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JWST Build 7.8 rc1

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@jdavies-st jdavies-st released this 24 May 15:01


  • Create copy of input datamodel to avoid overwriting input. [#5828]


  • Convert the ra values to array in util.wrap_ra, but if input is a list return
    a list [#6031]

  • Moved the routine wrap_ra from cube_build to assign_wcs.util. The s_region is
    now correct for data that cross ra boundary. [#6026]

  • Changed evaluation of grism bounding box center from averaged extrema of
    transformed bounding box to transformed centroid of source_cat object [#5809]

  • Added pixel shift to MSA slits due to 0-indexing in NIRSpec slit validation
    code, fixing difference between bounding box locations during the separate
    halves of assign_wcs runs [#5927]

  • Added logic to prevent the sending of an empty list of slits to the
    validate_open_slits function, so a proper error message is provided to
    the user [#5939]

  • Added computed spectral_region to model.meta.wcsinfo. [#5969]


  • Add rule Asn_MIRMRSBackground to treat background as science. [#6046]

  • Updated level2b WFSS rules to only consider exposures from the same
    instrument channel when matching direct images with grism images in
    NIRCam WFSS observations. [#5786]

  • Removed PATTTYPE='None' constraint from Lv3MIRMRS association rule to
    generate spec3 associations for undithered MRS observations. [#5804]

  • Updated level2b WFSS rules to only consider exposures using the same
    PUPIL value (cross filter) when matching direct images with grism images
    in NIRISS WFSS observations. [#5896]

  • Updated level2b and level3 TSO rules to exclude exposures with
    EXP_TYPE=NRC_TSGRISM and PUPIL=CLEAR, which can result from NIRCam
    engineering template observations. [#5946]

  • Updated level2b NIRSpec FS rules to exclude exposures sharing a primary
    dither location from the list of background exposures [#5994]


  • Remove unused SubtractImagesStep [#5919]

  • Added new step parameter to optionally save the combined, average
    background image: save_combined_background. [#5954]


  • Updated documentation to indicate that master_background is applied to
    NIRSpec MOS exposures in the calwebb_spec2 pipeline [#5913]


  • Updated documentation to indicate that master_background is applied to
    NIRSpec MOS exposures in the calwebb_spec2 pipeline [#5913]


  • The csv_tools subpackage was removed [#6006]


  • Fixed typo in CubeBuildStep spec for grating [#5839]

  • Update code to read in spectral and spatial size of exposure on the sky [#5991]

  • For calspec2 pipeline skip determining the dq plane in cube_build [#5991]

  • Remove certain WCS keywords that are irrelevant after cube_build. [#6032]


  • Added is_star to slitmeta [#5788]

  • Update keyword comments for NIRSpec grating wheel (GWA) keywords [#5844]

  • Moved functions in dqflags and dynamic_mask to stcal [#5898]

  • API change - stcal.dqflags.interpret_bit_flags and stcal.dynamicdq.dynamic_mask
    now require the mnemonic_map as input. [#5898, #5914]

  • Implemented new data models SpecKernelModel, SpecProfileModel,
    SpecTraceModel, and WaveMapModel for use by new NIRISS SOSS
    reference files in optimized 1D extraction [#5925]

  • Added FULLP to SUBARRAY enum list in core, subarray,
    and keyword_psubarray schemas [#5947]

  • Moved JWST_[XYZ] and JWST_[DXDYDZ] keywords from primary to SCI extension
    header and updated their comment fields to indicate they'll now be in the
    barycentric frame. Also added the new OBSGEO[XYZ] keywords to the SCI
    extension header, which are in the geocentric frame. [#6050]

  • Added a new datamodel, SegmentationMapModel that has an uint32 data array
    for storing the segmentation map output from source_catalog. [#6051]


  • Update documentation, deprecating primary use of CFG files [#5901]

  • Update pipeline introduction document to include segmentation map (segm)
    in list of data products [#5956]

  • Update assign_mtwcs step docs and reference the assign_mtwcs step in the
    calwebb_image3 and calwebb_spec3 pipeline docs [#6024]


  • Implemented error and variance propagation for all modes but those
    utilizing IFU cubes [#6014]


  • For WFSS removed setting srctype to UNKNOWN; added setting is_star in slitmeta [#5788]

  • In NRC_TSGRISM mode replaced FITS WCS keywords with JWST specific ones. [#6005]

  • Added specsys to slits. [#6005]


  • Update file naming conventions documentation to clarify when optional components
    will be used. [#5796]

  • Update DQFLAGS table in RTD docs with new definitions for persistence and
    ad_floor in bits five and six [#5815]

  • Update data products, calwebb_image3, and source_catalog docs to include
    information about the segmentation map product [#5949]

  • Replace documentation references to ambiguous class names with full
    paths. [#6017]


  • Update the step to detect jumps in three and four group integations [#5915].

