A curated list of awesome RISC-V resources
Hopefully this repo can serve as a source of inspiration for your RISC-V related projects!
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A curated list of awesome RISC-V open source implementations which will inspire you to make yours.
A curated list of RISC-V Cores, available as open source with proper documentations.
- bigPULP
- biRISC-V - biRISC-V - 32-bit dual issue RISC-V CPU
- BOOM - The Berkeley Out-of-Order RISC-V Processor
- CV32E40P - OpenHW Group CORE-V CV32E40P RISC-V IP
- E203 - Hummingbird E203 Opensource Processor Core
- Freedom - by SiFive for its Freedom E300 and U500 platforms
- FWRISC - a Featherweight RISC-V implementation
- Ibex - Ibex RISC-V Core
- Kronos - Kronos RISC-V
- Leros - a Tiny Processor Core
- lipsi - Lipsi: Probably the Smallest Processor in the World
- Lizard - The Lizard Core
- Maestro
- Minerva - a 32-bit RISC-V soft processor
- MR1
- mriscv
- NEORV32 - The NEORV32 Processor (RISC-V)
- OpenPiton - The world's first open source, general purpose, multithreaded manycore processor
- NutShell
- patmos - a time-predictable VLIW processor
- PicoRV32 - a Size-Optimized RISC-V CPU
- PULP - PULP (Parallel Ultra-Low-Power) is an open-source multi-core computing platform
- Rattlesnake - RISC-V RV32IMC Soft CPU, with a Security-Hardened Processor Core
- Reindeer - PulseRain Reindeer - RISCV RV32I[M] Soft CPU
- ReonV
- RISCV-CLaSH - A RiscV processor implementing the RV32I instruction set written in clash
- riscv-mini
- Riscy - Riscy Processors - Open-Sourced RISC-V Processors
- RiscyOO - RiscyOO: RISC-V Out-of-Order Processors
- Rocket - Rocket Chip Generator 🚀
- RPU - Basic RISC-V CPU implementation in VHDL
- RSD - RSD RISC-V Out-of-Order Superscalar Processor
- RV01
- RV12
- Sail RISC-V - RISCV Sail Model
- SCR1 - SCR1 RISC-V Core
- SERV - SERV is an award-winning bit-serial RISC-V core
- Shakti C-Class - Shakti C-Class Core
- Shakti E-Class - Shakti E-Class Core
- Sodor
- SSRV - SuperScalar-RISCV-CPU
- Starsea
- Steel
- SweRV - EH1 SweRV RISC-V CoreTM 1.8 from Western Digital
- SweRV EH2 - EH2 SweRV RISC-V CoreTM 1.2 from Western Digital
- SweRV EL2 - EL2 SweRV RISC-V CoreTM 1.2 from Western Digital
- Taiga - Taiga is a 32-bit RISC-V processor
- Tiny Risc-V
- VexRiscv
- WARP-V - The open-source RISC-V core IP you can shape to your needs!
- FlexPRET - a 5-stage, fine-grained multithreaded RISC-V* processor
A curated list of RISC-V SoCs, available as open sources.
- Icicle - a 32-bit RISC-V system on chip for iCE40 HX8K, iCE40 UP5K and ECP5 FPGAs
- Iob-SoC
- PicoSoC - A simple example SoC using PicoRV32
- Raven - An ASIC implementation of the PicoSoC PicoRV32
- Riscy SoC
- Shakti SoC
- VexRiscv - Briey, and Murax
- CDL Hardware
- DANA - Dynamically Allocated Neural Network (DANA) Accelerator
- RISCV-FS - RISC-V formal ISA Specification
- Ariane
- SweRV from WD - FPGA Reference Design for the SweRV RISC-V CoreTM from Western Digital
- zscale
A curated list of open source toolchains which will halp to make your own design.
A curated list of open source Emulators/Simulators to design and test your RISC-V related work.
