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JWST Build 7.7 rc1

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@jdavies-st jdavies-st released this 21 Dec 17:19


  • Update code to use two new input parameters: psf_offset,rotation_search [#5548]

  • Update code and unit tests to use new ami_analyze algorithms [#5390]

  • Update ami_analyze to extract a SUB80 subarray from full-frame images [#5437]


  • Add nrs_verify to the NIRSpec exposure list [#5403]

  • Enable resample_spec for NIRSpec line lamp exposures [#5484]

  • Added SIP approximation to WCS for imaging modes. FITS WCS keywords added to meta.wcsinfo. [#5507]

  • Fix bug where subarray bounding boxes were 1 pixel too small. [#5543]

  • Mark Nirspec slits which project on less than one pixel as invalid. [#5554]


  • Add new dither keyword subpxpts to constraints [#5525]

  • Add further constraints to rule Asn_Lv2NRSLAMPSpectral such that associations
    are created only when LAMP is on and OPMODE indicates a valid optical path. [#5496]

  • Restrict association creation based on optical path for NIRSpec Fixed-slit and IFU [#5504]

  • Asn_Lv3SpecAux: Add optical element constraint [#5479]

  • Add utility asn_gather [#5468]

  • Do not allow target acqs to be considered TSO [#5385]

  • Add NRS_VERIFY to the list of target acq/confirmation images [#5395]


  • When making SINGLE type cubes for outlier detection or mrs_imatch data not in the
    appropriate channel/grating is skipped [#5347]

  • If outlier detection has flagged all the data on a input file as DO_NOT_USE, then
    skip the file in creating an ifucube [*5347]

  • Refactor DataTypes handling of ModelContainer. [#5409]


  • Skip serializing None in datamodels to be compatible with asdf>=2.8 [#5371]

  • Implement full class deprecator decorator and use for MIRIRampModel [#5382]

  • Add NRS_VERIFY to the core schema as an allowed EXP_TYPE [#5395]

  • Remove logging from DataModel.close [#5413]

  • Updated keyword schemas for EXP_TYPE and MODULE, to keep in sync with the
    JWST Keyword Dictionary [#5452]

  • Added flatfield and photom correction arrays to slit data models [#5460]

  • Move core jwst.datamodels code to stdatamodels package and add it as
    an install dependency [#5433]

  • Update schemas to include new allowed SUBARRAY values for FGS ASIC tuning
    modes [#5531]

  • Add meta.visit.pointing_engdb_quality entry to correspond to ENGQLPTG keyword [#5556]

  • Update Moving Target CHEBY table extension schema for changes to column
    definitions in the JWSTKD and SDP [#5558]


  • Fixed bug involving the determination of source RA/Dec for resampled Slit
    data. [#5353]

  • Updated to use an EXTRACT1D reference file for NIRCam TSGRISM exposures;
    added step param "bkg_fit" to allow for mean and median options in background
    computation, in addition to the existing polynomial fit; fixed bug in
    background computation that was preventing background subtraction from
    ever happening. [#5414]

  • Fixed bug involving the processing of WFSS observations when there's only
    one spectrum instance for a given source. [#5439]


  • Addressed deprecated get_children method of XML parser. Changed type of PATTSIZE from
    float to string in templates. [#5536]


  • Fixed bug in sending NIRSpec AUTOWAVE exposures to the spectroscopic
    processing branch. [#5356]

  • Updated branch logic to handle NRS_LAMP exposures as spectroscopic. [#5370]

  • Updated NIRSpec fixed-slit processing to compute and save correction
    values for both point and uniform sources in the primary slit when it
    contains a point source, in order to support master background corrections.


  • Fixed bug in the minimum number of groups per integration for the jump
    detection step by changing it from 3 to 5. [#5376]

  • Various rework to reduce memory usage and increase readability. [#5404]


  • Update the NIRSpec MOS master background logic to only proceed with processing
    after verifying that there are both background and source slits available in
    the input dataset. [#5370]


  • Implement memory check in resample to prevent huge arrays [#5354]


  • Updated NIRSpec fixed-slit processing to compute and save correction
    values for both point and uniform sources in the primary slit when it
    contains a point source, in order to support master background corrections.


  • Update Image3Pipeline to allow sky subtraction when input contains
    only one image (group). [#5423]
  • Enable resample_spec for NIRSpec line lamp exposures in Spec2Pipeline [#5484]


  • Update to store output as an IFUImageModel for NIRSpec AUTOWAVE exposures
    using the IFU mode. [#5356]

  • Update to add 'DO_NOT_USE' DQ flag to pixels with all groups flagged as
    saturated. [#5367]


  • Implement memory check in resample to prevent huge arrays [#5354]

  • Add pixel_scale_ratio parameter to allow finer output grid. [#5389]

  • Enable resample_spec for NIRSpec line lamp exposures [#5484]


  • Turn the step back on for the calwebb_detector1 pipeline [#5485]


  • Set saturation threshold to A-to-D limit of 65535 for pixels flagged with
    NO_SAT_CHECK in the saturation reference file, instead of skipping any
    test of those pixels. [#5394]
  • Flag groups values below A/D floor (0 DN) (#5422)


  • Add logging of the found quaternion information [#5495]
  • Handle cases where engineering database's pointing mnemonics are all zero over the requested time range [#5540]
  • Set value of keyword ENGQLPTG to CALCULATED or PLANNED depending on whether pointing telemetry was used to
    update the WCS [#5556]


  • Fix a bug in skymatch that would result in a crash when skymethod
    contains 'global' and the single image group's sky cannot be computed
    (e.g., because all pixels are flagged as "bad"). [#5440]


  • Implement utility function all_steps and fix crds reference file retrieval for non-datamodels [#5492]


  • Place aperture using header keywords XREF_SCI and YREF_SCI instead of
    CRPIX1 and CRPIX2 [#5533]

  • Fixed the flux units in the output photometry catalog. [#5529]


  • Add support for the new fitgeom mode: 'rshift' that can fit only
    for shifts and a rotation. [#5475]


  • Add checking for bad pixels by using DO_NOT_USE rather than DQ>0. [#5500, #5519]


  • Add support for step parameters min_wavelength and max_wavelength to modify
    the wavelength region over which the flux integration is calculated. [#5501]