Recursive Transition Network from the book Godel, Escher, Bach
This program implements a recursive transition network and uses it to generate random english phrases given a structure.
I've implemented the following two RTNs in this program:
taken from Douglas Hofstadter's Godel, Escher, Bach (Note how the second one includes self-reference).
My intention with this project was to create an RTN representing all possibilities for a full english sentence, and using it to generate random structurally correct sentences.
Sample Ornate Nouns:
the scaled soothing bijou
square excusable effect
colonial bruising scraper
a undemocratic unmodernized stag
the hastate gazelle
muscular gallinaceous nonvolatile dependent stove
northwesterly boxspring
an bacon
superficial choppy cornet
the terminative sleazy fathomable normal Deweyan icebreaker
Sample Fancy Nouns:
an synod
unverified increase
an swimming underneath xylophone who stone which constitutionalize the bungalow transgress
starchlike injured backhand unpremeditated cogent haptic savior
dash whoever behold celebration
sick towards thorn
choosy unsalted mirrorlike potent faucet that diverge a earthworm whichever inferior pheasant within celiac affecting masked slipping desperate beauty as headline consort
anarchistic hard hobbies