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JWST Build 7.6 rc1

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@jdavies-st jdavies-st released this 28 Aug 16:40

Release Notes


  • Add bad pixel replacement for target and psf images [#4973]


  • Skip the step if any input MT_RA/DEC keyword values are missing. [#5015]


  • Enabled filteroffset correction for NIRISS and NIRCAM imaging modes. [#5018, #5027]

  • Pass an optional input_frame parameter in assign_wcs.util.wcs_from_footprintss. [#5120]

  • Improved calculation of bounding boxes in grism images. [#5122]

  • Added two new optional parameters to utils.cerate_grism_bbox - wfss_extract_half_height
    and wavelength_range. [#5140]

  • Shifted the bounding box of a resampled WCS by - 0.5 px to account for the
    center of the pixel. [#5241]

  • Enable NIRSpec lamp processing in calspec2 pipeline. [#5267]


  • Update diagrams in documentation to change sloper to detector1. [#4986]

  • Update level-3 rules to exclude IFU exposures from calwebb_tso3 associations. [#5202]

  • Fix formatting error in Asn_IFUGrating product name construction. [#5231]


  • Correct bar shadow parity bug for yslit. [#5095]


  • Skip spectra that are degenerate when combining [#5037]


  • Changed default weighting to 'emsm'. [#5277]

  • Fixed formatting of NIRSpec s3d output product names. [#5231]

  • Modified NIRSpec blotting to the find min and max ra and dec for each slice and only
    invert those values on slice that fall in range [#5144]

  • Changed default weighting back to 'msm' until NIRSPEC cube pars ref file contains emsm info [#5134]

  • Added checks read from cube pars reference file that parameters have valid data [#5134]

  • Change the name of default cube type from world to skyalign [#4974]

  • Add ifualign cubes to be cubes rotated on sky to align with ifu instrument plane [#4974]

  • Change the name of MIRI alpha-beta cube type to internal_cal [#4974]

  • Add ability to make NIRSpec internal_cal ifu cubes aligned with slicer plane [#4974]

  • Change default weighting from msm to emsm [#4974]

  • NIRSpec IFU cubes built from all wavelengths rather than those defined in cube par ref file [#4974]

  • Removed wavelength planes that contained only 0 data. These planes are edge cases [#4974]


  • Add iscopy to ModelContainer init [#5256]

  • Re-enable FITS-hash by default. [#5191]

  • Add blend rule for keywords DETECTOR and MODULE. [#4998]

  • Add methods and [#4660]

  • Trim MT_RA, MT_DEC keyword comments to fit within FITS record. [#4994]

  • Add enum list and default value of 'NONE' for meta.instrument.lamp_mode [#5022]

  • Add TIMEUNIT keyword to schemas. [#5109]

  • Split pathloss object into pathloss_ps and pathloss_un in schemas. [#5112]

  • Add "PERSISTENCE" DQ flag definition. [#5137]

  • Fix nonsensical premature closing of FITS file of a DataModel. [#4930]

  • Add a hash set/check to DataModel I/O to check whether schema traversal is necessary. [#5110]

  • Update underlying MultiExposureModel from the SourceModelContainer models. [#5154]

  • Add new MIRI LRS dither patterns to PATTTYPE enum list. [#5254]


  • Implement aperture corrections in the Extract1dStep. [#4902]

  • Fix bug in creating a polynomial fit used in background extraction. [#4970]

  • Recheck the input model container in run_extract1d to select the correct processing [#5076]

  • Rework/refactor many functions for style and readability. [#5079]

  • Checks subwcs and new_slit variables exist before trying to delete them. [#5093]

  • Parameter mmag_extract is now propagated to the extraction routine. [#5122]

  • Updated the logic for when and how to use the source position to offset the
    location of the extraction regions specified in the EXTRACT1D reference file. [#5157]

  • Fixed the conversion of flux to surface brightness for IFU extended source case [#5201]

