Implementation of HDMI Source/Sink Modules in MyHDL ( Xilinx application notes xapp460 and xapp495 were used as reference.
- Python 3.5
- MyHDL 1.0.dev0
Clone this repository to get started.
git clone
The project requires MyHDL version 1.0dev. The version has not been released (yet) and needs to be installed manually.
cd HDMI-Source-Sink-Modules/
pip install -r requirements.txt
After the dependencies have been installed, install the project.
python install
The tests can be run using pytest.
cd tests/
HDMI Source/Sink Models are non-convertible modules which can be used to simulate the behaviour of HDMI Source/Sink Modules. To initialize the interfaces -
# Interfaces for Tx Model
video_interface_tx = VideoInterface(clock)
aux_interface_tx = AuxInterface(clock)
hdmi_interface_tx = HDMIInterface(clock10x)
# Interfaces for Rx Model
video_interface_rx = VideoInterface(clock)
aux_interface_rx = AuxInterface(clock)
hdmi_interface_rx = HDMIInterface(clock10x)
Here the two signals clock signals are driven by the clock_driver() block.
driver = clock_driver(clock)
The 'clock10x' signal should have a frequency 10 times that of clock signal.
The models can be initialized as -
hdmi_tx_model = HDMITxModel(clock, reset,
video_interface_tx, aux_interface_tx, hdmi_interface_tx)
hdmi_rx_model = HDMIRxModel(video_interface_rx, aux_interface_rx, hdmi_interface_rx)
To simulate their process make use of the process() block of the models.
hdmi_tx_inst = hdmi_tx_model.process()
hdmi_rx_inst = hdmi_rx_model.process()