You can ohin on the input pdf easily. In other words, you can put an image such as e-signature or e-imprinting on pdf.
ohin = imprinting, signature
e-signature, 電子署名, 電子押印, 電子印鑑, 押印廃止
pip install auto-ohin
python = "^3.7"
local root = "path/to/root/"; # row path
local pathgen(path) = root + path;
"input_path": pathgen("input.pdf"), # pdf path on which you want to sign.
"save_path": pathgen("output.pdf"), # save path you want to save to.
"img_path": pathgen("inkan.png"), # img path which you want to put on the pdf.
"obj_pages": [1, 3], # List of page numbers you want to put. This is 1-indexed.
"position": [147, 225], # The position List(mm)[width, height] to put image. The origin point is the lower left corner.
"img_size": [20, 20], # List(px)[width, height] you want to resize.
"pdf_size": "A4" # Now A0~A5 are available.
auto-ohin path/to/config.jsonnet
All input and output samples are available in experiments
- Sota Misawa (mitawaut)
- mathematical engineering faculty of UTokyo
- E-mail: [email protected]
"auto-ohin" is under MIT license.