- Spike - RISC-V ISA Simulator
- Verilator - The fastest Verilog/SystemVerilog simulator
- Dromajo - Esperanto Technology's RISC-V Reference Model
- TLBSim - Fast TLB simulator for RISC-V systems
- Ripes - a visual computer architecture simulator and assembly code editor
- FireSim - Easy-to-use, Scalable, FPGA-accelerated Cycle-accurate Hardware Simulation
- FireSim-NVDLA - full-system simulator integrated with NVIDIA Deep Learning Accelerator (NVDLA)
- Shakti SDK
- FuseSoC - FuseSoC is an award-winning package manager and a set of build tools for HDL
- riscv-VM - OpenHW Group's RISC-V Virtual Machine
- TinyEMU - a system emulator for the RISC-V and x86 architectures
- RARS - RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator
- PULPino - a single-core microcontroller system, based on 32-bit RISC-V cores
- PULPissimo - microcontroller architecture of the more recent PULP chips
- RISC-V LINUX - Build Fedora Gnome Desktop on RISC-V!!
- Treadle - A Chisel/Firrtl Execution Engine
- Chipyard - framework for agile development of Chisel-based systems-on-chip
- Firrtl - Flexible Internal Representation for RTL
- RISC-V GNU Toolchain - RISC-V GNU Compiler Toolchain
- nextpnr - a portable FPGA place and route tool
- LowRISC Chip
- RISC-V DV - a SV/UVM based open-source instruction generator for RISC-V processor verification
- RISC-V Tests - unit tests for RISC-V processors
- CHISEL Tester
- RISC-V Torture - RISC-V Torture Test Generator
- RISC-V Formal - RISC-V Formal Verification Framework
- BOOM Attacks - BOOM Speculative Attacks
- Axe - automatic black box testing
- WebRISC-V - a web-based graphical pipelined datapath simulation environment built for the RISC-V
Resources to help you make your own designs.
- RISC-V ASM Tutorial Collection - by Western Digital Corporation
- R32V2020 32-Bit RISC CPU Design
- Looking into Hello World on RISC-V by Dennis Clarke
- RISC-V Workshop Zurich
- VLSI Systems Design - by UC Berkely
- Computer Organization - Fall 2019 - by Boston University
- Computer Architecture, Summer 2017 - by Oakland University
- Organization of Digital Computers Laboratory - by UC Irvine
- Complex Digital Systems - by MIT
- Computer Architecture - Spring 2018 - by Boston University
- Debugging & Verifying Programs - by University of Texas
- Computer Organization II - by Florida State University
- RISC-V ISA using Chisel - by University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Creating a custom processor with RISC-V
- Making a real processor step by step using RISC-V ISA
- Sail
- RISC-V RV32I assembly with Ripes simulator
- 2019 : A year of RISC-V and Open source silicon
- Research
- RISC-V Offers Simple, Modular ISA
- RISC-V Bases and Extensions Explained
- Learn with Shakti
- A Case for OS-Friendly Hardware Accelerators
- A Hardware Accelerator for Tracing Garbage Collection
- A Resource-Limited Hardware Accelerator for Convolutional Neural Networks in Embedded Vision Applications
- A RISC-V Vector Processor With Simultaneous-Switching Switched-Capacitor DC–DC Converters in 28 nm FDSOI
- A RISC-V vector processor with tightly-integrated switched-capacitor DC-DC converters in 28nm FDSOI
- Accelerating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Using Specialized Hardware
- AI Requires Many Approaches
- An Agile Approach to Building RISC-V Microprocessors
- An Efficient Instruction Fetch Architecture for a RISC-V Soft Processor on an FPGA
- Ara: A 1 GHz+ Scalable and Energy-Efficient RISC-V Vector Processor with Multi-Precision Floating Point Support in 22 nm FD-SOI
- BOOM v2: an open-source out-of-order RISC-V core
- BRISC-V: An Open-Source Architecture Design Space Exploration Toolbox
- Cambricon: An Instruction Set Architecture for Neural Networks
- Chipyard - An Integrated SoC Research and Implementation Environment
- Chipyard: Integrated Design, Simulation, and Implementation Framework for Custom SoCs
