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Update to the German contraction tables.
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mlang committed Sep 25, 2024
1 parent 6588b0b commit 16b5f0c
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Showing 2 changed files with 172 additions and 23 deletions.
112 changes: 106 additions & 6 deletions Tables/Contraction/de-2015.ctb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class r r
class hilmnrsu hilmnrsu
class l l
class lnr lnr
class cost cost
class st st
class konsonant bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,8 +132,34 @@ prfword gehendem 1245-2356-14-145-12356
prfword gehenden 1245-2356-14-145-14
prfword gehender 1245-2356-14-145-12456
prfword gehendes 1245-2356-14-145-123456
prfword gehens 1245-2356-14-234
before konsonant always geh 1245-2356
always umgehung 136-134-1245-2356-136 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
always gehung 1245-2356-136 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
before t always gehunger 12346-125-256-1245-12456
always angehen 235-1245-2356-14
always angehst 235-1245-2356-23456
always angeht 235-1245-2356-2345
always aufgehen 2-16-1245-2356-14
always aufgehst 2-16-1245-2356-23456
always aufgeht 2-16-1245-2356-2345
always einandergehen 2-1246-1245-2356-14
always einandergehst 2-1246-1245-2356-23456
always einandergeht 2-1246-1245-2356-2345
always eingehen 1246-1245-2356-14
always tiefgehen 2345-346-124-1245-2356-14
always umgehen 136-134-1245-2356-14
always umgehst 136-134-1245-2356-23456
always umgeht 136-134-1245-2356-2345
always vorgehen 2-26-1245-2356-14
always vorgehst 2-26-1245-2356-23456
always vorgeht 2-26-1245-2356-2345
always weitgehen 2456-2345-1245-2356-14
always zugehen 2-1356-1245-2356-14
always zugehst 2-1356-1245-2356-23456
always zugeht 2-1356-1245-2356-2345

before konsonant always bel 12-13456 Übelkeit shouldn't use the be-contraction
word bel 12-13456
before konsonant always bem 12-12356
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,7 +215,13 @@ midendword mm 1346
always wurm = wurmmittel shouldn't use the mm-contraction
begmidword or 26

always schance 234-1456-235-6-14
always schancen 234-1456-235-6-14-14
always schaos 234-1456-1-135-234
always schip 234-1456-24-1234
always schippe 156-24-1234-1234-15
always schippen 156-24-1234-1234-14
always schipper 156-24-1234-1234-12456
after konsonant midword ss =
after konsonant midendword ssatz 234-234-1356
after konsonant midendword ssätz 234-5-234-1356
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -427,8 +460,11 @@ word vertikal 1236-12456-2345-24-13-1-123 shouldn't use the ver-contraction
# Nachsilbenkürzungen
endword falls 124
endword unfalls 256-124-12345-234

midendword heit 125
before s midword heits 125-234
before t always geheiter 12346-125-146-2345-12456

midendword keit 13
before st midword keits 13-234
endword mal 134
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -461,12 +497,19 @@ sufword bisam =
always bischofsamt 12-24-156-135-124-234-1-134-2345 shouldn't use the sam-contraction

midendword schaft 156

midendword ung 136
always dschungel 145-156-256-1245-13456 shouldn't use the ung-contraction
always geklungen 12346-13-123-256-1245-14
always gelungen 12346-123-256-1245-14
always gesungen 12346-234-256-1245-14
prfword lunge 123-256-12346
midendword terung 2345-12456-136
before cst midword ungs 136-234 Bindungscharakter, Regierungschef
always ungenau 256-12346-1345-16
always schwung 156-2456-256-1245 shouldn't use the ung-contraction
always sprung 234-1234-1235-256-1245 shouldn't use the ung-contraction

endword wärts 2456

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -507,7 +550,6 @@ prfword maximal = shouldn't use the mal-contraction
begmidword maximal 134-1-6-1346-24-134-25 shouldn't use the mal-contraction
always tennis 2345-14-1345-24-234 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
midendword ungscharakter 136-234-1456-13
before st midendword ungs 136-234 shouldn't use the ss/st-contraction
midendword zung 1356-136 auseinandersetzung shouldn't use the zu-contraction
begword zung 1356-256-1245 shouldn't use the ung-contraction

