Airbloc is decentralized data exchange protocol which is designed to be scalable, transparent, and able to handle enterprise-grade massive data. For details, please check our technical whitepaper.
This repository contains official implementation of Airbloc Protocol and networks using Golang.
Airbloc is under VERY ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT and should be treated as pre-alpha software. This means it is not meant to be run in production, its APIs are subject to change without warning.
It is strongly recommended that you use a released version. Release binaries are available on the releases page.
Go and Node is required to compile clients and smart contracts.
$ make all
If you see some errors related to header files on macOS, please install XCode Command Line Tools.
xcode-select --install
NOTE: After BetaNet release
$ airbloc server start
Before launching Airbloc network on local, Make sure that:
- airbloc-bigchaindb-proxy is running on
- BigchainDB >= 2.0 network is running on
- MongoDB used from BigchainDB is running on
- MongoDB used from BigchainDB is running on
- Ethereum node is running on
First, smart contracts should be deployed on the local Ethereum network. You can see guides on Deploying Contract section.
Second, you need to launch a bootstrap node to initiate P2P network:
$ bootnode
will be run on TCP port 9100. You can customize it via--port
Finally, you can launch Airbloc server via:
$ airbloc server start
Or you can customize ports and other parameters by passing a configuration file via:
$ airbloc server start --config /path/to/your/config.yml
Test files are located in test/
$ make test
Before launching Airbloc network on local, Make sure that
- airbloc-bigchaindb-proxy is running on
- BigchainDB >= 2.0 network is running on
- MongoDB used from BigchainDB is running on
- MongoDB used from BigchainDB is running on
- Ethereum node is running on
$ go run test/e2e/main.go
Regenerating Protobuf Binds
If you modify Protobuf definitions in proto/
, you should regenerate the protobuf binds.
$ make generate-proto
If you want attach to specific provider, you can use these commands
$ npm run console NETWORK_NAME
If there's some changes in contract, contract bindings should be also re-generated.
$ cd contracts/
$ npm run compile
$ cd ..
$ make generate-bind
First, you should create contracts/truffle-config.local.js
and implement your own provider.
const fs = require('fs');
// import your own provider (e.g. truffle-privatekey-provider, truffle-ledger-provider)
module.exports = {
getProviderOf(network) {
if (network === 'mainnet') return myMainnetProvider;
if (network === 'ropsten') return myRopstenProvider;
if (network === 'test') return myTestnetProvider;
Then you can deploy contracts:
$ cd contracts/
$ npm run deploy NETWORK_NAME
Writing deployments to deployment.local.json
After deploying, deployment.local.json
file will be generated in your source root.
You can use the deployment configuration to your Airbloc Network using configurations.
The airbloc-go project is licensed under the Apache License v2.0,
also included in our repository in the COPYRIGHT