This is an Android Chat Application I designed during my free time. This app follows the general material design guidelines and uses Firebase for authentication, storage, database and for notification log.
This app is still not perfect and has some bugs but can be used as a daily form of communication. The major problem with is app right now is that the push notifications don't work (I actually got frustrated and abandoned it midway :P).
Some other major bugs include sending an image as message. Image can be sent as a message, but that's it. You can't view the images completely and it messes up the RecyclerView layout in Chat Activity.
There also maybe some scaling issues because I designed this app in RelativeLayout with a 5.5 inch phone with 500 dpi.
This app will only supports devices with Android 8.1(Oreo), Android 7.1.1(Nougat) and Android 5.0(Lollipop).
git clone the url or download the zip
or here's the download link for the apk