Website Live Preview LAMP HOUSE.
LAMP HOUSE – A Decorative lights website built with React, Tailwind CSS, font awesome. Template created especially to build versatile sites such as e-commerce, light seller central website. You can see variants of Decorative lights products and also buy any product using simple login. After login, you can see your dashboard where you manage all your order status. Have another section review page, users can be able to add a review and that review will show on the home age.
If an admin logs in, he/she will not see the options that a normal user sees. Instead an admin can see Manage All Orders, Add A Product, Make Admin, Manage Products Logout.
- Firebase Google Authentication
- Use Context API
- React Router Dom
- React Scripts
- React hook form
- React Select
- Tailwind CSS
- Font awesome Icon
- Javascript
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- Heroku server
- Javascript
- Buy a product
- Explore light (See all product)
- Perform CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations for any products.
- Different Admin Panels for User and Admin
- Login & register with email & password, Firebase Google
- User review system.
- Get in touch contact form
- See team member.
- Use Google Map.