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -731,6 +773,7 @@ always konson =
begmidword sensor 234-14-234-26
endword sensor 234-14-234-135-1235
endword sensor 234-14-234-135-1235
always sobjek =
always sockel 234-135-46-13456
word soda =
always soffizier 234-135-124-124-24-1356-346-1235
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -923,7 +966,31 @@ always aender 5-12456
always arbeit 356-12
always arbeits 356-12-234
always arben 356-12-14

always kauf 13-16-124
always akustikauf 1-13-136-23456-24-13-2-16
always bankauf 12-235-13-2-16
always denkauf 145-14-13-2-16
always bodenkauf 12-135-145-14-13-16-124
always fabrikauf 124-1-12-125-24-13-2-16
always werkauf 2456-12456-13-2-16
always funkauf 124-256-13-2-16
always grafikauf 1245-1235-1-124-24-13-2-16
always hydraulikauf 125-6-13456-145-125-16-123-24-13-2-16
always klinikauf 13-123-35-24-13-2-16
always lenkauf 123-14-13-2-16
always logistikauf 123-135-1245-24-23456-24-13-2-16
always mathematikauf 134-1-2345-125-12356-1-2345-24-13-2-16
always physikauf 1234-125-6-13456-234-24-13-2-16
always plastikauf 1234-123-1-23456-24-13-2-16
always quarkauf 6-12345-136-356-13-2-16
always schwenkauf 156-2456-14-13-2-16
always streikauf 23456-1235-346-13-2-16

always ausst 16-234-23456 shouldn't use the ss-contraction
always ausstell 16-234-2-13456
always ausstand 16-234-2-23456
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -994,6 +1061,10 @@ always pagandamittel 1234-1-1245-235-145-1-134-2345 propagandamittel

always dank 145-13
contraction dk
always goldankauf 1245-135-123-145-235-13-16-124
before g always mordankla 34-26-145-235-13-123-1
always mordankünd 134-26-145-235-13-1256-1345-145
before g always schuldankla 156-136-123-145-235-13-123-1
always undank 256-145-13 shouldn't use the und-contraction

always davon 145-1236
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1058,8 +1129,20 @@ always faell 5-124-12345
always fertig 124-45
always fest 124-15-23456 should use the st-contraction
always film =

always folg 124-1245
contraction fg
before hilmnrsu sufword folge 124-1245-15
word folgen 124-1245-14
before konsonant sufword folgen 124-1245-14
sufword folgenabschätz 124-1245-14-1-12-156-345-2345-1356
sufword folgenerschein 124-1245-14-12456-156-1246
before konsonant sufword folger 124-1245-12456
sufword folgerung 124-1245-12456-136
sufword folgerungs 124-1245-12456-136-234

always fragil =
before t always fragmen 124-1235-1-1245-134-14

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1455,6 +1538,9 @@ always herrück 125-15-1235-1235-46 shouldn't use the herr-contraction

always sag 234-1245
contraction sg
always korsage 13-26-234-1-12346
always korsagen 13-26-234-1-1245-14
always sagenda 234-1-1245-14-145-1
prfword sagent 234-1-1245-14-2345
prfword sagenten 234-1-1245-14-2345-14
prfword sagentin 234-1-1245-14-2345-35
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1548,10 +1634,16 @@ always stechnisch 234-2345-156
sufword test 2345-15-23456 shouldn't use the es-contraction
sufword töricht 2345-246-1235-3456-2345 shouldn't use the richt-contraction
sufword toericht 2345-246-1235-3456-2345 shouldn't use the richt-contraction

