New plan:
- Make handcrafted data set, no reliance on api.
- Show the chart, made using normal elements. yes, see (this)[]
- Have custom elements on the page to filter listed people by XYZ.
- Make the json into sql to show relations between people
Timeline of scholars, empires and events from history (Arabic, then English)
Google charts ( seems best option, though D3 was tempting. Other libraries don't support timelines
Must use hijra date native:
Arabic first then English
For information… should get a proper book. Wikipedia can do till then
For data, let's start with CSV since it's easy to handle, then convert into a JSON to feed into the codebase
The aim is to increase historical awareness and knowledge, in an easy to understand and quick to use way.
Its better to collect more data and not use, than to need more information later and rush to find it
Data types: event, era, person
Properties for each type (required are starred):
Event: Name*, date*, region*, effect (calamity, blessing, neutral), blurb
Era: Name*, start year*, end year*, region*, blurb
Person: Name*, birth year*, death year*, region of birth*, regions of life (array: location, arrival, departure), fields, affiliation, blurb, peers (array: relation to other persons), teachers, students