See Laravel docs at
See database schema at
See REST naming conventions at
- Create an empty MySQL database and user with full access (I'm using Laravel Homestead for this project, but it's not mandatory)
- Git clone this repository
- In the root directory, run
composer install
- Copy the env example file
cp .env.example .env
and fill in the database location, user and password as well as personalising the site name and setting up MailHog (if needed) - In the root directory, run the following commands:
$ php artisan migrate
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
This will install the database structure and contents, the routes needed for user authentication using Laravel Sanctum and the front-end resources for the auth pages.
The .env file found in the project route (or created by you from the .env.example file) needs to have these properties filled in, referring to the URL where the VUE application is mounted and the URL for API calls.
For local deployment and development with docker and docker-compose see docker-compose/
Project deployment is in the process of being configured with Deployer.
Deployer will be installed as a project dependency when you run composer install
You should configure the deploy.php file to contain the correct hostname and deploy path for this project.
Running php vendor/bin/dep deploy dev
will deploy the master branch to the host called "dev" in the config file.
To convert PDFs into jpgs, we need the imagemagick library and the PHP module to access it.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y imagemagick php-imagick
See to solve a not authorised error from ImageMagick
Restart php-fpm and nginx
Database Seeding
Run php artisan db:seed
to seed the database with some test data
This includes a demo user with SuperAdmin privileges
- email address: [email protected]
- password: superadmin
You can completely refresh your database (losing any non-seeded data) by running php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
This project uses Laravel's own integration of PHPUnit. You should set up a testing database using MySQL in order to resemble the real database.
You should create a .env.testing file in the project root. This should be an exact copy of your .env file except the database details.
For example, the database details in .env.testing could be:
You would need to create this database and user on your local MySQL installation. Once you've created the empty database, there is no need to run migrations - Laravel will run the migrations when needed for the tests.
To run the test suite:
php artisan test
See also: Laravel Testing
Install the dev dependencies to pull in the chromedriver & geckodriver packages:
npm install --save-dev
Start SDash locally, then run the actual tests in Chrome & Firefox:
npx nightwatch --env firefox,chrome
To run a single test, for example during debugging, pass the path to the test spec:
npx nightwatch ./tests/e2e/specs/userProfile.spec.js --env firefox --testcase 'check that a user without an avatar can change and delete it'
- GET /users - get collection of all users (superadmin only)
- GET /user - get current user info
- GET /user/panels - get user panels (including group-accessible)
- GET /user/panels - get user panels (including group-accessible)
- GET /user/panels?page=2 - get paginated panels
- GET /user/groups - get user groups
- PATCH /user/{id} - update user details
- DELETE /user/{id} - delete user (superadmin only)
- GET /panels - get public panels
- POST /panel - file upload - create new panel named after image filename
- PUT /panel/{id}/image - file upload, replace image
- PATCH /panel/{id} - update panel data
- DELETE /panel/{id} - delete panel
- GET /panel/{id}/comments - get all comments for panel
- POST /panel/{id}/comment - add new comment to panel
- PATCH /panel/{id}/comment - edit the chosen comment
- GET /panel/{id}/powerpoint - download as Powerpoint
- GET /panel/{id}/pdf - download as PDF
- GET /panel/{id}/original - download as original file
- GET /panel/{id}/dar - download as DAR
- POST /panel/{id}/file - add data file to panel
- GET /panel/{id}/files - list data files for panel
- DELETE /panel/{id}/file/{id} - remove data file from panel
- POST /panel/{id}/tags - add tags to panel
- DELETE /panel/{id}/tag/{id} - remove tag from panel
- POST /group - create a new group
- GET /group/{id} - get group details
- POST /group/{id}/users - add users to group
- GET /group/{id}/users - get users in group
- POST /group/{id}/panels - add panels to group
- DELETE /group/{id}/panel/{id} - remove panel from group
- DELETE /group/{id}/user/{id} - remove user from group
- PATCH /group/{id}/user/{id} - modify user's role in group (from user to admin & vice versa)
- GET /image/{id} - stream the requested image IF the signed-in user has access or the image is public Note: move public images into public folder to bypass auth? Lazy load to prevent excessive server load.
- POST /figure - create a new figure from the posted panel IDs and other info
- PATCH /figure/{id} - modify the figure contents
- DELETE /figure/{id} - delete figure (but not contents!)
- GET /figure/{id} - return information about figure
- GET /figures - return all figures owned by the user
- GET /figure/{id}/panels - get all panels belonging to figure
- GET /file/{id} - download the file if it's accessible to user
- GET /tag/{id}/panels - get panels by tag
See for instructions on using the FontAwesome library for Vue
<font-awesome-icon icon="save" size="lg"/>
<font-awesome-icon icon="trash-alt" size="lg"/>
Instructions for the pre-built component library of Bootstrap Components can be found here
The following command should be run once in the project root on the first deployment to populate the file_categories table: php artisan db:seed --class=FileCategoriesTableSeeder
This command should be run to populate the licenses database: php artisan db:seed --class=LicensesTableSeeder
If seeding the database with generated records, or updating the database from an earlier installation, you may need to generate the panel-author relationships. To do so, run the following mysql command:
insert into panel_user(user_id, panel_id, role, `order`, created_at, updated_at)
select p.user_id, as panel_id,
'corresponding' as role,
0 as `order`,
NOW() as created_at,
NOW() as updated_at
from panels p;
Note: When a new user registers, the list of external authors is checked for their email address. If anyone has added their address as an external author to a panel, this is converted into a registered author and the newly-registered user is given the author role on the panel.