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Spectrum Finance Off-chain Service


  • A running and fully synced Cardano Node v.1.35.7 configured as a relay
  • Incoming connections to your Cardano Node to be able to process mempool transactions
  • 8 GB of RAM
  • Good internet connection
  • 50 GB of disk space
  • Recommend OS: Linux 64-bit

Obtaining Off-chain Service

Docker Image

Using a Docker image can help you run a bot without installing all Cardano and Haskell-related dependencies. This method is simpler than compiling from source.

To run bots using Docker, you can use the prepared spectrum-finance Docker image and docker-compose files.

First of all, you need to copy the official GitHub repository into your working directory.

mkdir -p ~/workDir

cd ~/workDir

git clone

cd cardano-dex-backend

The next step is to create a cyphered container. Follow the steps from "Wallet Setup" to create payment.vkey and payment.skey. You can use the Wallet-helper image to create the ciphered container.

docker run -v ${PATH_TO_FOLDER_WITH_KEYS}:/testWallet spectrumlabs/spectrum-wallet-helper: /testWallet/cypher.json /testWallet/payment.skey YOUR_PASSWORD

After running this command, you will find the encrypted container in the PATH_TO_FOLDER_WITH_KEYS, along with the keys.

The next step is to configure the bot. Open ~/src/cardano-dex-backend/dcConfigs/dcSpectrumConfig.dhall and adjust the settings according to your preferences. You can also find comments on the configuration file here.

After completing the configuration, open docker-compose.yaml and ensure that all settings are correct for your setup. In particular, check the mapping ${PWD}/myKeys/cypher.json:/etc/wallet1TS.json. It should match your path to the keys: YOUR_PATH_TO_KEYS/cypher.json:/etc/wallet1TS.json.

:::info The official docker-compose file also contains the cardano-node image. If you are using your own, just comment out the lines in the docker-compose file and change the mapping for yours in the volume setting of spectrum-cardano-backend, such as cardano-node-ipc:/ipc. :::

After completing all of the above steps, just run the command.

docker-compose up -d

Logs can be found in the "spectrum-backend-volume" volume.

Compiling from Source Code

Assembling from source code necessitates a range of prerequisite tools, identical to those needed for the Cardano node setup. Please follow the guidelines provided on this link up until the "Downloading the source code for Cardano-node" segment.

Upon successful installation of all necessary libraries:

Establish a designated directory for your builds:

mkdir -p ~/src
cd ~/src

Retrieve the source code for the off-chain service:

git clone

Transition to the directory containing the downloaded source code:

cd cardano-dex-backend

Install missing dependencies:

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install librocksdb-dev git liblzma-dev libnuma-dev curl automake build-essential pkg-config libffi-dev libgmp-dev libssl-dev libtinfo-dev libsystemd-dev zlib1g-dev make g++ tmux git jq wget libncursesw5 libtool autoconf libncurses-dev clang llvm-13 llvm-13-dev -y

Initiate cabal update and build procedures:

cabal update
cabal build all

After building, you can install the compiled binaries for amm-executor and the wallet-helper

with these commands:

sudo find ./dist-newstyle -executable -type f -name "amm-executor-app" -exec cp "{}" /usr/local/bin/amm-executor \;
sudo find ./dist-newstyle -executable -type f -name "wallet-helper-app" -exec cp "{}" /usr/local/bin/wallet-helper \;

Completing these steps will result in the compilation and installation of the off-chain service.

Running the services

Wallet setup

The off-chain service uses a private key wrapped in a cipher container. To create this container, you first need to create a payment.vkey and a payment.skey. This can be done using cardano-cli from the node setup:

cardano-cli address key-gen \
    --verification-key-file payment.vkey \
    --signing-key-file payment.skey

Next step is to create an address for the payment.vkey using this command:

cardano-cli address build \
    --payment-verification-key-file payment.vkey \
    --out-file payment.addr \

A file called payment.addr will be generated and this will contain the address needed for the configuration file in the steps explained further below.

⚠️ The off-chain service needs some funds to operate. Please send at least 12 ADA to the address in the `payment.addr` file.

To create the cypher container, you can use a special tool called wallet-helper. This tool will assist you in creating a ciphered container from the payment.skey file.

If you built from source using the steps above you can create the cypher container with this command (for Docker look below):

wallet-helper cypher.json payment.skey YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE

It will create cyphered container in your current directory with the name cypher.json.

Preparing configuration files

You can find an example of the configuration with comments here

The Plutus scripts referenced in the configuration file can be found here or if you cloned the repository here: ~/src/cardano-dex-backend/scripts

Manual running

To run the off-chain service as system service create first a script called

with the following content:


# Path to your config file you prepared in the previous step
CONFIG=<replace with your path>/config.dhall

/usr/local/bin/amm-executor ${CONFIG}

Give the script execution rights:

chmod +x

Now create a service configuration called amm-executor.service with the following content:

# The Spectrum Amm Executor service (part of systemd)
# file: /etc/systemd/system/amm-executor.service

Description       = Spectrum Amm Executor Service
Wants             =
After             =

User              = <UserValue>
Type              = simple
WorkingDirectory  = <ExecutorWorkingDirValue>
ExecStart         = /bin/bash -c '<ExecutorWorkingDirValue>/'
KillSignal        = SIGINT
RestartKillSignal = SIGINT
TimeoutStopSec    = 300
LimitNOFILE       = 32768
Restart           = always
RestartSec        = 5
SyslogIdentifier  = amm-executor

WantedBy          =

Save and close the file. To install the service run these commands:

sudo mv amm-executor.service /etc/systemd/system/amm-executor.service
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/amm-executor.service

To start the off-chain service when the system boots:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable amm-executor.service

To start the service use:

sudo systemctl start amm-executor

To stop the service use:

sudo systemctl stop amm-executor

Ensuring Proper Functionality of the Services

The validation procedure entails reviewing the log files to confirm seamless operation.

In the event of running the service manually, the logs will be collected in the "logs" folder. To monitor the ongoing process and verify optimal operation, input the command listed below into the command line. This action will facilitate real-time error tracking and verification of the uninterrupted operation of the service.

tail -f <path to the logs directory configured>/amm-executor.log


Spectrum Finance off-chain service for Cardano







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Contributors 4
