(add-to-list 'avy-styles-alist
'(ace-link-sldb . pre))
(add-to-list 'avy-styles-alist
'(ace-link-slime-xref . pre))
(add-to-list 'avy-styles-alist
'(ace-link-slime-inspector . pre))
(eval-after-load "xref"
`(define-key xref--xref-buffer-mode-map ,key 'ace-link-xref))
(eval-after-load "info"
Expand Down
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions ahk-mode-20160320.2221.el → packages/ahk-mode-20181113.1238.el
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

;; Author: Rich Alesi
;; URL:
;; Package-Version: 20160320.2221
;; Package-Version: 20181113.1238
;; Version: 1.5.6
;; Keywords: ahk, AutoHotkey, hotkey, keyboard shortcut, automation
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ For details, see `comment-dwim'."
;;; font-lock

(defvar ahk-commands
'("Abort" "AboveNormal" "Add" "All" "Alnum" "Alpha" "AltSubmit" "AlwaysOnTop" "And" "Asc" "AutoSize" "AutoTrim" "Background" "BackgroundTrans" "BelowNormal" "Between" "BitAnd" "BitNot" "BitOr" "BitShiftLeft" "BitShiftRight" "BitXOr" "BlockInput" "Border" "Bottom" "Break" "Button" "Buttons" "ByRef" "Cancel" "Capacity" "Caption" "Catch" "Ceil" "Center" "Check" "Check3" "Checkbox" "Checked" "CheckedGray" "Checks" "Choose" "ChooseString" "Chr" "Click" "ClipWait" "Close" "Color" "ComboBox" "Contains" "Continue" "Control" "ControlClick" "ControlFocus" "ControlGet" "ControlGetFocus" "ControlGetPos" "ControlGetText" "ControlList" "ControlMove" "ControlSend" "ControlSendRaw" "ControlSetText" "CoordMode" "Count" "Critical" "DDL" "Date" "DateTime" "Days" "Default" "Delete" "DeleteAll" "Delimiter" "Deref" "Destroy" "DetectHiddenText" "DetectHiddenWindows" "Digit" "Disable" "Disabled" "Displays" "Drive" "DriveGet" "DriveSpaceFree" "DropDownList" "Edit" "Eject" "Else" "Enable" "Enabled" "EnvAdd" "EnvDiv" "EnvGet" "EnvMult" "EnvSet" "EnvSub" "EnvUpdate" "Error" "ExStyle" "Exist" "Exit" "ExitApp" "Exp" "Expand" "FileAppend" "FileCopy" "FileCopyDir" "FileCreateDir" "FileCreateShortcut" "FileDelete" "FileEncoding" "FileGetAttrib" "FileGetShortcut" "FileGetSize" "FileGetTime" "FileGetVersion" "FileInstall" "FileMove" "FileMoveDir" "FileOpen" "FileRead" "FileReadLine" "FileRecycle" "FileRecycleEmpty" "FileRemoveDir" "FileSelectFile" "FileSelectFolder" "FileSetAttrib" "FileSetTime" "FileSystem" "Finally" "First" "Flash" "Float" "FloatFast" "Floor" "Focus" "Font" "For" "Format" "FormatTime" "GetKeyState" "Gosub" "Goto" "Grid" "Group" "GroupActivate" "GroupAdd" "GroupBox" "GroupClose" "GroupDeactivate" "Gui" "GuiClose" "GuiContextMenu" "GuiControl" "GuiControlGet" "GuiDropFiles" "GuiEscape" "GuiSize" "HKCC" "HKCR" "HKCU" "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" "HKEY_USERS" "HKLM" "HKU" "HScroll" "Hdr" "Hidden" "Hide" "High" "Hotkey" "Hours" "ID" "IDLast" "Icon" "IconSmall" "If" "IfEqual" "IfExist" "IfGreater" "IfGreaterOrEqual" "IfInString" "IfLess" "IfLessOrEqual" "IfMsgBox" "IfNotEqual" "IfWinActive" "IfWinExist" "IfWinNotActive" "IfWinNotExist" "Ignore" "ImageList" "ImageSearch" "In" "IniDelete" "IniRead" "IniWrite" "Input" "InputBox" "Integer" "IntegerFast" "Interrupt" "Is" "Join" "KeyHistory" "KeyWait" "LTrim" "Label" "LastFound" "LastFoundExist" "Left" "Limit" "Lines" "List" "ListBox" "ListHotkeys" "ListLines" "ListVars" "ListView" "Ln" "Lock" "Log" "Logoff" "Loop" "Low" "Lower" "Lowercase" "MainWindow" "Margin" "MaxSize" "Maximize" "MaximizeBox" "Menu" "MinMax" "MinSize" "Minimize" "MinimizeBox" "Minutes" "Mod" "MonthCal" "Mouse" "MouseClick" "MouseClickDrag" "MouseGetPos" "MouseMove" "Move" "MsgBox" "Multi" "NA" "No" "NoActivate" "NoDefault" "NoHide" "NoIcon" "NoMainWindow" "NoSort" "NoSortHdr" "NoStandard" "NoTab" "NoTimers" "Normal" "Not" "Number" "Off" "Ok" "On" "OnExit" "Or" "OutputDebug" "OwnDialogs" "Owner" "Parse" "Password" "Pause" "Pic" "Picture" "Pixel" "PixelGetColor" "PixelSearch" "Pos" "PostMessage" "Pow" "Priority" "Process" "ProcessName" "Progress" "REG_BINARY" "REG_DWORD" "REG_EXPAND_SZ" "REG_MULTI_SZ" "REG_SZ" "RGB" "RTrim" "Radio" "Random" "Range" "Read" "ReadOnly" "Realtime" "Redraw" "RegDelete" "RegRead" "RegWrite" "Region" "Relative" "Reload" "Rename" "Report" "Resize" "Restore" "Retry" "Return" "Right" "Round" "Run" "RunAs" "RunWait" "Screen" "Seconds" "Section" "See" "Send" "SendInput" "SendLevel" "SendMessage" "SendMode" "SendPlay" "SendRaw" "Serial" "SetBatchLines" "SetCapslockState" "SetControlDelay" "SetDefaultMouseSpeed" "SetEnv" "SetFormat" "SetKeyDelay" "SetLabel" "SetMouseDelay" "SetNumlockState" "SetRegView" "SetScrollLockState" "SetStoreCapslockMode" "SetTimer" "SetTitleMatchMode" "SetWinDelay" "SetWorkingDir" "ShiftAltTab" "Show" "Shutdown" "Sin" "Single" "Sleep" "Slider" "Sort" "SortDesc" "SoundBeep" "SoundGet" "SoundGetWaveVolume" "SoundPlay" "SoundSet" "SoundSetWaveVolume" "SplashImage" "SplashTextOff" "SplashTextOn" "SplitPath" "Sqrt" "Standard" "Status" "StatusBar" "StatusBarGetText" "StatusBarWait" "StatusCD" "StringCaseSense" "StringGetPos" "StringLeft" "StringLen" "StringLower" "StringMid" "StringReplace" "StringRight" "StringSplit" "StringTrimLeft" "StringTrimRight" "StringUpper" "Style" "Submit" "Suspend" "SysGet" "SysMenu" "Tab" "Tab2" "TabStop" "Tan" "Text" "Theme" "Thread" "Throw" "Tile" "Time" "Tip" "ToggleCheck" "ToggleEnable" "ToolTip" "ToolWindow" "Top" "Topmost" "TransColor" "Transform" "Transparent" "Tray" "TrayTip" "TreeView" "Trim" "Try" "TryAgain" "Type" "UnCheck" "Unicode" "Unlock" "Until" "UpDown" "Upper" "Uppercase" "UrlDownloadToFile" "UseErrorLevel" "VScroll" "Var" "Vis" "VisFirst" "Visible" "Wait" "WaitClose" "WantCtrlA" "WantF2" "WantReturn" "While-loop" "WinActivate" "WinActivateBottom" "WinClose" "WinGet" "WinGetActiveStats" "WinGetActiveTitle" "WinGetClass" "WinGetPos" "WinGetText" "WinGetTitle" "WinHide" "WinKill" "WinMaximize" "WinMenuSelectItem" "WinMinimize" "WinMinimizeAll" "WinMinimizeAllUndo" "WinMove" "WinRestore" "WinSet" "WinSetTitle" "WinShow" "WinWait" "WinWaitActive" "WinWaitClose" "WinWaitNotActive" "Wrap" "Xdigit" "Yes" "ahk_class" "ahk_group" "ahk_id" "ahk_pid" "bold" "global" "italic" "local" "norm" "static" "strike" "underline" "xm" "xp" "xs" "ym" "yp" "ys")
'("Abort" "AboveNormal" "Add" "All" "Alnum" "Alpha" "AltSubmit" "AlwaysOnTop" "And" "Asc" "AutoSize" "AutoTrim" "Background" "BackgroundTrans" "BelowNormal" "Between" "BitAnd" "BitNot" "BitOr" "BitShiftLeft" "BitShiftRight" "BitXOr" "BlockInput" "Border" "Bottom" "Break" "Button" "Buttons" "ByRef" "Cancel" "Capacity" "Caption" "Catch" "Ceil" "Center" "Check" "Check3" "Checkbox" "Checked" "CheckedGray" "Checks" "Choose" "ChooseString" "Chr" "Click" "ClipWait" "Close" "Color" "ComboBox" "Contains" "Continue" "Control" "ControlClick" "ControlFocus" "ControlGet" "ControlGetFocus" "ControlGetPos" "ControlGetText" "ControlList" "ControlMove" "ControlSend" "ControlSendRaw" "ControlSetText" "CoordMode" "Count" "Critical" "DDL" "Date" "DateTime" "Days" "Default" "Delete" "DeleteAll" "Delimiter" "Deref" "Destroy" "DetectHiddenText" "DetectHiddenWindows" "Digit" "Disable" "Disabled" "Displays" "Drive" "DriveGet" "DriveSpaceFree" "DropDownList" "Edit" "Eject" "Else" "Enable" "Enabled" "EnvAdd" "EnvDiv" "EnvGet" "EnvMult" "EnvSet" "EnvSub" "EnvUpdate" "Error" "ExStyle" "Exist" "Exit" "ExitApp" "Exp" "Expand" "FileAppend" "FileCopy" "FileCopyDir" "FileCreateDir" "FileCreateShortcut" "FileDelete" "FileEncoding" "FileGetAttrib" "FileGetShortcut" "FileGetSize" "FileGetTime" "FileGetVersion" "FileInstall" "FileMove" "FileMoveDir" "FileOpen" "FileRead" "FileReadLine" "FileRecycle" "FileRecycleEmpty" "FileRemoveDir" "FileSelectFile" "FileSelectFolder" "FileSetAttrib" "FileSetTime" "FileSystem" "Finally" "First" "Flash" "Float