After cloning the project, follow these steps:
Option one:
yarn pod
Option two:
cd ios && pod install
Option three:
npx pod-install ios
├── ...
├── src # Main folder.
│ ├── assets # Assets with global colors and icons.
│ ├── components # Reusable components.
├── config # Config with fetch files.
├── context # App News Context.
│ └── screens # Screens.
└── ...
├── index.ts # Index.
├── Interface.tsx # Interface as pure component only recevies props and render them.
├── Container.tsx # Container as components logic (Hooks, Fetch data etc.)
└── styles.ts # Styles.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the application Metro Bundler on port 8081 in the development mode.
Starting IOS mobile application
Starting Android mobile application
Runs eslint linter
Cleans Android build folder
Cleans iOS build folder
Cleans cache of metro builder