Solution structure: 1.Domain - Core application project. Contains bussines logic implementation. 2.Data - Data providers. Usually database repositories implementations. 3.Presentation - Presenters and view models. Those are mapping utilities which convert use cases responses to appropriate representations for view. 4.Infrastructure - Different utilities.
- Dtos Responses from use cases. Domain entities are mapped to them.
- Entities Core bussines objects.
- Interfaces Policies which are referenced in use cases and implementation in other projects. For example repositories interfaces, or other gateways used to communicate with external services.
- Models Use cases input models.
- Services Domain services which are shared between use cases.
- Shared Utilities shared between use cases. Base specification and use case interfaces.
- Specifications Expressions wrappers used for querying data from repositories.
- UseCases Application bussines rules. They represent real business use cases and control data flow.