This is a Typescript slack bot which allows posting schedule data to a Slack channel. It uses AWS Lambda and the serverless framework.
The baseline data source is a Google Spreadsheet. This uses slack bolt and node google spreadsheet API.
The bot requires several environment variables to run.
Name | Description |
SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET | Information for the app to interact with Slack |
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN | Also used for Slack API |
GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL | Email for the service account, which has been granted access to the Google Spreadsheet |
GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY | Creds for access. |
SLACK_GOOGLE_SHEET_ID | ID of the google sheet so Slack can access it |
An admin must install the Bot in the Slack workspace in order to use Slack slash commands.
/oncall help
to see slash command help
/oncall now
to see who is on call right now.
/oncall schedule
to see the next few weeks of schedule
/oncall post schedule
to post the next few weeks of schedule and @ listed users
/oncall refresh
to refresh data from the spreadsheet
The message :arrow_right: *On-call Reminder* :arrow_left:
will trigger a schedule now
+ post schedule
- same as /oncall schedule
The baseline data lives in a Google Spreadsheet. The library used to access this sheet treats the first row as column names, so format must be preserved.
This sheet is the main schedule.
Date Start
Date End
Final Primary
Final Secondary
Names in the Final Primary and Final Secondary columns are primary keys which map to Team Data.
This sheet maps users' first and lastname to Slack Member IDs.
Display Name
Slack Member ID
List of Slack workspace channels and IDs, which will be custom to each workspace.
Flat list of messages to display.
Substitutions are enabled for the start and end of on-call period.
This is a simple list of key-value pairs, with cells in the first row (column names) as the keys, and the next row containing all respective data.
- added to messaging when on-call schedule is posted
SLS makes this easy to deploy to AWS.
sls deploy --stage prod --aws-profile profile-name