Castle is a test harness for Apache Kafka and related projects.
You can build Castle with Maven 3. Version 3.3.9 has been confirmed to work, but other Maven versions should work as well.
mvn install -DskipTests -Dfindbugs.skip
# Set up the Kafka path.
export CASTLE_KAFKA_PATH="/home/cmccabe/src/kafka"
# Bring up a simple 1-node cluster
./bin/ -c ./conf/simple_aws.conf -v -w /tmp/simple up
# Check the status of the cluster
./bin/ -w /tmp/simple status
# Set up our AWS information and Kafka path.
export AWS_REGION="us-west-2"
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY="(my AWS access key)"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="(my AWS secret access key)"
export CASTLE_AWS_KEY="(my AWS key)"
export CASTLE_AWS_SECURITY_GROUP="(my AWS security group)"
export CASTLE_SSH_IDENTITY_FILE="(my AWS ssh identity file)"
export CASTLE_KAFKA_PATH="/home/cmccabe/src/kafka"
# Bring up a simple 1-node cluster
./bin/ -c ./conf/simple_aws.conf -v -w /tmp/simple up
# Check the status of the cluster
./bin/ -w /tmp/simple status
The castle command-line tool takes one or more "action" arguments. Actions specify what the tool should do. The most important actions are these:
up: Bring up all nodes.
init: Allocate nodes.
setup: Set up all nodes.
start: Start the system.
status: Get the system status.
daemonStatus: Get the status of system daemons.
taskStatus: Get the status of trogdor tasks.
down: Bring down all nodes.
saveLogs: Save the system logs.
stop: Stop the system.
destroy: Deallocate nodes.
destroyNodes: Destroy all nodes.
"up" contains three actions: "init", "setup", and "start". These can also be invoked separately, if you want. Similarly, status and down contain other actions as well.
By default, actions are applied on all nodes. If you want to apply an action only on a single node, you can specify the action as type:scope. For example, this invocation stops only the broker on node 2:
./bin/ -w /tmp/mycluster stopBroker:node2
A castle cluster file contains three sections: conf, nodes, and roles.
The "conf" section contains miscellaneous configuration strings. kafkaPath is the path to the Kafka source directory. castlePath is the path to the Castle source directory. globalTimeout is the number of seconds to wait before timing out any Castle operation.
The "nodes" section specifies the set of nodes in the cluster. Each node has a list of roles describing what the node can do. Nodes can be specified using bash-style numeric globs. For example "node[0-2]" specifies that we should create three identical nodes: node0, node1, and node2.
The "roles" section maps role names to role configurations. The configuration for each role will depend on the role type. For example, the "broker" type takes a "jvmOptions" field specifying the JVM options to use when starting the Kafka broker.
In a configuration file, a string of the form %{CASTLE_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME} will be replaced by the value of the environment variable named CASTLE_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME. It is an error to try to use a cluster file without filling out all required environment variables. Note that the environment variable name must begin with CASTLE_.
There are other magic strings available. %{bootstrapServers} will be replaced by a value calculated based on the broker ports and hostnames. %{CASTLE_PATH} always contains a path to the castle source directory.