  • Fixed bugs in aperture correction for NIRSpec multi-slit modes. [#5260]


  • Check that subwcs and new_slit variables exist before trying to delete them [#5093]

  • Move NIRSpec wavecorr routines to the wavecorr step. [#5133]

  • Added a new optional integer parameter to extract_2d (wfss_extract_half_height)
    which allows a user to specify the extraction height in the
    cross-dispersion direction for WFSS mode. [#5140]


  • For NIRSpec BOTS and ALLSLITS add the slit start corner to the subarray start corner
    when determining what region of the flat_field reference files to extract. [#5269]

  • Enable NIRSpec lamp processing in calspec2 pipeline. [#5267]


  • Update the fringe step to handle 3D inputs for MIRI MRS TSO mode. [#5202]


  • Fix open files bug [#4995]

  • Update to include pathloss corrections to NIRSpec IFU background [#5125]


  • MRSIMatchStep to create its ModelContainers with iscopy=True [#5256]


  • Update median filter to use numpy's nanmedian. [#5114]

  • Fix outlier_detection bug when saving intermediate results. [#5108]

  • Update logic to correctly handle input CubeModel that have only
    1 integration. [#5211]


  • Fix bug in NIRSpec IFU data that causes valid pixel dq flags to set to
    NON-SCIENCE in the region of an overlapping bounding box slice [#5047]

  • Update to save both point source and uniform source 2D pathloss correction
    arrays to output. [#5112]


  • Flag pixels with high persistence using "PERSISTENCE" DQ flag instead
    of "DO_NOT_USE". [#5137]


  • Refactor the Image3Pipeline to use stpipe infrastructure. [#4990]

  • Fix Coron3Pipeline to blend headers just from each input science model,
    not every integration. [#5007]

  • Fix open files bug in get_config_from_reference class method, and in
    Spec2Pipeline, Spec3Pipeline and tso3. [#4995]

  • Update calwebb_tso3 to do more robust checking of input data type.

  • Update the Spec2Pipeline to include the new wavecorr step and put
    srctype before wavecorr. [#5133]

  • Update the Spec2Pipeline to skip extract_1d for IFU data that
    have not had a cube built (e.g. MIRI MRS TSO), and update the
    calwebb_tso-spec2.cfg configuration to turn on the fringe step
    and turn off cube_build for MIRI MRS TSO. [#5202]

  • Update the Coron3Pipeline logic to correctly handle inputs that have
    only 1 integration. [#5211]

  • Refactor Spec2Pipeline for execution logic and step flow isolation [#5214]

  • Update Ami3Pipeline to only process psf and science members from the
    input ASN. [#5243]

  • Enable NIRSpec lamp processing in calspec2 pipeline. [#5267]


  • Fix bug in NIRSpec IFU data that causes valid pixel dq flags to set to
    NON-SCIENCE in the region of an overlapping bounding box slice [#5047]


  • Add multi-processing capability. [#4815]

  • Fix crash when DRPFRMS1 is not set [#5096]

  • Update to always create the rateints product, even when NINTS=1. [#5211]


  • Fix artifacts in resampled NIRSpec slit data caused by NaNs in the WCS [#5217]


  • Use gwcs.WCS instead of FITS WCS. [#5120]

  • Changed the type of column is_star from float to bool. [#5140]

  • Implemented algorithm for determining whether a source is a star.


  • Limit reference file prefetch to the first "science" exptype
    when a pipeline has an association as input. [#5031]

  • Remove further sloper references. [#4989]

  • Enable prefetch of pars reference files for associations. [#5249]


  • Wrap first spherical angle ("RA") at 360 degrees in the forward V23ToSky
    transformation and to 180 degrees for the inverse transformation ("V2").
    This is now done using models defined in astropy and gwcs packages
    replacing V23ToSky model in JWST's WCS pipeline. [#5206]


  • Implemented the wavecorr step by pulling routines from the
    extract_2d step. [#5133]