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Assorted formatting, refactoring, commenting. #148
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epost committed Aug 21, 2019
1 parent 0bc2291 commit 9777270
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Showing 6 changed files with 51 additions and 38 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Language/CQL.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ timeout' i p = unsafePerformIO $ do
class Typecheck e e' where
typecheck :: Types -> e -> Err e'

-- | Checks that e.g. in @sigma F I@ that @F : S -> T and I : S-Inst@.
-- | Checks that e.g. in @sigma F I@ that @F : S -> T@ and @I : S-Inst@.
-- Checking that @S@ is well-formed is done by 'validate'.
typecheckCqlProgram :: [(String,Kind)] -> Prog -> Types -> Err Types
typecheckCqlProgram [] _ x = pure x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,6 +360,7 @@ getOptions' e = case e of
ExpM e' -> getOptions e'
ExpT e' -> getOptions e'
ExpQ e' -> getOptions e'


evalTypeside :: Prog -> Env -> TypesideExp -> Err TypesideEx
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/Language/CQL/Collage.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ data Collage var ty sym en fk att gen sk
{ ceqs :: Set (Ctx var (ty+en), EQ var ty sym en fk att gen sk)
, ctys :: Set ty
, cens :: Set en
, csyms :: Map sym ([ty],ty)
, cfks :: Map fk (en, en)
, catts :: Map att (en, ty)
, csyms :: Map sym ([ty], ty)
, cfks :: Map fk (en , en)
, catts :: Map att (en , ty)
, cgens :: Map gen en
, csks :: Map sk ty
} deriving (Eq, Show)
Expand All @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ simplify
=> Collage var ty sym en fk att gen sk
-> (Collage var ty sym en fk att gen sk, [(Head ty sym en fk att gen sk, Term var ty sym en fk att gen sk)])
simplify (Collage ceqs' ctys' cens' csyms' cfks' catts' cgens' csks' )
= (Collage ceqs'' ctys' cens' csyms' cfks' catts' cgens'' csks'', f)
= (Collage ceqs'' ctys' cens' csyms' cfks' catts' cgens'' csks'', f)
(ceqs'', f) = simplifyFix ceqs' []
cgens'' = Map.fromList $ Prelude.filter (\(x,_) -> notElem (HGen x) $ fmap fst f) $ Map.toList cgens'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ assembleGens
=> Collage var ty sym en fk att gen sk
-> [Carrier en fk gen]
-> Map en (Set (Carrier en fk gen))
assembleGens col [] = Map.fromList $ fmap (, Set.empty) $ Set.toList $ cens col
assembleGens col [] = Map.fromList $ mapl (, Set.empty) $ cens col
assembleGens col (e:tl) = Map.insert t (Set.insert e s) m
m = assembleGens col tl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ typeOfEq' col (ctx, EQ (lhs, rhs)) = do
initGround :: (Ord ty, Ord en) => Collage var ty sym en fk att gen sk -> (Map en Bool, Map ty Bool)
initGround col = (me', mt')
me = Map.fromList $ (\en -> (en, False)) $ Set.toList $ cens col
mt = Map.fromList $ (\ty -> (ty, False)) $ Set.toList $ ctys col
me = Map.fromList $ fmap (\en -> (en, False)) $ Set.toList $ cens col
mt = Map.fromList $ fmap (\ty -> (ty, False)) $ Set.toList $ ctys col
me' = Prelude.foldr (\(_, en) m -> Map.insert en True m) me $ Map.toList $ cgens col
mt' = Prelude.foldr (\(_, ty) m -> Map.insert ty True m) mt $ Map.toList $ csks col

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32 changes: 21 additions & 11 deletions src/Language/CQL/Instance.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,12 +67,17 @@ import qualified Text.Tabular.AsciiArt as Ascii
-- Algebras

