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CatalogApi catalogApi = client.getCatalogApi();

Class Name



Batch Delete Catalog Objects

Deletes a set of CatalogItems based on the provided list of target IDs and returns a set of successfully deleted IDs in the response. Deletion is a cascading event such that all children of the targeted object are also deleted. For example, deleting a CatalogItem will also delete all of its CatalogItemVariation children.

BatchDeleteCatalogObjects succeeds even if only a portion of the targeted IDs can be deleted. The response will only include IDs that were actually deleted.

To ensure consistency, only one delete request is processed at a time per seller account. While one (batch or non-batch) delete request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched) delete requests are rejected with the 429 error code.

CompletableFuture<BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsResponse> batchDeleteCatalogObjectsAsync(
    final BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
body BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsRequest body = new BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsRequest.Builder()

catalogApi.batchDeleteCatalogObjectsAsync(body).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

Batch Retrieve Catalog Objects

Returns a set of objects based on the provided ID. Each CatalogItem returned in the set includes all of its child information including: all of its CatalogItemVariation objects, references to its CatalogModifierList objects, and the ids of any CatalogTax objects that apply to it.

CompletableFuture<BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsResponse> batchRetrieveCatalogObjectsAsync(
    final BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
body BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsRequest body = new BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsRequest.Builder(

catalogApi.batchRetrieveCatalogObjectsAsync(body).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

Batch Upsert Catalog Objects

Creates or updates up to 10,000 target objects based on the provided list of objects. The target objects are grouped into batches and each batch is inserted/updated in an all-or-nothing manner. If an object within a batch is malformed in some way, or violates a database constraint, the entire batch containing that item will be disregarded. However, other batches in the same request may still succeed. Each batch may contain up to 1,000 objects, and batches will be processed in order as long as the total object count for the request (items, variations, modifier lists, discounts, and taxes) is no more than 10,000.

To ensure consistency, only one update request is processed at a time per seller account. While one (batch or non-batch) update request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched) update requests are rejected with the 429 error code.

CompletableFuture<BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsResponse> batchUpsertCatalogObjectsAsync(
    final BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
body BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsRequest body = new BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsRequest.Builder(
        new CatalogObjectBatch.Builder(
                new CatalogObject.Builder(
                .itemData(new CatalogItem.Builder()
                            new CatalogObject.Builder(
                            .itemVariationData(new CatalogItemVariation.Builder()
                                    .priceMoney(new Money.Builder()
                            new CatalogObjectCategory.Builder()
                        .descriptionHtml("<p><strong>Hot</strong> Leaf Juice</p>")
                new CatalogObject.Builder(
                .itemData(new CatalogItem.Builder()
                            new CatalogObject.Builder(
                            .itemVariationData(new CatalogItemVariation.Builder()
                                    .priceMoney(new Money.Builder()
                            new CatalogObject.Builder(
                            .itemVariationData(new CatalogItemVariation.Builder()
                                    .priceMoney(new Money.Builder()
                            new CatalogObjectCategory.Builder()
                        .descriptionHtml("<p>Hot <em>Bean Juice</em></p>")
                new CatalogObject.Builder(
                .categoryData(new CatalogCategory.Builder()
                new CatalogObject.Builder(
                .taxData(new CatalogTax.Builder()
                        .name("Sales Tax")

catalogApi.batchUpsertCatalogObjectsAsync(body).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

Create Catalog Image

Uploads an image file to be represented by a CatalogImage object that can be linked to an existing CatalogObject instance. The resulting CatalogImage is unattached to any CatalogObject if the object_id is not specified.

This CreateCatalogImage endpoint accepts HTTP multipart/form-data requests with a JSON part and an image file part in JPEG, PJPEG, PNG, or GIF format. The maximum file size is 15MB.

CompletableFuture<CreateCatalogImageResponse> createCatalogImageAsync(
    final CreateCatalogImageRequest request,
    final FileWrapper imageFile)


Parameter Type Tags Description
request CreateCatalogImageRequest Form (JSON-Encoded), Optional -
imageFile FileWrapper Form, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

CreateCatalogImageRequest request = new CreateCatalogImageRequest.Builder(
    new CatalogObject.Builder(
    .imageData(new CatalogImage.Builder()
            .caption("A picture of a cup of coffee")

catalogApi.createCatalogImageAsync(request, null).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

Update Catalog Image

Uploads a new image file to replace the existing one in the specified CatalogImage object.

This UpdateCatalogImage endpoint accepts HTTP multipart/form-data requests with a JSON part and an image file part in JPEG, PJPEG, PNG, or GIF format. The maximum file size is 15MB.