" "FloatFast" "Floor" "Focus" "Font" "For" "Format" "FormatTime" "GetKeyState" "Gosub" "Goto" "Grid" "Group" "GroupActivate" "GroupAdd" "GroupBox" "GroupClose" "GroupDeactivate" "Gui" "GuiClose" "GuiContextMenu" "GuiControl" "GuiControlGet" "GuiDropFiles" "GuiEscape" "GuiSize" "HKCC" "HKCR" "HKCU" "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" "HKEY_USERS" "HKLM" "HKU" "HScroll" "Hdr" "Hidden" "Hide" "High" "Hotkey" "Hours" "ID" "IDLast" "Icon" "IconSmall" "If" "IfEqual" "IfExist" "IfGreater" "IfGreaterOrEqual" "IfInString" "IfLess" "IfLessOrEqual" "IfMsgBox" "IfNotEqual" "IfWinActive" "IfWinExist" "IfWinNotActive" "IfWinNotExist" "Ignore" "ImageList" "ImageSearch" "In" "IniDelete" "IniRead" "IniWrite" "Input" "InputBox" "Integer" "IntegerFast" "Interrupt" "Is" "Join" "KeyHistory" "KeyWait" "LTrim" "Label" "LastFound" "LastFoundExist" "Left" "Limit" "Lines" "List" "ListBox" "ListHotkeys" "ListLines" "ListVars" "ListView" "Ln" "Lock" "Log" "Logoff" "Loop" "Low" "Lower" "Lowercase" "MainWindow" "Margin" "MaxSize" "Maximize" "MaximizeBox" "Menu" "MinMax" "MinSize" "Minimize" "MinimizeBox" "Minutes" "Mod" "MonthCal" "Mouse" "MouseClick" "MouseClickDrag" "MouseGetPos" "MouseMove" "Move" "MsgBox" "Multi" "NA" "No" "NoActivate" "NoDefault" "NoHide" "NoIcon" "NoMainWindow" "NoSort" "NoSortHdr" "NoStandard" "NoTab" "NoTimers" "Normal" "Not" "Number" "Off" "Ok" "On" "OnExit" "Or" "OutputDebug" "OwnDialogs" "Owner" "Parse" "Password" "Pause" "Pic" "Picture" "Pixel" "PixelGetColor" "PixelSearch" "Pos" "PostMessage" "Pow" "Priority" "Process" "ProcessName" "Progress" "REG_BINARY" "REG_DWORD" "REG_EXPAND_SZ" "REG_MULTI_SZ" "REG_SZ" "RGB" "RTrim" "Radio" "Random" "Range" "Read" "ReadOnly" "Realtime" "Redraw" "RegDelete" "RegRead" "RegWrite" "Region" "Relative" "Reload" "Rename" "Report" "Resize" "Restore" "Retry" "Return" "Right" "Round" "Run" "RunAs" "RunWait" "Screen" "Seconds" "Section" "See" "Send" "SendInput" "SendLevel" "SendMessage" "SendMode" "SendPlay" "SendRaw" "Serial" "SetBatchLines" "SetCapslockState" "SetControlDelay" "SetDefaultMouseSpeed" "SetEnv" "SetFormat" "SetKeyDelay" "SetLabel" "SetMouseDelay" "SetNumlockState" "SetRegView" "SetScrollLockState" "SetStoreCapslockMode" "SetTimer" "SetTitleMatchMode" "SetWinDelay" "SetWorkingDir" "ShiftAltTab" "Show" "Shutdown" "Sin" "Single" "Sleep" "Slider" "Sort" "SortDesc" "SoundBeep" "SoundGet" "SoundGetWaveVolume" "SoundPlay" "SoundSet" "SoundSetWaveVolume" "SplashImage" "SplashTextOff" "SplashTextOn" "SplitPath" "Sqrt" "Standard" "Status" "StatusBar" "StatusBarGetText" "StatusBarWait" "StatusCD" "StringCaseSense" "StringGetPos" "StringLeft" "StringLen" "StringLower" "StringMid" "StringReplace" "StringRight" "StringSplit" "StringTrimLeft" "StringTrimRight" "StringUpper" "Style" "Submit" "Suspend" "SysGet" "SysMenu" "Tab" "Tab2" "TabStop" "Tan" "Text" "Theme" "Thread" "Throw" "Tile" "Time" "Tip" "ToggleCheck" "ToggleEnable" "ToolTip" "ToolWindow" "Top" "Topmost" "TransColor" "Transform" "Transparent" "Tray" "TrayTip" "TreeView" "Trim" "Try" "TryAgain" "Type" "UnCheck" "Unicode" "Unlock" "Until" "UpDown" "Upper" "Uppercase" "UrlDownloadToFile" "UseErrorLevel" "VScroll" "Var" "Vis" "VisFirst" "Visible" "Wait" "WaitClose" "WantCtrlA" "WantF2" "WantReturn" "While" "WinActivate" "WinActivateBottom" "WinClose" "WinGet" "WinGetActiveStats" "WinGetActiveTitle" "WinGetClass" "WinGetPos" "WinGetText" "WinGetTitle" "WinHide" "WinKill" "WinMaximize" "WinMenuSelectItem" "WinMinimize" "WinMinimizeAll" "WinMinimizeAllUndo" "WinMove" "WinRestore" "WinSet" "WinSetTitle" "WinShow" "WinWait" "WinWaitActive" "WinWaitClose" "WinWaitNotActive" "Wrap" "Xdigit" "Yes" "ahk_class" "ahk_group" "ahk_id" "ahk_pid" "bold" "global" "italic" "local" "norm" "static" "strike" "underline" "xm" "xp" "xs" "ym" "yp" "ys")
"AHK keywords.")