-- | An algebra (model) of a schema. For entities, consists of a carrier set, evaluation function
-- (nf), and its "inverse" repr. For types, consists of a generating set of labelled nulls,
-- evaluation function (nf'), and its "inverse" repr', as well as a set of equations (the so-called type algebra).
-- The Eq instance is not defined because for now we define instance equality to be based on equations.
-- x: type of Carrier
-- y: type of generators for type algebra presentation
-- | An algebra (model) of a 'Schema'.
-- * For entities, consists of a carrier set, evaluation function @nf@, and its "inverse" @repr@.
-- * For types, consists of a generating set of labelled nulls, evaluation function @nf'@, and its "inverse" @repr'@,
-- as well as a set of equations (the so-called type algebra).
-- The @Eq@ instance is not defined because for now we define instance equality to be based on equations.
-- @x@: type of Carrier
-- @y@: type of generators for type algebra presentation
data Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y
= Algebra
{ aschema :: Schema var ty sym en fk att
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +191,7 @@ data Instance var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y
= Instance
{ schema :: Schema var ty sym en fk att
, pres :: Presentation var ty sym en fk att gen sk
, dp :: EQ Void ty sym en fk att gen sk -> Bool
, dp :: EQ Void ty sym en fk att gen sk -> Bool
, algebra :: Algebra var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y

Expand All @@ -198,7 +203,8 @@ freeTalg (Instance _ _ _ (Algebra _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ teqs)) = Prelude.null teqs
-- | Just syntactic equality of the theory for now.
instance TyMap Eq '[var, ty, sym, en, fk, att, gen, sk, x, y]
=> Eq (Instance var ty sym en fk att gen sk x y) where
(==) (Instance schema' (Presentation gens' sks' eqs') _ _) (Instance schema'' (Presentation gens'' sks'' eqs'') _ _)
(==) (Instance schema' (Presentation gens' sks' eqs' ) _ _)
(Instance schema'' (Presentation gens'' sks'' eqs'') _ _)
= (schema' == schema'') && (gens' == gens'') && (sks' == sks'') && (eqs' == eqs'')

instance TyMap NFData '[var, ty, sym, en, fk, att, gen, sk, x, y]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,8 +248,8 @@ reify f s = concat $ Set.toList $ (\en'-> Set.toList $ (, en') $
:: forall var ty sym en fk att gen sk
. (MultiTyMap '[Show, Ord, NFData] '[var, ty, sym, en, fk, att, gen, sk])
=> Schema var ty sym en fk att
-> Presentation var ty sym en fk att gen sk
=> Schema var ty sym en fk att
-> Presentation var ty sym en fk att gen sk
-> Err (Instance var ty sym en fk att gen sk gen (Either sk (gen, att)))
saturatedInstance sch (Presentation gens sks eqs) = do
(fks, atts) <- foldM procEq (Map.empty, Map.empty) eqs
Expand All @@ -252,7 +258,7 @@ saturatedInstance sch (Presentation gens sks eqs) = do
let alg = Algebra sch (Set.fromList . gens') (nf1 fks) (nf2 fks) Gen (Set.fromList . sks' atts) (nf' atts) repr' Set.empty
pure $ Instance sch (Presentation gens sks eqs) (\(EQ (l, r)) -> l == r) alg
--checkTotality :: Map (gen, fk) gen -> Err ()
checkTotality :: Map (gen, fk) gen -> Err ()
checkTotality fks =
mapM_ (\en -> if List.null (fksMissing en fks)
then pure ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,7 +300,11 @@ saturatedInstance sch (Presentation gens sks eqs) = do
-- Initial algebras

-- | The carrier for the initial algebra of an instance; they are just terms.
-- Made into a separate type so this could be changed; cql-java for example just uses natural numbers as the carrier.
type Carrier en fk gen = Term Void Void Void en fk Void gen Void

-- | The generating labelled nulls for the type algebra of the associated instance.
newtype TalgGen en fk att gen sk = MkTalgGen (Either sk (Carrier en fk gen, att))

-- | Computes an initial instance (minimal model of a presentation).
Expand Down
19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions src/Language/CQL/Morphism.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,17 +49,17 @@ import Language.CQL.Common
import Language.CQL.Term (Ctx, Term(..), EQ(..), subst, upp)
import Prelude hiding (EQ)

-- | A morphism between 'Collage's.
data Morphism var ty sym en fk att gen sk en' fk' att' gen' sk'
= Morphism {
m_src :: Collage (()+var) ty sym en fk att gen sk
= Morphism
{ m_src :: Collage (()+var) ty sym en fk att gen sk
, m_dst :: Collage (()+var) ty sym en' fk' att' gen' sk'
, m_ens :: Map en en'
, m_fks :: Map fk (Term () Void Void en' fk' Void Void Void)
, m_atts :: Map att (Term () ty sym en' fk' att' Void Void)
, m_fks :: Map fk (Term () Void Void en' fk' Void Void Void)
, m_atts :: Map att (Term () ty sym en' fk' att' Void Void)
, m_gens :: Map gen (Term Void Void Void en' fk' Void gen' Void)
, m_sks :: Map sk (Term Void ty sym en' fk' att' gen' sk')
, m_sks :: Map sk (Term Void ty sym en' fk' att' gen' sk')

