#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Last updated: 2024-09-20
➜ fastfetch
/\ sujit@archlinux
/ \ --------------------
/\ \ OS: Arch Linux (btw) x86_64 🐧
/ \ Shell: fish 3.7.1, with Alacritty + Starship 🚀
/ ,, \ WM: i3 (x11) 🪟
/ | | -\ Editor: Neovim 📜
/_-'' ''-_\ --------------------
➜ cat << EOF
# Hello, I'm Sujit Kumar
Full Stack Developer | CLI Obsessive | Arch Fanatic 🎉
> I craft efficient workflows and wield powerful tools. When I'm not battling bugs, you'll find
me penning techtales on [dev.to](https://dev.to/sujit-shrc)or fine-tuning my digital habitat.
> Arch is my digital canvas. Rust-based tools are my paintbrush. I break things, fix them,
and call it art. 🎨
➜ echo -e "\n# What I'm Up To (still grinding XP)"
cat << EOF
- Developing full-stack applications with Next.js, TypeScript, Node.js, and FastAPI 💻
- Taming Linux systems and databases 🐳
- Building web crawlers and scrapers 🕷️
- Containerizing with Docker and setting up CI/CD pipelines 🔄
- Learning Rust (pending) ⚙️
➜ echo -e "\n# System Arsenal (a.k.a. \"Things I Can't Live Without\")"
declare -A spec_book
["os"] = "Arch Linux" # Keep things simple and minimalistic. Thinking about NixOS, though." 🐧
["wm"] = "i3" # Tiling is life. Mouse? Never heard of her.📏
["editor"] = "Neovim" # Vim wasn't hardcore enough. Now I can exit Vim, but I don't want to." 🔧
["terminal"] = "Alacritty" # Because my terminal needs to render faster than my thoughts." ⚡
["multiplexer"] = "tmux" # It's like having multiple personalities, but for terminals." 🎭
["shell"] = "fish" # Because zsh was too mainstream, and bash didn't have enough colors." 🐠
["prompt"] = "Starship" # Because even the CLI deserves to look like a spaceship cockpit." 🌌
["file_manager"] = "yazi" # Faster than 'cd'. Because life's too short for slow file operations." 🚀
for key in "${!spec_book[@]}"; do
printf "%-12s: %s\n" "$key" "${spec_book[$key]}"
➜ echo -e "\n# Projects (They're Totally Stable, I Swear)"
sudo npm list -g --depth=0
├── pzr@1.1.1 -> /opt/pzr/bin/pzr # CLI templates generator (Next.js, Express.js, Vite React) 📦
└── rnr@1.0.1 -> /opt/rnr/bin/rnr # Intelligent script runner for JS/TS projects 🎬
cat /etc/pzr/README.md
pzr (pazer) CLI: Smart project template and component scaffolding tool.
Usage: pzr init && pzr create home about contact
cat /etc/rnr/README.md
rnr (runner) CLI: Because 'npm run dev' was too many keystrokes.
Usage: cd your-project && rnr
echo "Unnamed Neovim Theme (In Progress) - It's like staring into the void,
but the void stares back with syntax highlighting. Your retinas will thank me later."
➜ echo -e "\n# Thoughts from /dev/brain"
cat << EOF
1. Debugged a production issue using only 'echo' statements.
It was like performing surgery with a spoon. 🥄
2. I tried to explain Git to my cat. She just stared at me,
then pushed everything off the table. 🐱
3. Wrote a script to automate my coffee-making while learning JS promises.
My coffee maker now has an existential crisis. ☕
➜ echo -e "\n# Hack These to Connect
(or Just Say Hi, That Works Too -- No Carrier Pigeons, Please):"
echo "Email : $(echo 'c3VqaXQtc2hyY0BnbWFpbC5jb20=' | base64 -d)"
echo "GitLab : $(echo 'uggcf://tvguno.pbz/fhwvg-fuep' | tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m')"
echo "Discord : $(printf '873195413308588052' | xxd -r -p)"
➜ echo -e "\n# Shameless Plug"
echo "Found any of my repos useful? A star would fuel my energy! ⭐"
echo "I'm always up for interesting projects or just tech chat."
➜ # Exit with Flair
echo -e "\nLogging off. May your compile times be short and your bugs be shallow."
echo "Remember, there's no place like ~/home, unless you're in a Docker container."
exit 0
tried to fight with git :xD
Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology
- Kanpur, India
- 5h30m ahead - https://sujit-shrc.vercel.app
- Pro
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