(defvar ahk-directives
Expand All @@ -474,15 +474,20 @@ For details, see `comment-dwim'."
'("Alt" "AltDown" "AltTab" "AltTabAndMenu" "AltTabMenu" "AltTabMenuDismiss" "AltUp" "AppsKey" "BS" "BackSpace" "Browser_Back" "Browser_Favorites" "Browser_Forward" "Browser_Home" "Browser_Refresh" "Browser_Search" "Browser_Stop" "CapsLock" "Control" "Ctrl" "CtrlBreak" "CtrlDown" "CtrlUp" "Del" "Delete" "Down" "End" "Enter" "Esc" "Escape" "F1" "F10" "F11" "F12" "F13" "F14" "F15" "F16" "F17" "F18" "F19" "F2" "F20" "F21" "F22" "F23" "F24" "F3" "F4" "F5" "F6" "F7" "F8" "F9" "Home" "Ins" "Insert" "Joy1" "Joy10" "Joy11" "Joy12" "Joy13" "Joy14" "Joy15" "Joy16" "Joy17" "Joy18" "Joy19" "Joy2" "Joy20" "Joy21" "Joy22" "Joy23" "Joy24" "Joy25" "Joy26" "Joy27" "Joy28" "Joy29" "Joy3" "Joy30" "Joy31" "Joy32" "Joy4" "Joy5" "Joy6" "Joy7" "Joy8" "Joy9" "JoyAxes" "JoyButtons" "JoyInfo" "JoyName" "JoyPOV" "JoyR" "JoyU" "JoyV" "JoyX" "JoyY" "JoyZ" "LAlt" "LButton" "LControl" "LCtrl" "LShift" "LWin" "LWinDown" "LWinUp" "Launch_App1" "Launch_App2" "Launch_Mail" "Launch_Media" "Left" "MButton" "Media_Next" "Media_Play_Pause" "Media_Prev" "Media_Stop" "NumLock" "Numpad0" "Numpad1" "Numpad2" "Numpad3" "Numpad4" "Numpad5" "Numpad6" "Numpad7" "Numpad8" "Numpad9" "NumpadAdd" "NumpadClear" "NumpadDel" "NumpadDiv" "NumpadDot" "NumpadDown" "NumpadEnd" "NumpadEnter" "NumpadHome" "NumpadIns" "NumpadLeft" "NumpadMult" "NumpadPgdn" "NumpadPgup" "NumpadRight" "NumpadSub" "NumpadUp" "PGDN" "PGUP" "Pause" "PrintScreen" "RAlt" "RButton" "RControl" "RCtrl" "RShift" "RWin" "RWinDown" "RWinUp" "Right" "ScrollLock" "Shift" "ShiftDown" "ShiftUp" "Space" "Tab" "Up" "Volume_Down" "Volume_Mute" "Volume_Up" "WheelDown" "WheelLeft" "WheelRight" "WheelUp" "XButton1" "XButton2")
"AHK keywords for keys.")