-- | Checks totality of the morphism mappings.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ translate mor term = case term of
Att f a -> subst (upp $ m_atts mor ! f) $ translate mor a
Fk f a -> subst (upp y) x
x = translate mor a :: Term var' ty sym en' fk' att' gen' sk'
y = m_fks mor ! f :: Term () Void Void en' fk' Void Void Void
x = translate mor a :: Term var' ty sym en' fk' att' gen' sk'
y = m_fks mor ! f :: Term () Void Void en' fk' Void Void Void

:: forall var ty sym en fk att gen sk en' fk' att' gen' sk'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ typeOf mor = do
typeOfMorSks (e,e') = Left $ "Bad null mapping " ++ show e ++ " -> " ++ show e'

-- I've given up on non string based error handling for now
:: (MultiTyMap '[Show, Ord, NFData] '[var, ty, sym, en, fk, att, gen, sk])
=> Collage var ty sym en fk att gen sk
Expand Down
18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions src/Language/CQL/Prover.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -264,20 +264,22 @@ initState col = Set.foldr (\z s -> addAxiom defaultConfig s (toAxiom z)) initial
-- lhs -> rhs where the lhs is larger than the rhs, adding additional equations whenever
-- critical pairs (rule overlaps) are detected.
:: forall var ty sym en fk att gen sk
:: forall var ty sym en fk att gen sk
. (MultiTyMap '[Show, Ord, Typeable, NFData] '[var, ty, sym, en, fk, att, gen, sk])
=> Collage var ty sym en fk att gen sk
-> Options
-> Err (Prover var ty sym en fk att gen sk)
kbProver col ops = if allSortsInhabited col || allow_empty
then let p' ctx (EQ (l, r)) = p ctx $ EQ (replaceRepeatedly f l, replaceRepeatedly f r)
in pure $ Prover col p'
else Left "Completion Error: contains uninhabited sorts"
kbProver col ops =
if allSortsInhabited col || allow_empty
then let p' ctx (EQ (l, r)) = p ctx $ EQ (replaceRepeatedly f l, replaceRepeatedly f r)
in pure $ Prover col p'
else Left "Completion Error: contains uninhabited sorts"
(col', f) = Collage.simplify col
(col', f) = Collage.simplify col
p ctx (EQ (lhs', rhs')) = normaliseTerm (completed ctx lhs' rhs') (convert col ctx lhs') == normaliseTerm (completed ctx lhs' rhs') (convert col ctx rhs')
completed g l r = completePure defaultConfig $ addGoal defaultConfig (initState col') (toGoal g l r)
allow_empty = bOps ops Allow_Empty_Sorts_Unsafe
completed g l r = completePure defaultConfig $ addGoal defaultConfig (initState col') (toGoal g l r)
allow_empty = bOps ops Allow_Empty_Sorts_Unsafe

toGoal :: Ctx var (ty+en) -> S.Term var ty sym en fk att gen sk -> S.Term var ty sym en fk att gen sk -> Goal (Extended (Constant (Head ty sym en fk att gen sk)))
toGoal ctx lhs0 rhs0 = goal 0 "" $ convert col ctx lhs0 :=: convert col ctx rhs0

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Language/CQL/Term.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -344,7 +344,8 @@ class Up x y where
upgr :: x -> y

upp :: (Up var var', Up ty ty', Up sym sym', Up en en', Up fk fk', Up att att', Up gen gen', Up sk sk')
=> Term var ty sym en fk att gen sk -> Term var' ty' sym' en' fk' att' gen' sk'
=> Term var ty sym en fk att gen sk
-> Term var' ty' sym' en' fk' att' gen' sk'
upp (Var v ) = Var $ upgr v
upp (Sym f a) = Sym (upgr f) $ fmap upp a
upp (Fk f a) = Fk (upgr f) $ upp a
Expand Down

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