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v4.0.0 - Horizon 1.0 support

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@abuiles abuiles released this 06 Feb 19:59
· 302 commits to master since this release


  • Add support for top-level offers endpoint with seller, selling, and buying filter. (#485)
    Horizon 1.0 includes a new /offers end-point, which allows you to list all offers, supporting filtering by seller, selling, or buying asset.

    You can fetch data from this endpoint by doing server.offers() and use any of the following filters:

    • seller: server.offers().forAccount(accountId)
    • buying: server.offers().buying(asset)
    • selling: server.offers().selling(asset)

    This introduced a breaking change since it modified the signature for the function server.offers().

    Before, if you wanted to list all the offers for a given account, you'd do:

    server.offers('accounts', accountID)

    Starting on this version you'll need to do:


    You can do now things that were not possible before, like finding
    all offers for an account filtering by the selling or buying asset

  • Add support for filtering accounts by signer or asset (#474)
    Horizon 1.0 includes a new /accounts end-point, which allows you to list all accounts who have another account as a signer or hold a given asset.

    You can fetch data from this endpoint by doing server.accounts() and use any of the following filters:

    • accountID: server.accounts().accountId(accountId), returns a single account.
    • forSigner: server.accounts().forSigner(accountId), returns accounts where accountId is a signer.
    • forAsset: server.accounts().forAsset(asset), returns accounts which hold the asset.
  • Add TypeScript typings for new fields in fee_stats. (#462)


  • Changed TypeScript typing for multiple operations "type", it will match the new value on Horizon. (#477)


  • Fix fetchTimebounds() (#487)
  • Clone the passed URI in CallBuilder constructor, to not mutate the outside ref (#473)
  • Use axios CancelToken to ensure timeout (#482)


  • Remove fee_paid field from transaction response. (#476)

  • Remove all *_accepted_fee from FeeStatsResponse. (#463)

  • Change function signature for server.offers. (#485)
    The signature for the function server.offers() was changed to bring suppport for other filters.

    Before, if you wanted to list all the offers for a given account, you'd do:

    server.offers('accounts', accountID)

    Starting on this version you'll need to do:
