Improve And Optimize Your Kafka In Literally Minutes.
Reduce Costs and Boost Performance by 75% Without Changing a Single Component or Your Existing Kafka!
The secret name superstream-creds-control-plane
cannot be changed in the current release. This will be fixed in an upcoming release.
To create a secret for the Superstream with randomly generated passwords, run the following command:
kubectl create secret generic superstream-creds-control-plane \
--from-literal=postgres-password=$(openssl rand -base64 16 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9') \
--from-literal=password=$(openssl rand -base64 16| tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9') \
--from-literal=repmgr-password=$(openssl rand -base64 16| tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9') \
--from-literal=admin-password=$(openssl rand -base64 16| tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9') \
--from-literal=superstream-admin-password=$(openssl rand -base64 16| tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9') \
--from-literal=control-plane-token=$(openssl rand -base64 48 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c32) \
--from-literal=encryption-secret-key=$(openssl rand -base64 48 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c32) \
--from-literal=jwt-secret-key=$(openssl rand -base64 48 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c32) \
--from-literal=jwt-api-secret-key=$(openssl rand -base64 48 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c32) \
-n superstream
- encryption-secret-key
- jwt-secret-key
- jwt-api-secret-key
- control-plane-token
For a more straightforward configuration, create a custom_values.yaml
file and edit the following values:
# GLOBAL configuration for Superstream Engine
engineName: "" # Define the superstream engine name within 32 characters, excluding '.', and using only lowercase letters, numbers, '-', and '_'.
superstreamAccountId: "" # Provide the account ID associated with the deployment, which could be used for identifying resources or configurations tied to a specific account.
superstreamActivationToken: "" # Enter the activation token required for services or resources that need an initial token for activation or authentication.
skipLocalAuthentication: true
onPrem: true
## If your environment uses a proxy server, uncomment the lines below and replace the URL with your proxy server's address.
enabled: false
proxyUrl: "https://your-proxy-server"
# Superstream Control Plane config
# Configure the time when the samples will be taken (UTC)
# Default: "7" (7:00 AM)
utcHourToTakeSamples: ""
# NATS config
# NATS HA Deployment. Default "true"
enabled: true
# NATS storageClass configuration. The default is blank "".
storageClassName: ""
port: 4222
enabled: false
# set secretName in order to mount an existing secret to dir
secretName: ""
enabled: false
secretName: ""
# Postgresql config
# Postgresql storageClass configuration. The default is blank "".
enable: true
storageClass: ""
# Kafka Autoscaler config
# Optional service to automatically scale the Kafka cluster up/down based on CPU and memory metrics
enabled: true
If your environment requires a proxy server to connect to external services, set the global.proxy.enabled variable to true and provide the global.proxy.proxyUrl in the custom_values.yaml file. This configuration ensures that all critical services route traffic through the specified proxy. Additionally, make sure your proxy server permits connectivity to the following endpoints:
- Prometheus:
- Loki:
- Stigg
To deploy the Superstream, run the following command:
helm repo add superstream-onprem --force-update && helm upgrade --install superstream superstream-onprem/superstream-onprem -f custom_values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace superstream --wait
To use the Superstream User Interface, the following two FQDN records should be exposed under the same domain.
- Expose the Superstream Control Plane service. Using superstream-api at the beginning of the configured FQDN is a hard requirement. Example: ""
- Expose the Superstream Control Plane UI service. Example:
- Log in to the Superstream UI and connect your first Kafka cluster.
