Light version of my data description text format SSD, provided as a C99 library with no dependencies.
The idea of SSD was to create a simple data format that can be used to write custom tools for generating code. Wether you just need to generate some serialization code or you want to generate code based on metadata that you attach to the data definitions, it should support you writing your own tools to get more out of your time.
Mostly because I wanted to try to do a hand written parser in C, but also because theres people who could need something like SSD, but can't or don't want to rely on something that big.
So this is my attempt at providing a simple and lightweight alternative to the full framework.
If you're already heavily invested in C or C++ and just want to use the data format or if you believe in minimalism, this is a good alternative for the full SSD framework.
If you want a more streamlined experience or want to use one of the pre-existing generators (rhai, handlebars, wasm, etc).