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This is the back-end of the CineTasty app.

This server is a GraphQL-API that requests data from different REST datasources and return them as graphql-responses to the clients. No data is stored nor generated (for now).

🚧 This project is not finished 🚧

This project is still under development, and you can check the Roadmap of planned features here.


Movies, TV-Shows, Actors and Actresses

  • Get details
  • Search
  • Get the latests trends


  • Create trivia-questionnaires about Cinema


  • Get the latests news about Cinema


High-level architecture High-level architecture

This server lives in docker containers. The clients will send requests to the server and the server will request this data from one of the REST datasources. At the moment, the app requests data from three different datasources:

  • The Movie DB API: Used to search and get details and trends related to Movies, TV-Shows and Actors/Actresses.
  • Open Trivia DB API: Used to reate questionnaries about Cinema
  • News API: Used to get the latests news about Cinema

Depending on the query, the server will resolve the requested data by fetching the proper datasource.

Also, Redis is used to cache some of the responses returned by the datasources.

Request flow

Request flow Example of request flow - user requesting details about a Movie

  1. The clients will send GraphQL queries to the server
  2. The server will fetch the data requested in the step 2 by requesting the data from the proper REST datasource (In this case, TMDB API)
  3. The REST datasource will return the data to the server
  4. The server will return the data to the user as a graphql-response


You can check the documentation with the possible queries here.

Also, you can check how to generate it here.

Getting Started

Cloning the Repository

$ git clone

$ cd cine-tasty-server



You'll only need to have Docker installed in order to have the server up and running.

API Keys

This server uses three environment variables, but only TMDB API and News API are required in order to run the server.

TMDB and News require that you have a personal key to use their services. You can generate the TMDB API key here and News API key here.

The STEP_ZEN_KEY is used by spectaql, the tool that is used to generate the GraphQL documentation, also requires that you have a key to use it, but it's not required to run the app. If you're interested in generate the documentation, you'll have to create your key here.

Setup environment variables

The .env.example file shows all the enviroment variables that you'll need to set in order to run the app (except for the STEP_ZEN_KEY).

To setup the environment variables, create a new .env file and add their respectives values.


At this point, you should already have your environment variables declared in a .env file.

To run the app, you just need start the containers using docker compose.

$ docker-compose --env-file .env up --build

You'll find the app runing at your localhost:<NODEJS_SERVER_PORT>

I'll be using npm as package-manager to run the tasks described below, but you can use yarn or pnpm.

Starting the dev-server

To start the development server, run:

$ npm run start:dev


To build the application, run:

$ npm run build

Running prettier

To prettify the code, run:

$ npm run prettier:fix

Running eslint

To lint the code, run:

$ npm run lint:fix


The tests are divided in integration and unit. The unit-tests files are the .test.ts files and the integration-test files are the .spec.ts.

To only run the unit-tests:

$ npm run test:unit

To only run the integration-tests:

$ npm run test:integration

To run all tests:

$ npm run test

To run all tests in watch mode:

$ npm run test:watch

To run all tests with code-coverage metrics:

$ npm run test:coverage

Generating types

This project uses graphql-code-generator to generate the static typescript types of the graphql operations.

To initiate the graphql-code-generator (it's already initiated):

$ npm run codegen:init

To generate the types:

$ npm run codegen:generate

The generated types will be saved at src/generated/graphql.ts. If you want to change this location, just modify the codegen.yml file.

Generating documentation

To generate the documentation (make sure that you have the server running):

$ npm run generate:docs

The documentation will be generated at the docs folder in the root directory. If you want to modify some of the data generated in the generated documentation, please refer to the spectaql-config.yaml file.

Roadmap - future features

Even with all the interactions with the datasources in place, I would like to add more complexity to this application. At the moment, I'm thinking about the following:

  • Add authentication
  • Allow the user to create and manage lists of favorite movies/tv-shows/actors/actresses
  • Allow the user to create and manage lists of movies/tv-shows to watch-later
  • Add reviews of movies and tv-shows
  • Keep a track of the results in the questionnaires
  • Create a ranking of the scores in the questionnaires

To accomplish this, the project will need to have a database. Due the structure of the data presented by the features, I'll be using PostgreSQL as the database.


This project is part of my personal portfolio. So, I would be happy if you could provide me any feedback about the project, code, structure or anything that you can report that could make me a better developer!

Email-me: [email protected]

Connect with me at LinkedIn

Also, you can use this Project as you wish, be for study, be for make improvements or earn money with it!

It's free!

Thank you!


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