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the SuperStream chart and their default values:
Parameter | Description | Default |
global.engineName |
Define the superstream engine name within 32 characters, excluding '.', and using only lowercase letters, numbers, '-', and '_'. | "" |
global.superstreamAccountId |
Provide the account ID associated with the deployment, which could be used for identifying resources or configurations tied to a specific account. | "" |
global.superstreamActivationToken |
Enter the activation token required for services or resources that need an initial token for activation or authentication. | "" |
global.skipLocalAuthentication |
Specifies whether to skip local authentication. | true |
global.image.pullPolicy |
Global image pull policy to use for all container images in the chart. Can be overridden by individual image pullPolicy. | "" |
global.image.pullSecretNames |
Global list of secret names to use as image pull secrets for all pod specs in the chart. Secrets must exist in the same namespace. | [] |
global.image.registry |
Global registry to use for all container images in the chart. Can be overridden by individual image registry. | "" |
global.labels |
Global labels to use for all container images in the chart. | "" |
global.onPrem |
Specifies if the deployment is for an on-premises environment. | true |
nats.config.cluster.enabled |
Indicates whether the NATS cluster is enabled. | true |
nats.config.jetstream.fileStore.pvc.storageClassName |
Specifies the storage class name for the Jetstream file store PVC. | "" |
nats.config.nats.tls.enabled |
Enables or disables TLS (Transport Layer Security) for the NATS server. Set to true to enable TLS. |
false |
nats.config.nats.tls.secretName |
If provided, mounts an existing secret to the directory for TLS credentials. Useful for referencing pre-existing certificates and keys. | "" |
nats.config.nats.tls.localCa.enabled |
Enables or disables the use of a local Certificate Authority (CA) for generating TLS certificates. | false |
nats.config.nats.tls.localCa.secretName |
The name of the secret containing the local CA’s certificates. Required if nats.config.nats.tls.localCa.enabled is set to true . |
false |
superstreamControlPlane.image.registry |
Docker registry to use for pulling the control plane backend service images. | "" |
superstreamControlPlane.secret.useExisting |
Determines whether to use an existing secret for the control plane. | true |
superstreamControlPlane.service.port |
Port for the control plane service. | 8888 |
utcHourToTakeSamples |
Configure the time when the samples will be taken (UTC) | "" |
superstreamControlPlane.extraEnv |
A map of additional environment variables for the application. | {} |
superstreamControlPlane.userInterface.image.registry |
Docker registry to use for pulling the control plane UI service images. | "" |
superstreamControlPlane.userInterface.extraEnv |
A map of additional environment variables for the application. | {} |
superstreamControlPlane.userInterface.service.port |
Port for the control plane UI service. | 80 |
superstreamEngine.releaseDate |
Release date for the backend component. | "2024-02-22-13-03" |
superstreamEngine.replicaCount |
Number of replicas for the backend deployment. | 2 |
superstreamEngine.image.repository |
Docker image repository for the backend service. | superstreamlabs/superstream-data-plane-be |
superstreamEngine.image.pullPolicy |
Policy for pulling the image. | Always |
superstreamEngine.image.tag |
Overrides the image tag. | "latest" |
superstreamEngine.imagePullSecrets |
Image pull secrets. | [] |
superstreamEngine.nameOverride |
Overrides for Helm's default naming conventions. | "" |
superstreamEngine.fullnameOverride |
Full name override for Helm's default naming conventions. | "" |
superstreamEngine.initContainers.image |
Image used for readiness checks or setup tasks before the main containers start. | curlimages/curl:8.6.0 |
superstreamEngine.configMap.enable |
Enable ConfigMap settings. | "" |
superstreamEngine.configMap.useExisting |
Determines whether to use an existing ConfigMap instead of creating a new one. | false |
superstreamEngine.configMap.existingConfigMapName |
Name of the existing ConfigMap to use if useExisting is true . |
my-existing-configmap | |
Name used when creating a new ConfigMap. | "" |
superstreamEngine.configMap.fileData.mountPath |
Path where the ConfigMap will be mounted in the pod. | /etc/superstream-conf/ |
superstreamEngine.configMap.fileData.fileName |
Name of the file to be used from the ConfigMap. | "" |
superstreamEngine.configMap.fileData.fileContent |
Content of the file to be used from the ConfigMap. | "" | |
Secret configuration for sensitive information. | superstream-creds |
superstreamEngine.secret.encryptionSecretKey |
Encryption secret key used for sensitive information. | "" |
superstreamEngine.secret.activationToken |
Activation token for services or resources. | "" |
superstreamEngine.secret.useExisting |
Specifies whether to use an existing secret. | false | |
Path for Prometheus to scrape metrics from the pod. | "/monitoring/metrics" | |
Specifies whether Prometheus should scrape metrics from the pod. | 'true' | |
Port for Prometheus to scrape metrics from the pod. | "7777" |
superstreamEngine.podSecurityContext |
Security context settings for the pod. | {} |
superstreamEngine.securityContext |
Security context for containers within the pod. | {} |
superstreamEngine.serviceAccount.create |
Specifies whether a service account should be created. | true |
superstreamEngine.serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations to add to the service account. | {} | |