CompletableFuture<UpdateCatalogImageResponse> updateCatalogImageAsync(
    final String imageId,
    final UpdateCatalogImageRequest request,
    final FileWrapper imageFile)


Parameter Type Tags Description
imageId String Template, Required The ID of the CatalogImage object to update the encapsulated image file.
request UpdateCatalogImageRequest Form (JSON-Encoded), Optional -
imageFile FileWrapper Form, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

String imageId = "image_id4";
UpdateCatalogImageRequest request = new UpdateCatalogImageRequest.Builder(

catalogApi.updateCatalogImageAsync(imageId, request, null).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

Catalog Info

Retrieves information about the Square Catalog API, such as batch size limits that can be used by the BatchUpsertCatalogObjects endpoint.

CompletableFuture<CatalogInfoResponse> catalogInfoAsync()

Response Type


Example Usage

catalogApi.catalogInfoAsync().thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

List Catalog

Returns a list of all CatalogObjects of the specified types in the catalog.

The types parameter is specified as a comma-separated list of the CatalogObjectType values, for example, "ITEM, ITEM_VARIATION, MODIFIER, MODIFIER_LIST, CATEGORY, DISCOUNT, TAX, IMAGE".

Important: ListCatalog does not return deleted catalog items. To retrieve deleted catalog items, use SearchCatalogObjects and set the include_deleted_objects attribute value to true.

CompletableFuture<ListCatalogResponse> listCatalogAsync(
    final String cursor,
    final String types,
    final Long catalogVersion)


Parameter Type Tags Description
cursor String Query, Optional The pagination cursor returned in the previous response. Leave unset for an initial request.
The page size is currently set to be 100.
See Pagination for more information.
types String Query, Optional An optional case-insensitive, comma-separated list of object types to retrieve.

The valid values are defined in the CatalogObjectType enum, for example,

If this is unspecified, the operation returns objects of all the top level types at the version
of the Square API used to make the request. Object types that are nested onto other object types
are not included in the defaults.

At the current API version the default object types are:
catalogVersion Long Query, Optional The specific version of the catalog objects to be included in the response.
This allows you to retrieve historical versions of objects. The specified version value is matched against
the CatalogObjects' version attribute. If not included, results will be from the
current version of the catalog.

Response Type


Example Usage

catalogApi.listCatalogAsync(null, null, null).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

Upsert Catalog Object

Creates a new or updates the specified CatalogObject.

To ensure consistency, only one update request is processed at a time per seller account. While one (batch or non-batch) update request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched) update requests are rejected with the 429 error code.

CompletableFuture<UpsertCatalogObjectResponse> upsertCatalogObjectAsync(
    final UpsertCatalogObjectRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
body UpsertCatalogObjectRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

UpsertCatalogObjectRequest body = new UpsertCatalogObjectRequest.Builder(
    new CatalogObject.Builder(
    .itemData(new CatalogItem.Builder()
                new CatalogObject.Builder(
                .itemVariationData(new CatalogItemVariation.Builder()
                new CatalogObject.Builder(
                .itemVariationData(new CatalogItemVariation.Builder()
                        .priceMoney(new Money.Builder()
            .descriptionHtml("<p><strong>Hot</strong> Chocolate</p>")

catalogApi.upsertCatalogObjectAsync(body).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

Delete Catalog Object

Deletes a single CatalogObject based on the provided ID and returns the set of successfully deleted IDs in the response. Deletion is a cascading event such that all children of the targeted object are also deleted. For example, deleting a CatalogItem will also delete all of its CatalogItemVariation children.

To ensure consistency, only one delete request is processed at a time per seller account. While one (batch or non-batch) delete request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched) delete requests are rejected with the 429 error code.

CompletableFuture<DeleteCatalogObjectResponse> deleteCatalogObjectAsync(
    final String objectId)


Parameter Type Tags Description
objectId String Template, Required The ID of the catalog object to be deleted. When an object is deleted, other
objects in the graph that depend on that object will be deleted as well (for example, deleting a
catalog item will delete its catalog item variations).

Response Type


Example Usage

String objectId = "object_id8";

catalogApi.deleteCatalogObjectAsync(objectId).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

Retrieve Catalog Object

Returns a single CatalogItem as a CatalogObject based on the provided ID. The returned object includes all of the relevant CatalogItem information including: CatalogItemVariation children, references to its CatalogModifierList objects, and the ids of any CatalogTax objects that apply to it.

CompletableFuture<RetrieveCatalogObjectResponse> retrieveCatalogObjectAsync(
    final String objectId,
    final Boolean includeRelatedObjects,
    final Long catalogVersion,
    final Boolean includeCategoryPathToRoot)


Parameter Type Tags Description
objectId String Template, Required The object ID of any type of catalog objects to be retrieved.
includeRelatedObjects Boolean Query, Optional If true, the response will include additional objects that are related to the
requested objects. Related objects are defined as any objects referenced by ID by the results in the objects field
of the response. These objects are put in the related_objects field. Setting this to true is
helpful when the objects are needed for immediate display to a user.
This process only goes one level deep. Objects referenced by the related objects will not be included. For example,

if the objects field of the response contains a CatalogItem, its associated
CatalogCategory objects, CatalogTax objects, CatalogImage objects and
CatalogModifierLists will be returned in the related_objects field of the
response. If the objects field of the response contains a CatalogItemVariation,
its parent CatalogItem will be returned in the related_objects field of
the response.

