Dump all DBs in a cluster to a directory.
(taken from dump_postgres_dbs --help
usage: dump_postgres_dbs [--ignore-not-accepting-connections] [--ignore-does-not-exist] [/path/to/backup/dir]
dump_postgres_dbs --help
Ignore pg_dump errors resulting from DBs that do not
allow to be connected to.
Ignore pg_dump errors resulting from DBs that do not
Directory where `pg_dump`s of DBs will be saved.
Default is /var/lib/postgresql/backup
apt-get install dpkg-dev devscripts
debchange --distribution unstable --no-auto-nmu --maintmaint --increment "see git log" && \
dpkg-buildpackage -b -tc -rfakeroot && \
rm ../backup-pg_*_*.changes && \
rm ../backup-pg_*_*.buildinfo && \
mv ../backup-pg_*_all.deb . && \
git add backup-pg_*_all.deb && \
git commit backup-pg_*_all.deb debian/changelog -m "build new package"
started its life as http://forritan.blogspot.ch/2012/10/postgresql-backup-script.html,
was later improved by Pirmin Kalberer and then by Tomáš Pospíšek