(not to be confused with the word cheese)
This chess is made with c++ 17 and sfml for windows.
(not finished but playable)
Just head to the releases page to download a statically compiled version;
or if you want to build it yourself with cmake
you need to make sure to install sfml before that.
You can change all the images in the pieces
folder, just don't change image names, any image modification must be 60px x 60px
If you want to change the table layout, modify the table.tbs
file (all the values are case-sensitive), if the file is deleted another one will be generated automatically.
Table layout consists of 2 parts, the first one named tb
that means table, and it's value represents the size as an integer.
And the second part is the table layout that is how the pieces are placed in the table, the piece names are the following:
- black pawn: bp
- black tower: bt
- black horse: bh
- black bishop: bb
- black queen: bq
- black king: bk
- white pawn: wp
- white tower: wt
- white horse: wh
- white bishop: wb
- white queen: wq
- white king: wk
- empty: mt
To finish the configuration simply put end
at the end of the table.
There is another value that's ck
that means can kill
, if that value is true you will be able to kill the king in game and the game won't end, otherwise it will.
The ck
option is quite bug, so by default it's enabled meaning you can kill the king.
the default file for reference looks the following:
ck true
tb 8
bt bh bb bq bk bb bh bt
bp bp bp bp bp bp bp bp
mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt
mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt
mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt
mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt
wp wp wp wp wp wp wp wp
wt wh wb wq wk wb wh wt
for reference prefix b means black and prefix w means white, if any image is missing game might not run correctly or even start.
- b_bishop.png
- b_horse.png
- b_king.png
- b_queen.png
- b_tower.png
- b_pawn.png
- w_bishop.png
- w_horse.png
- w_king.png
- w_queen.png
- w_tower.png
- w_pawn.png
- chessIcon.png