Node-based parser of Visual Studio projects/solutions.
All functions come in synchronous and asynchronous versions. Synchronous versions are suffixed with "Sync". Asynchronous versions return a promise which resolves to the same value as the synchronous version of a function.
Solution file parser
const parseSolution = (file, options = {}) => Promise.resolve({})
const parseSolutionSync = (file, options = {}) => {}
From a path
const parser = require('vs-parse');
const solutionData = await parser.parseSolution('HelloWorld.sln');
From a string
const parser = require('vs-parse');
const fs = require('fs');
const contents = fs.readFileSync('HelloWorld.sln', { encoding: 'utf-8' });
const solutionData = await parser.parseSolution(contents);
From a buffer
const parser = require('vs-parse');
const fs = require('fs');
const buffer = fs.readFileSync('HelloWorld.sln');
const solutionData = await parser.parseSolution(buffer);
const parser = require('vs-parse');
const solutionData = await parser.parseSolution('HelloWorld.sln');
fileFormatVersion: '12.00',
visualStudioVersion: '15.0.27004.2009',
minimumVisualStudioVersion: '10.0.40219.1',
projects: [
id: '1580E0CD-6DAA-4328-92F6-2E0B0F0AB7AF',
name: 'TestNUnit3',
relativePath: 'TestNUnit3\\TestNUnit3.csproj',
projectTypeId: 'FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC'
A full parse of a solution and all its dependencies can be done by passing the deepParse
option. This will force the parser to enumerate and parse all dependent projects (as well as their dependencies). See parseProject() for details.
const parser = require('vs-parse');
const solutionData = await parser.parseSolution('HelloWorld.sln' { deepParse: true });
fileFormatVersion: '12.00',
visualStudioVersion: '15.0.27004.2009',
minimumVisualStudioVersion: '10.0.40219.1',
projects: [
id: '1580E0CD-6DAA-4328-92F6-2E0B0F0AB7AF',
name: 'TestNUnit3',
relativePath: 'TestNUnit3\\TestNUnit3.csproj',
projectTypeId: 'FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC',
codeFiles: [
fileName: 'MyFile.cs'
packages: [
name: 'NUnit',
version: '3.7.1',
targetFramework: 'net452'
references: [
assemblyName: 'nunit.framework',
culture: 'neutral',
hintPath: '..\packages\NUnit.3.7.1\lib\net45\nunit.framework.dll',
processorArchitecture: 'MSIL',
publicKeyToken: 'b035f5f7f11d50a3a',
version: ''
Parses a project file.
const parseProject = (file, options = {}) => Promise.resolve({})
const parseProjectSync = (file, options = {}) => {}
From a path
const parser = require('vs-parse');
const projectData = await parser.parseProject('./TestNUnit3/TestNUnit3.csproj');
From a string
const parser = require('vs-parse');
const fs = require('fs');
const contents = fs.readFileSync('./TestNUnit3/TestNUnit3.csproj', { encoding: 'utf-8' });
const projectData = await parser.parseProject(contents);
From a buffer
const parser = require('vs-parse');
const fs = require('fs');
const buffer = fs.readFileSync('./TestNUnit3/TestNUnit3.csproj');
const projectData = await parser.parseProject(buffer);
const parser = require('vs-parse');
const projectData = await parser.parseProject('./TestNUnit3/TestNUnit3.csproj');
codeFiles: [
fileName: 'Class1.cs'
references: [
assemblyName: 'nunit.framework',
culture: 'neutral',
hintPath: '..\packages\NUnit.3.7.1\lib\net45\nunit.framework.dll',
processorArchitecture: 'MSIL',
publicKeyToken: 'b035f5f7f11d50a3a',
version: ''
A full parse of a project and all its dependencies can be done by passing the deepParse
option. This will force the parser to enumerate and parse all packages. Project files using the <PackageReference>
format do not require this option to return dependent packages. Dependency parsing will defer to the dependencies listed in packages.config
over <PackageReference>
if a packages.config
file is present.
const parser = require('vs-parse');
const projectData = await parser.parseProject('./TestNUnit3/TestNUnit3.csproj', { deepParse: true });
codeFiles: [
fileName: 'Class1.cs'
packages: [
name: 'NUnit',
version: '3.7.1',
targetFramework: 'net452'
references: [
assemblyName: 'nunit.framework',
culture: 'neutral',
hintPath: '..\packages\NUnit.3.7.1\lib\net45\nunit.framework.dll',
processorArchitecture: 'MSIL',
publicKeyToken: 'b035f5f7f11d50a3a',
version: ''
Parses a nuget 'packages.config' file.
const parsePackages = (file, options = {}) => Promise.resolve({})
const parsePackagesSync = (file, options = {}) => {}
const parser = require('vs-parse');
const packages = await parser.parsePackages('./packages.config');
name: 'NUnit',
version: '3.7.1',
targetFramework: 'net452'
A very simple semver parser. Mostly a wrapper over standardized tools, with support for .NET-specific assembly versioning.
const parser = require('vs-parse');
const versionString = '';
const versionInfo = parser.parseSemverSync(versionString);
major: '1',
minor: '2',
patch: '3',
version: '1.2.3',
originalString: ''
An options
object can be passed to a parsing function to customize its behaviour.
- Specifying true
will also read and parse all dependencies. Defaults to false
Example: A solution is dependent on its projects, while a project is dependent on its packages.
- The root directory under which the solution or project lives. Defaults to undefined
Required when doing a deep parse of a solution or project from file contents or a buffer.