This plugin is a thin wrapper for Google Maps Android SDK v2 and Google Maps SDK for iOS. Both PhoneGap and Apache Cordova are supported.
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###Donation Please consider to make a small donation. We spent many hours to make this a great plugin, we even pay other developers to contribute new functions. In order to keep up the motivation, we ask for your help, too. Thanks!
Before I release the clustering feature, I want to raise a funding of 1000$. I will donate some of the funded money to @limeuwe for donating the code and to my developer for the Android part.
Currently funded: 20 $
###Quick install
Plugin is finally available on npm
Before you install, make sure you've read the instructions
npm (current stable 1.3.4)
$> cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-googlemaps --variable API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID="YOUR_ANDROID_API_KEY_IS_HERE" --variable API_KEY_FOR_IOS="YOUR_IOS_API_KEY_IS_HERE"
Github (current master, potentially unstable)
###Last release information
v.1.3.4 - 15/10/2015
- Updated Google Maps SDK for iOS to 1.10.4
- Will fix some bugs on iOS 9
- added zIndex (iOS only, not available for Android)
- 659
zIndex: int
// and
Check out the release notes.
- Automatic Installation
- Tutorials
- Upgrade
- Just re-install this plugin
- Create a LatLng object
- LatLng Class Reference
- Create a LatLngBounds object
- LatLngBounds Class Reference
- CameraPosition Class Reference
- Location Class Reference
- BaseClass Reference
##Crosswalk If you want to use crosswalk (highly recommended), just follow this easy documentation. Install Plugin with Crosswalk
New versions will be announced through the official community. Stay tuned!
###Example You can see an example here. phonegap-googlemaps-plugin-v1.2.5.apk
$> adb install phonegap-googlemaps-plugin-v1.2.5.apk