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JWST Build 7.7

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@jdavies-st jdavies-st released this 25 Jan 17:11

Summary of changes in the 0.18.x release

Updates to Level-2a processing for all exposure modes

  • Fixed bug in the minimum number of groups per integration for the jump detection step by changing it from 3 to 5
  • Reworked the jump step to reduce memory usage
  • Updated the ramp_fit step to add 'DO_NOT_USE' DQ flag to pixels that have all groups flagged as saturated
  • Turned the MIRI "reset" step back on in the level-2a pipeline
  • Updated the saturation step to use the A-to-D limit of 65535 as the saturation threshold for pixels flagged with "NO_SAT_CHECK" in the saturation reference file
  • Updated the saturation step to flag groups having values below the A-to-D floor (zero)

Updates to Level-2b processing for all exposure modes

  • Enhance the flat_field step to flag MIRI imager NON_SCIENCE pixels as DO_NOT_USE
  • Enhancements to assign_wcs to add FITS SIP approximation keywords to imaging mode WCS

Updates to Level-2b spectroscopic (calwebb_spec2) processing

  • Enable the resample_spec step for NIRSpec line lamp exposures
  • Enhancements and bug fixes to the extract_1d step for extracting and applying aperture corrections to IFU mode data
  • Bug fixes to the wavecorr step to produce correct wavelength shifts
  • Enable processing of NRS_LAMP exposures in the assign_wcs and resample_spec steps
  • Enhancements and bug fixes to cube_build for handling single cubes
  • Bug fix for extract_1d when determining source RA/Dec in input resampled Slit data
  • Enhanced extract_1d to use an extract1d reference file to guide processing for NIRCam TSGRISM exposures, allowing for column-by-column fitting and subtraction of background signal
  • Bug fix for extract_1d when there's only one spectrum instance for a WFSS source
  • Updated flat_field step branch logic to handle NRS_LAMP as a spectroscopic exposure
  • Updated NIRSpec fixed-slit processing in the flat_field and photom steps to compute and save correction values for both point and uniform sources in the primary slit when it contains a point source, in order to support master background corrections

Updates to the Level-3 imaging (calwebb_image3) processing

  • Bug fix in outlier_detection to account for background signal when blotting the median-combined image back to individual exposure's space
  • Bug fix in the skymatch step to prevent failures when attempting to compute statistics on a single pixel
  • Implemented memory checks in the outlier_detection and resample steps to prevent the creation of huge arrays and subsequent memory allocation errors
  • Added "pixel_scale_ratio" parameter to the resample step to allow for finer output grid
  • Added support for the new fitting geometry mode "rshift" in the tweakreg step

Updates to the Level-3 spectroscopic (calwebb_spec3) processing

  • Update the NIRSpec MOS master background logic to only proceed with processing after verifying that there are both background and source slits available in the input dataset
  • Enhancement to the combine_1d step to produce separate extensions for each spectral order

Updates to the Level-3 TSO (calwebb_tso3) pipeline

  • Updated the tso_photometry step to place the photometric aperture at the location given by the XREF_SCI, YREF_SCI keyword values, instead of using CRPIX1, CRPIX2
  • Fixed the flux units in the source_catalog output
  • Updated the white_light step to allow for the specification of wavelength limits to restrict the portion of the spectrum used to compute the integrated flux

Updates to the Level-3 AMI (calwebb_ami3) pipeline

  • Complete overhaul of the ami_analyze step to use the latest ImPlaneIA algorithms from the AMI WG
  • Enhancements to the ami_analyze step to allow two user-settable parameter

Detailed notes


  • Update documentation introduction to include installation and CRDS setup
    instructions. [#5659]


  • Fixed code error in combine1d, creating extensions per spectral order
    with the same input data [#5644]


  • Fix a bug in estimating the max number of segments that will be needed
    to fit any pixel [#5653]


  • Update the check in set_telescope_pointing that determines whether an
    exposure is TSO mode to always consider hardwired TSO EXP_TYPEs as TSO,
    regardless of TSOVISIT and NINTS settings. [#5657]


  • Fixed error causing multi-segment data to reject int_times
    for MJDs [#5566]