- Design and Implementation of CNN Custom Processor Based on RISC-V Architecture
- Design and programming of a coprocessor for a RISC-V architecture
- Design of the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture
- DianNao: A Small-Footprint High-Throughput Acceleratorfor Ubiquitous Machine-Learning
- FPGA-accelerated machine learning inference as a service for particle physics computing
- FirePerf: FPGA-Accelerated Full-System Hardware/Software Performance Profiling and Co-Design
- FireSim: FPGA-Accelerated Cycle-Exact Scale-OutSystem Simulation in the Public Cloud
- GAP-8: A RISC-V SoC for AI at the Edge of the IoT
- Gemmini: An Agile Systolic Array Generator Enabling Systematic Evaluations of Deep-Learning Architectures
- GhostRider: A Hardware-Software System for Memory Trace Oblivious Computation
- GRVI Phalanx: A Massively Parallel RISC-VFPGA Accelerator Accelerator
- Hardware/Software Codesign for Mobile Speech Recognition
- Implementing a TLB Generator with Chisel for RISC-V Architecture
- MALOC: A Fully Pipelined FPGA Accelerator for Convolutional Neural Networks With All Layers Mapped on Chip
- Measuring the Gap between Programmable and Fixed-FunctionAccelerators: A Case Study on Speech Recognition
- Minimizing Computation in Convolutional Neural Networks
- Nested-Parallelism PageRank on RISC-V Vector Multi-Processors
- OSEK-V: Application-Specific RTOS Instantiation in Hardware
- Out of order floating point coprocessor for RISC V ISA
- PHANTOM: Practical Oblivious Computationin a Secure Processor
- Programmable Fine-Grained Power Management and System Analysis of RISC-V Vector Processors in 28-nm FD-SOI
- PULP-NN: Accelerating Quantized Neural Networks on Parallel Ultra-Low-Power RISC-V Processors
- RISC-V out-of-order data conversion co-processor
- RV-CNN: Flexible and Efficient Instruction Set for CNNs Based on RISC-V Processors
- Scratchpad memory: a design alternative for cache on-chip memory in embedded systems
- SHAKTI Processors: An Open-Source Hardware Initiative
- SHAKTI-F: A Fault Tolerant Microprocessor Architecture
- Simty: a Synthesizable General-Purpose SIMTProcessor
- Simty: generalized SIMT execution on RISC-V
- SonicBOOM: The 3rd Generation Berkeley Out-of-OrderMachine
- Specification for the FIRRTL Language
- The Berkeley Out-of-Order Machine (BOOM): An Industry-Competitive, Synthesizable, Parameterized RISC-VProcessor
- The Case for RISC-V in Space
- The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual, Volume I: BaseUser-Level ISA
- The Rocket Chip Generator
- TIMBER-V: Tag-Isolated Memory BringingFine-grained Enclaves to RISC-V
- Towards a High-Performance RISC-V Emulator
- Towards Deep Learning using TensorFlow Lite on RISC-V
- Towards General-Purpose Neural Network Computing
- Tuning Algorithms and Generators for Efficient Edge Inference
- Using FireSim to Enable Agile End-to-End RISC-V ComputerArchitecture Research
- Variable Precision Floating-Point RISC-V Coprocessor Evaluation using Lightweight Software and Compiler Support
- Linux on RISC-V
- Intensivate's Learning Journey for Chisel
- CHISEL Bootcamp
- Notes for Rocket-Chip
- Chipyard
- Chisel/FIRRTL Hardware Compiler Framework
- CHISEL Cheatsheet
- FTPVL - FPGA Tool Performance Visualization Library
- RISC-V Notes
- HWPE: A CNN Accelerator for RISC-V
- Tutorial on RISC-V Design and Verification
- Advanced Examples of Using Chisel
- Chisel – Accelerating Hardware Design
- Cookbook
- Methodology for Implementation of Custom Instructions in RISC-V Architecture
- Introduction to Chisel for Biginners
- Ripes Wiki
- Open SoC Fabric
- Embedded Linux on RISC-V
- The RISC-V Instruction Set
- How I built a RISC-V CPU Core in a span of 5 days
These social media profiles will update about recent RISC-V related news.
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To the extent possible under law, Surya Raj has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.