  • Change the default S/N ratio for not flagging neighbors to be a higher value to
    better reflect the correct IPC.


  • Update update_mt_kwds function in to populate
    the TARG_RA/TARG_DEC [#5808]

  • moved basic_utils.multiple_replace to stcal. [#5898]

  • Implemented window clipping algorithm for WFSS contamination corrections. [#5978]

  • Updated set_velocity_aberration and utc_to_tdb to access the JWST
    position and velocity keywords from the SCI extension header, rather than the
    primary header. [#6050]


  • Updated documentation to more fully describe the various ways in which the
    step is applied [#5913]


  • Outlier detection on non-dithered images is implemented with a simple sigma
    clipping, dithered outlier detection cleaned up and HST specific steps removed
    and additional tests added. [#5822]


  • Refactoring OLS code for ramp fitting to improve readability and maintenance.
    Also, reference to nreads is being removed and replaced with ngroups
    to remove and confusion on functionality. [#5872]

  • Refactoring ramp fit code separating OLS and GLS code into their own file. [#5951]

  • Refactoring ramp fit code in preparation for moving code to STCAL. [#6010]

  • Moved ramp fit code to STCAL. [#6023]

  • Now that ramp fitting has been moved to STCAL, for the JWST unit tests to
    pass need to use STCAL 0.2.1 or greater. The bug fix for JP-1920 were made
    in STCAL, which affected JWST unit tests for ramp fitting. [#6038]


  • Added code to handle NIR subarrays that use 4 readout amplifiers. Uses and
    applies reference pixel signal from available amplifiers and side reference
    pixel regions, including odd-even column separation if requested [#5926]

  • Fixed a bug introduced in #5926 that affected refpix calibration of 1-amp NIR
    subarrays [#5937]

  • Added regression test and unit test for NIR 4-amp subarray correction [#5967]


  • Fix resample_spec output size from input images crossing RA=0 [#5929]

  • Propagate variance arrays into SlitModel used as input for ResampleSpecStep [#5941]

  • Remove certain WCS keywords that are irrelevant after resampling. [#5971]

  • Propagate error and variance arrays in ResampleStep for imaging data. [#6036]

  • Propagate error and variance arrays in ResampleSpecStep for 2D spectral data [#6041]

  • Record pixel_scale_ratio and pixfrac from ResampleStep in header
    keywords PXSCLRT and PIXFRAC, respectively, or meta.resample.pixel_scale_ratio
    and meta.resample.pixfrac. [#6044]


  • Updated the concentration indices to be calculated as flux ratios
    instead of magnitude differences. The CI column names have also been
    renamed to list the larger EE first, e.g. CI_50_30. [#5810]

  • Aperture-corrected total fluxes and magnitudes are now computed for
    all sources. [#5996]

  • Photometric errors are now computed using the new resampled total
    error array. [#5997]

  • The nn_dist column was replaced by a nn_label column
    indicating the label number of the nearest neighbor. [#5998]

  • The is_star column was replaced by a is_extended column with
    inverted boolean values. [#6018]

  • Circular aperture sizes now scale in the case of non-native pixel
    scales in the resampled image. [#6045]

  • Segmentation map output dtype is now uint32 [#6051]


  • Added section for WFSS mode data to set srctype based on is_star value [#5788]


  • Added is_star to GrismObject [#5788]


  • Fix a bug due to models_grouped now returning odict_values instead
    of lists. [#6022]

  • Updated documentation to include the new "rshift" option for fit geometry [#5899]


  • Implemented basic step structure to apply WFSS contamination corrections, along with
    the necessary grism library modules [#5508]