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Releases: specta/expecta

Xcode 9 cleanup

30 Jun 16:03
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  • Xcode 9 warning fixes [spekke]
  • respondTo matcher checks for instancesRespondToSelector: too [dchohfi]


01 Dec 04:37
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  • Disables Bitcode on the Podspec [jonakyd]
  • Assign actual value to a strong variable in EXP_expect [StatusReport]
  • Avoid holding matcher in the thread dictionary after matching. [StatusReport]
  • Adds tvOS to the Podspec [orta]

Expecta v1.0.1

23 May 04:44
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Fixes a missing header (EXPMatchers+match.h) that had incorrectly been set to be private.


11 Mar 23:12
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This release removes support for garbage collected targets, making it compatible with Xcode/Apple LLVM version 5.1, and adds 64-bit slices on iOS. It also raises the minimum deployment targets to iOS 5.x and OS X 10.7.