Default value: false
Default: false
catalogVersion Long Query, Optional Requests objects as of a specific version of the catalog. This allows you to retrieve historical
versions of objects. The value to retrieve a specific version of an object can be found
in the version field of CatalogObjects. If not included, results will
be from the current version of the catalog.
includeCategoryPathToRoot Boolean Query, Optional Specifies whether or not to include the path_to_root list for each returned category instance. The path_to_root list consists
of CategoryPathToRootNode objects and specifies the path that starts with the immediate parent category of the returned category
and ends with its root category. If the returned category is a top-level category, the path_to_root list is empty and is not returned
in the response payload.
Default: false

Response Type


Example Usage

String objectId = "object_id8";
Boolean includeRelatedObjects = false;
Boolean includeCategoryPathToRoot = false;

catalogApi.retrieveCatalogObjectAsync(objectId, includeRelatedObjects, null, includeCategoryPathToRoot).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

Search Catalog Objects

Searches for CatalogObject of any type by matching supported search attribute values, excluding custom attribute values on items or item variations, against one or more of the specified query filters.

This (SearchCatalogObjects) endpoint differs from the SearchCatalogItems endpoint in the following aspects:

  • SearchCatalogItems can only search for items or item variations, whereas SearchCatalogObjects can search for any type of catalog objects.
  • SearchCatalogItems supports the custom attribute query filters to return items or item variations that contain custom attribute values, where SearchCatalogObjects does not.
  • SearchCatalogItems does not support the include_deleted_objects filter to search for deleted items or item variations, whereas SearchCatalogObjects does.
  • The both endpoints have different call conventions, including the query filter formats.
CompletableFuture<SearchCatalogObjectsResponse> searchCatalogObjectsAsync(
    final SearchCatalogObjectsRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
body SearchCatalogObjectsRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

SearchCatalogObjectsRequest body = new SearchCatalogObjectsRequest.Builder()
    .query(new CatalogQuery.Builder()
        .prefixQuery(new CatalogQueryPrefix.Builder(

catalogApi.searchCatalogObjectsAsync(body).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

Search Catalog Items

Searches for catalog items or item variations by matching supported search attribute values, including custom attribute values, against one or more of the specified query filters.

This (SearchCatalogItems) endpoint differs from the SearchCatalogObjects endpoint in the following aspects:

  • SearchCatalogItems can only search for items or item variations, whereas SearchCatalogObjects can search for any type of catalog objects.
  • SearchCatalogItems supports the custom attribute query filters to return items or item variations that contain custom attribute values, where SearchCatalogObjects does not.
  • SearchCatalogItems does not support the include_deleted_objects filter to search for deleted items or item variations, whereas SearchCatalogObjects does.
  • The both endpoints use different call conventions, including the query filter formats.
CompletableFuture<SearchCatalogItemsResponse> searchCatalogItemsAsync(
    final SearchCatalogItemsRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
body SearchCatalogItemsRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

SearchCatalogItemsRequest body = new SearchCatalogItemsRequest.Builder()
        new CustomAttributeFilter.Builder()
        new CustomAttributeFilter.Builder()
            .stringFilter("Dark Horse")
        new CustomAttributeFilter.Builder()
            .numberFilter(new Range.Builder()
        new CustomAttributeFilter.Builder()

catalogApi.searchCatalogItemsAsync(body).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

Update Item Modifier Lists

Updates the CatalogModifierList objects that apply to the targeted CatalogItem without having to perform an upsert on the entire item.

CompletableFuture<UpdateItemModifierListsResponse> updateItemModifierListsAsync(
    final UpdateItemModifierListsRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
body UpdateItemModifierListsRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

UpdateItemModifierListsRequest body = new UpdateItemModifierListsRequest.Builder(

catalogApi.updateItemModifierListsAsync(body).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;

Update Item Taxes

Updates the CatalogTax objects that apply to the targeted CatalogItem without having to perform an upsert on the entire item.

CompletableFuture<UpdateItemTaxesResponse> updateItemTaxesAsync(
    final UpdateItemTaxesRequest body)


Parameter Type Tags Description
body UpdateItemTaxesRequest Body, Required An object containing the fields to POST for the request.

See the corresponding object definition for field details.

Response Type


Example Usage

UpdateItemTaxesRequest body = new UpdateItemTaxesRequest.Builder(

catalogApi.updateItemTaxesAsync(body).thenAccept(result -> {
    // TODO success callback handler
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
    // TODO failure callback handler
    return null;