always trag 2345-1245
contraction tg
always arbeitrag 356-2-12-2345-1245
always austrag 16-234-2345-1245 shouldn't use the st-contraction
always arbitrage 356-12-24-2345-1235-1-12346
prfword arbitragen 356-12-24-2345-1235-1-1245-14
always arbitrageur 356-12-24-2345-1235-1-1245-126-1235
always tragehilf 2345-1245-15-125-24-123-124 shouldn't use the eh-contraction

always träg 5-2345-1245
always sträg 234-5-2345-1245
always train = training shouldn't use the first possible in-contraction
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1708,6 +1800,14 @@ midendword anebel 1-1345-15-12-13456 Andromedanebel shouldn't use the an-contrac
before st always anfangs 235-124-235-1245-234
before st always angriffs 235-1245-1235-24-124-124-234
always anklage 235-13-123-1-12346 Anklagerede shouldn't use the er-contraction
prfword anklagen 235-13-123-1-1245-14
prfword anklagend 235-13-123-1-1245-14-145
prfword anklagende 235-13-123-1-1245-14-145-15
prfword anklagendem 235-13-123-1-1245-14-145-12356
prfword anklagenden 235-13-123-1-1245-14-145-14
prfword anklagender 235-13-123-1-1245-14-145-12456
prfword anklagendes 235-13-123-1-1245-14-145-123456
prfword anklagens 235-13-123-1-1245-14-234
always anklang 235-13-123-235-1245 shouldn't use the lang-contraction
always ankläng 235-13-123-345-1345-1245 shouldn't use the läng-contraction
begword anlagen 235-123-1-1245-14
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1758,7 +1858,7 @@ midendword enorm 15-1345-26-134 Aussprachenorm shouldn't use the en-contraction
always emuskel 15-134-136-234-13-13456 shouldn't use the em-contraction
always eschatolog 123456-1456-1-2345-135-123-135-1245 shouldn't use the sch-contraction
always esther 123456-2345-125-12456 shouldn't use the st-contraction
always ästhe 345-234-2345-125-15 ästhetisch
always ästhe 345-23456-125-15 ästhetisch
midendword erecht 15-1235-2345
midendword ericht 15-2-3456
always erepublik 15-1235-13
Expand All @@ -1778,7 +1878,7 @@ always geier 1245-146-12456 should use the ei-contraction
always geil 1245-146-123 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
midendword geingang 1245-1246-1245-235-1245
midendword geingän 1245-1246-1245-345-1345
always gelungen 12346-123-256-1245-14
always geiz 1245-146-1356
always generation 1245-14-12456-5-1345
begmidword generator 1245-14-12456-1-2345-26
endword generator 1245-14-12456-1-2345-135-1235
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1875,12 +1975,10 @@ endword eschefins 123456-1456-15-124-35-234
endword eschefinnen 123456-1456-15-124-35-1345-14
endword eschefs 123456-1456-15-124-234
always schueler 156-1256-123-12456 should use the ue-symbol
always schwung 156-2456-256-1245 shouldn't use the ung-contraction
always september 234-15-1234-2345-12356-12-12456 should use the em-contraction
always dezember 145-15-1356-12356-12-12456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
before s always sichts 234-3456-2345-234 Ansichtssache shouldn't use the ss-contraction
always silber 234-24-123-12-12456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always sprung 234-1234-1235-256-1245 shouldn't use the ung-contraction
always ssitz 234-2-24 shouldn't use the ss-contraction
always ssonntag =
always sspiel 234-2-346
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1937,6 +2035,8 @@ word angelika 235-1245-13456-24-13-1 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
word angelina 235-1245-13456-35-1 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
word angelo 235-1245-13456-135 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
always daniel 145-235-24-13456 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
always gabriel 1245-1-12-1235-24-13456 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
always gabriell 1245-1-12-1235-24-15-12345 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
always gerlind 1245-12456-123-35-145 should use the er-contraction
always solveig 234-135-123-1235-146-1245 shouldn't use the so-contraction

Expand Down

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