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Simplify prettyprinting. #71
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epost committed Aug 9, 2019
1 parent 8ba17a9 commit e6ae75b
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Showing 4 changed files with 32 additions and 32 deletions.
13 changes: 3 additions & 10 deletions src/Language/Common.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,9 +65,6 @@ fromListAccum ((k,v):kvs) = Map.insert k op (fromListAccum kvs)
op = maybe (Set.singleton v) (Set.insert v) (Map.lookup k r)
r = fromListAccum kvs

showCtx :: (Show a1, Show a2) => Map a1 a2 -> String
showCtx m = unwords $ (\(k,v) -> show k ++ " : " ++ show v) $ Map.toList m

fromList'' :: (Show k, Ord k) => [k] -> Err (Set k)
fromList'' [] = return Set.empty
fromList'' (k:l) = do
Expand All @@ -85,9 +82,6 @@ toMapSafely ((k,v):l) = do
then Left $ "Duplicate binding: " ++ show k
else pure $ Map.insert k v l'

showCtx'' :: (Show a1, Show a2) => Map a1 a2 -> String
showCtx'' m = intercalate "\n" $ (\(k,v) -> show k ++ " = " ++ show v ++ "\n") <$> Map.toList m

lookup' :: (Show k, Show a, Ord k) => k -> Map k a -> a
lookup' m v = fromMaybe (error $ "Can't find " ++ show v ++ " in " ++ show m) $ Map.lookup m v

Expand All @@ -110,12 +104,11 @@ data Kind = CONSTRAINTS | TYPESIDE | SCHEMA | INSTANCE | MAPPING | TRANSFORM | Q

type ID = Integer

showCtx' :: (Show a1, Show a2) => Map a1 a2 -> String
showCtx' m = intercalate "\n\t" $ (\(k,v) -> show k ++ " : " ++ show v) <$> Map.toList m
sepTup :: (Show a1, Show a2) => String -> (a1, a2) -> String
sepTup sep (k,v) = show k ++ sep ++ show v

section :: String -> String -> String
section heading body = heading ++ "\n" ++ indentLines body
section heading body = heading ++ "\n" ++ indentLines body

indentLines :: String -> String
indentLines = foldMap (\l -> tab <> l <> "\n"). lines
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23 changes: 11 additions & 12 deletions src/Language/Instance.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Typeable hiding (typeOf)
import Data.Void
import Language.Common
import Language.Common (elem', intercalate, fromListAccum, mapl, section, sepTup, toMapSafely, Deps(..), Err, Kind(INSTANCE), MultiTyMap, TyMap, type (+))
import Language.Mapping as Mapping
import Language.Options
import Language.Prover
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -800,32 +800,31 @@ instance (TyMap Show '[var, ty, sym, en, fk, att, gen, sk, x, y], Eq en, Eq fk,
=> Show (Instance var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y) where
show (Instance _ p _ alg) =
section "instance" $ unlines
[ section "presentation" (show p)
, section "algebra" (show alg)
[ section "presentation" $ show p
, section "algebra" $ show alg

instance TyMap Show '[var, ty, sym, en, fk, att, gen, sk]
=> Show (Presentation var ty sym en fk att gen sk) where
show (Presentation ens' _ eqs') =
[ section "generators" $ showCtx' ens'
[ section "generators" $ intercalate "\n" $ sepTup " : " <$> Map.toList ens'
, section "equations" $ intercalate "\n" $ show eqs'

instance (TyMap Show '[var, ty, sym, en, fk, att, gen, sk, x, y], Eq en, Eq fk, Eq att)
=> Show (Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y) where
show alg@(Algebra sch _ _ _ _ ty' _ _ teqs') =
"entities" ++ "\n" ++
(indentLines $ intercalate "\n" prettyEntities) ++ "\n" ++
"type-algebra" ++ "\n" ++
indentLines prettyTypeEqns ++ "\n" ++
"nulls" ++ "\n" ++
indentLines w
unlines $
[ section "entities" $ unlines prettyEntities
, section "type-algebra" $ intercalate "\n" prettyTypeEqns
, section "nulls" $ intercalate "\n" w
w = intercalate "\n" . mapl w2 . Typeside.tys . Schema.typeside $ sch
w = mapl w2 . Typeside.tys . Schema.typeside $ sch
w2 ty'' = show ty'' ++ " (" ++ (show . Set.size $ ty' ty'') ++ ") = " ++ show (Foldable.toList $ ty' ty'') ++ " "
prettyEntities = prettyEntityTable alg `mapl` Schema.ens sch
prettyTypeEqns = intercalate "\n" ( show teqs')
prettyTypeEqns = show teqs'

:: (TyMap Show '[ty, sym, en, fk, att, x, y], Eq en)
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21 changes: 13 additions & 8 deletions src/Language/Program.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module Language.Program where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Language.Common (section, showCtx'', TyMap, Kind(..))
import Language.Common (section, TyMap, Kind(..))
import Language.Instance as I
import Language.Mapping as M
import Language.Query as Q
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,13 +108,18 @@ newEnv = KindCtx m m m m m m

instance TyMap Show '[ts, s, i, m, q, t, o] => Show (KindCtx ts s i m q t o) where
show (KindCtx ts s i m q t o) =
section "typesides" (showCtx'' ts) ++
section "schemas" (showCtx'' s) ++
section "instances" (showCtx'' i) ++
section "mappings" (showCtx'' m) ++
section "queries" (showCtx'' q) ++
section "transforms" (showCtx'' t) ++
section "other" (show o)
section "program" $ unlines
[ section "typesides" $ showCtx ts
, section "schemas" $ showCtx s
, section "instances" $ showCtx i
, section "mappings" $ showCtx m
, section "queries" $ showCtx q
, section "transforms" $ showCtx t
, section "other" $ show o
showCtx :: (Show a1, Show a2) => Map a1 a2 -> String
showCtx m = unlines $ (\(k,v) -> show k ++ " = " ++ show v ++ "\n") <$> Map.toList m

allVars :: KindCtx ts s i m q t o -> [(String, Kind)]
allVars x =
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/Language/Typeside.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,8 +74,11 @@ instance (Show var, Show ty, Show sym) => Show (Typeside var ty sym) where
, section "equations" $ unlines eqs''
syms'' = (\(k,(s,t)) -> show k ++ " : " ++ show s ++ " -> " ++ show t) <$> Map.toList syms'
eqs'' = (\(k,s) -> "forall " ++ showCtx k ++ " . " ++ show s) <$> Set.toList eqs'
syms'' = (\(k,(s,t)) -> show k ++ " : " ++ show s ++ " -> " ++ show t) <$> Map.toList syms'
eqs'' = (\(k,s) -> "forall " ++ showCtx k ++ " . " ++ show s) <$> Set.toList eqs'

showCtx :: (Show a1, Show a2) => Map a1 a2 -> String
showCtx m = unwords $ fmap (sepTup " : ") $ Map.toList m

instance (NFData var, NFData ty, NFData sym) => NFData (Typeside var ty sym) where
rnf (Typeside tys0 syms0 eqs0 eq0) = deepseq tys0 $ deepseq syms0 $ deepseq eqs0 $ deepseq eq0 ()
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