A program to create interactable fractals in real-time, built in C++ using the SFML library.
The fractals themselves are generated by re-projecting the applications screen onto smaller, virtual, translucent sub-screens which can be translated, rotated and scaled by a user. When these sub-screens overlap, they become superimposed; this effect then recurses down the series of sub-screens, generating fractals without any taxing computation!
I created this after seeing a Youtube video from the channel CodeParade (see here) in which he uses a webcam to record the screen. I couldn't be bothered setting up a webcam, so I instead created this app as a means of learning the basics of SFML.
Once a sub-screen is created, it can be translated with left-click and drag. The other key-binds are:
- Space Add new sub-screen at mouse position
- Right Mouse Delete hovered sub-screen
- Scroll Rotate hovered sub-screen
- Shift + Scroll Scale hovered sub-screen
- Esc Close the program