As provided by the instructions given by the BriteCore Engineering team, here is my deliverable. This is written on VueJS. Sample data from the google doc is hard coded to the vuex store which will the ./src/components/Dashboard.vue will get using a vuex getter. There it should pass the data as a prop for the datatable component. Although the UI is written mostly on Vuetify, the table is in HTML (as per instruction that the datatable component should be my own and not from a UI pattern library). It has a simple filter + search functionality and responsiveness where on a small browser the table should be stacked.
The columns are only sortable (one-way: ASC) by clicking the header of each column, it will sort the ids, names, descriptions, dates and amounts on ascending order. To edit a description, simply click a row and a modal should appear. This modal is a different vue component separate from the datatable component.
The project has 2 important components at work: ./src/components/Datatable.vue and
./src/components/EditModal.vue; please feel free to check, I almost made sure that there are code
comments. The edit modal component changes the description by calling a vuex mutation that will mutate
the payment store (which is a hard-coded mock data). The datatable component is
semi-adaptable in that it can accept props and display them depending on the props given but in the
real world I would have remove parts of the code where filters are static (I wrote it to cater
specifically on the sample data given). But it will not be much of a hardwork because the framework
is already established to cater. The filters on the datatable in the real world will be adjusted based
on the keys provided by the prop items
. Edit modal will also be adjusted in the real world such
as it won't be limited on just the description and will be depending on the keys of the prop items
that is passed to the parent component (Datatable.vue).
My unit test isn't perfect though. Given the short time to work this project (I spent around almost 12 hrs) and since it's my first time using Vuetify (been using Bootstrap-vue on my last project) and vue-cli, I wasn't sure if Mocha was the best tool to test Vuetify. If given more time I would have:
- Experimented and worked with JEST instead of using Mocha, I chose Mocha because of it's full SFC (Single file component) support yet I wasn't able to see that JEST is recommended for Vuetify and in some instances (especially on Vuetify wrapped tags) Mocha is unable to fully test the features of Vuetify (most probably due to compatibility issues).
- Improved my design
In this project I have learned the following techniques:
- How to use the pseudo-selector
to create a stacked table - Vuetify
- vue-cli 3 (I was accustomed to work with vue-webpack-boilerplate)
The project was deployed thru this method:
Here is the deployed site:
To install the dependencies just run yarn. Make sure that vue-cli 3 is installed by running npm install -g @vue/cli
yarn serve
yarn build
yarn test:unit
yarn lint