(defvar ahk-operator-words
'("AND" "NOT" "OR")
"AHK operator words.")

(defvar ahk-operators
'("\\!" "!=" "&" "&&" "&=" "*" "**" "*=" "+" "++" "+=" "-" "--" "-=" "." "." ".=" "/" "//" "//=" "/=" ":=" "<" "<<" "<<=" "<=" "<>" "=" "==" ">" ">=" ">>" ">>=" "?:" "AND" "NOT" "OR" "^" "^=" "|" "|=" "||" "~" "~=" ",")
'("\\!" "!=" "&" "&&" "&=" "*" "**" "*=" "+" "++" "+=" "-" "--" "-=" "." "." ".=" "/" "//" "//=" "/=" ":=" "<" "<<" "<<=" "<=" "<>" "=" "==" ">" ">=" ">>" ">>=" "?:" "^" "^=" "|" "|=" "||" "~" "~=" ",")
"AHK operators.")

(defvar ahk-commands-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-commands 'words))
(defvar ahk-functions-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-functions 'words))
(defvar ahk-directives-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-directives 'words))
(defvar ahk-variables-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-variables 'words))
(defvar ahk-keys-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-keys 'words))
(defvar ahk-operator-words-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-operator-words 'words))
(defvar ahk-operators-regexp (regexp-opt ahk-operators))

(defvar ahk-double-quote-string-re "[\"]\\(\\\\.\\|[^\"\n]\\)*[\"]"
Expand All @@ -504,7 +509,7 @@ For details, see `comment-dwim'."
;; labels
("^\\([^\t\n :=]+\\):[^=]" . (1 font-lock-doc-face))
;; return
("[Rr]eturn" . font-lock-warning-face)
("\\<\\([Rr]eturn\\)\\>" . font-lock-warning-face)
;; functions
("^\\([^\t\n (]+\\)\\((.*)\\)" . (1 font-lock-function-name-face))
;; variables
Expand All @@ -514,6 +519,7 @@ For details, see `comment-dwim'."
(,ahk-directives-regexp . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
(,ahk-variables-regexp . font-lock-variable-name-face)
(,ahk-keys-regexp . font-lock-constant-face)
(,ahk-operator-words-regexp . font-lock-builtin-face)
(,ahk-operators-regexp . font-lock-builtin-face)
;; note: order matters
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File renamed without changes.
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File renamed without changes.
Binary file not shown.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/archive-contents

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

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File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
Binary file not shown.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
Binary file not shown.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
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File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.

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