The name of the service account to use. | "" |
superstreamEngine.extraEnv |
A map of additional environment variables for the application. | {} |
superstreamEngine.service.enabled |
Enable service for the backend. | true |
superstreamEngine.service.type |
Type of service for the backend. | ClusterIP |
superstreamEngine.service.port |
Port for the backend service. | 7777 |
superstreamEngine.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit for the backend pod. | 8 |
superstreamEngine.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit for the backend pod. | 8Gi |
superstreamEngine.resources.requests.cpu |
CPU request for the backend pod. | 500m |
superstreamEngine.resources.requests.memory |
Memory request for the backend pod. | 1Gi |
superstreamEngine.autoscaling.enabled |
Enable autoscaling for the backend. | true |
superstreamEngine.autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 2 |
superstreamEngine.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 5 |
superstreamEngine.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. | 75 |
superstreamEngine.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage |
Memory utilization percentage for autoscaling. | 75 |
superstreamEngine.nodeSelector |
Node selectors to control the placement of pods. | {} |
superstreamEngine.tolerations |
Tolerations for pods to tolerate certain node conditions or taints. | [] |
superstreamEngine.affinity |
Affinity rules for pod scheduling. | {} | |
Host for the internal NATS connection. | "" |
superstreamEngine.internalNatsConnection.port |
Port for the internal NATS connection. | 4222 | |
Host for the control plane connection. | "" |
superstreamEngine.controlPlane.port |
Port for the control plane connection. | 4222 |
superstreamEngine.syslog.enabled |
Determines whether the syslog is enabled for the superstream engine. | true |
superstreamEngine.syslog.remoteSyslog |
Remote syslog server to send logs to. | "superstream-syslog" |
superstreamEngine.releaseDate |
Release date for the backend component. | "2024-03-20-11-12" |
autoScaler.enabled |
Enables the Kafka auto-scaler. | "true" |
autoScaler.releaseDate |
Release date for the autoscaler. | "" |
autoScaler.replicaCount |
Enables the Kafka auto-scaler. | "false" |
autoScaler.image.repository |
Docker image repository for the Kafka auto-scaler. | "superstreamlabs/superstream-kafka-auto-scaler" |
autoScaler.image.pullPolicy |
Policy for pulling the Docker image. | Always |
autoScaler.image.tag |
Docker image tag (Overrides the image). | "latest" |
autoScaler.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit for the auto-scaler. | "2" |
autoScaler.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit for the auto-scaler. | "2Gi" |
autoScaler.resources.requests.cpu |
CPU request for the auto-scaler. | "500m" |
autoScaler.resources.requests.memory |
Memory request for the auto-scaler. | "500Mi" |
autoScaler.autoscaling.enabled |
Enable autoscaling for the backend. | true |
autoScaler.autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 2 |
autoScaler.autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas for autoscaling. | 5 |
autoScaler.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling. | 75 |
autoScaler.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage |
Memory utilization percentage for autoscaling. | 75 |
autoScaler.extraEnv |
A map of additional environment variables for the application. | {} |
autoScaler.nodeSelector |
Node selectors to control the placement of pods. | {} |
autoScaler.tolerations |
Tolerations for pods to tolerate certain node conditions or taints. | [] |
autoScaler.affinity |
Affinity rules for pod scheduling. | {} |
syslog.replicaCount |
Number of replicas for the syslog deployment. | 1 |
syslog.image.repository |
Docker image repository for syslog. | linuxserver/syslog-ng |
syslog.image.pullPolicy |
Pull policy for the syslog image. | IfNotPresent |
syslog.image.tag |
Tag for the syslog image. | "4.5.0" |
syslog.imagePullSecrets |
Image pull secrets. | [] |
syslog.service.type |
Type of service for syslog. | ClusterIP |
syslog.service.port |
Port for the syslog service. | 5514 |
syslog.service.protocol |
Protocol used by the syslog server. | UDP |
syslog.extraEnv |
A map of additional environment variables for the application. | {} |
syslog.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU limit for the syslog pod. | "100m" |
syslog.resources.limits.memory |
Memory limit for the syslog pod. | "256Mi" |
syslog.resources.requests.cpu |
CPU request for the syslog pod. | "50m" |
syslog.resources.requests.memory |
Memory request for the syslog pod. | "128Mi" | |
Specifies whether Prometheus should scrape metrics from the syslog pod. | 'false' |
syslog.remoteSyslog.destinationHost |
Destination host for the remote syslog. | telegraf |
syslog.remoteSyslog.port |
Port for the remote syslog. | 6514 |
syslog.remoteSyslog.protocol |
Protocol (e.g., UDP) for the remote syslog. | udp |
syslog.configMap.enabled |
Enable ConfigMap for syslog. | true | |
Name of the ConfigMap for syslog. | syslog-config |
syslog.configMap.mountPath |
Mount path for the syslog ConfigMap. | /tmp/syslog-ng.conf |
syslog.configMap.subPath |
Specific file to mount from the ConfigMap. | syslog-ng.conf |
syslog.persistence.enabled |
Enable persistence for syslog. | false |
syslog.persistence.size |
Size of the persistent volume for syslog. | "1Gi" |
syslog.persistence.accessModes |
Access modes (e.g., ReadWriteOnce) for the syslog persistent volume. | ["ReadWriteOnce"] |
syslog.persistence.storageClassName |
Storage class name for the syslog persistent volume. | "standard" |