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The HTTP client for Scala that you always wanted!

import com.softwaremill.sttp._

val sort: Option[String] = None
val query = "http language:scala"

// the `query` parameter is automatically url-encoded
// `sort` is removed, as the value is not defined
val request = sttp.get(uri"$query&sort=$sort")
implicit val handler = HttpURLConnectionSttpHandler
val response = request.send()

// response.header(...): Option[String]

// response.body: by default read into a String 

Goals of the project

  • provide a simple, discoverable, no-surprises, reasonably type-safe API for making HTTP requests and reading responses
  • separate definition of a request from request execution
  • provide immutable, easily modifiable data structures for requests and responses
  • support multiple execution backends, both synchronous and asynchronous
  • provide support for backend-specific request/response streaming
  • minimum dependencies

How is sttp different from other libraries?

  • immutable request builder which doesn't impose any order in which request parameters need to be specified. Such an approach allows defining partial requests with common cookies/headers/options, which can later be specialized using a specific URI and HTTP method.
  • support for multiple backends, both synchronous and asynchronous, with backend-specific streaming support
  • URI interpolator with context-aware escaping, optional parameters support and parameter collections

Adding sttp to your project

SBT dependency:

"com.softwaremill.sttp" %% "core" % version

Check the maven badge above or git tags for the latest version. sttp is available for Scala 2.11 and 2.12, and requires Java 8. The core module has no transitive dependencies.

If you'd like to use an alternate backend, see below for additional instructions.


First, import:

import com.softwaremill.sttp._

This brings into scope sttp, the empty request, from which all request definitions start. This empty request can be customised, each time yielding a new, immutable request description (unless a mutable body is set on the request, such as a byte array).

For example, we can set a cookie, string-body and specify that this should be a POST request to a given URI:

val request = sttp
    .cookie("login", "me")
    .body("This is a test")

The request parameters (headers, cookies, body etc.) can be specified in any order. There's a lot of ways in which you can customize a request: just explore the API. And more will be added!

You can create a request description without knowing how it will be sent. But to send a request, you will need a backend. A default, synchronous backend based on Java's HttpURLConnection is provided out-of-the box. An implicit value of type SttpHandler needs to be in scope to invoke the send() on the request:

implicit val handler = HttpConnectionSttpHandler

val response: Response[String] = request.send()

By default the response body is read into a utf-8 string. How the response body is handled is also part of the request description. The body can be ignore (.response(ignore)), read into a sequence of parameters (.response(asParams)), mapped (.mapResponse) and more; some backends also support request & response streaming.

The default handler doesn't wrap the response into any container, but other asynchronous handlers might do so. The type parameter in the Response[_] type specifies the type of the body.

URI interpolator

Using the URI interpolator it's possible to conveniently create instances, which can then be used to specify request endpoints, for example:

import com.softwaremill.sttp._

val user = "Mary Smith"
val filter = "programming languages"

val endpoint: URI = uri"$user/skills?filter=$filter"

Any values embedded in the URI will be URL-encoded, taking into account the context (e.g., the whitespace in user will be %-encoded as %20D, while the whitespace in filter will be query-encoded as +).

The possibilities of the interpolator don't end here. Other supported features:

  • parameters can have optional values: if the value of a parameter is None, it will be removed
  • maps, sequences of tuples and sequences of values can be embedded in the query part. They will be expanded into query parameters. Maps and sequences of tuples can also contain optional values, for which mappings will be removed if None.
  • optional values in the host part will be expanded to a subdomain if Some, removed if None
  • sequences in the host part will be expanded to a subdomain sequence
  • if a string contains the protocol is embedded as the first element, it will not be escaped, allowing to embed entire addresses as prefixes, e.g.: uri"$endpoint/login", where val endpoint = "".

A fully-featured example:

import com.softwaremill.sttp._
val secure = true
val scheme = if (secure) "https" else "http"
val subdomains = List("sub1", "sub2")
val vx = Some("y z")
val params = Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2)
val jumpTo = Some("section2")

// generates:

Supported backends


The default synchronous handler. Sending a request returns a response wrapped in the identity type constructor, which is equivalent to no wrapper at all.

To use, add an implicit value:

implicit val sttpHandler = HttpURLConnectionSttpHandler


To use, add the following dependency to your project:

"com.softwaremill.sttp" %% "akka-http-handler" % version

This handler depends on akka-http. A fully asynchronous handler. Sending a request returns a response wrapped in a Future.

To use, add an implicit value:

implicit val sttpHandler = new AkkaHttpSttpHandler()

// or, if you'd like to use an existing actor system:
implicit val sttpHandler = new AkkaHttpSttpHandler(actorSystem)

This backend supports sending and receiving akka-streams streams of type[ByteString, Any].

To set the request body as a stream:

import com.softwaremill.sttp._
import com.softwaremill.sttp.akkahttp._

import akka.util.ByteString

val source: Source[ByteString, Any] =   ...


To receive the response body as a stream:

import com.softwaremill.sttp._
import com.softwaremill.sttp.akkahttp._

import akka.util.ByteString

implicit val sttpHandler = new AkkaHttpSttpHandler(actorSystem)

val response: Future[Response[Source[ByteString, Any]]] = 
    .response(asStream[Source[ByteString, Any]])

Request type

All request descriptions have type RequestT[U, T, S] (T as in Template). If this looks a bit complex, don't worry, what the three type parameters stand for is the only thing you'll hopefully have to remember when using the API!

Going one-by-one:

  • U[_] specifies if the request method and URL are specified. Using the API, this can be either type Empty[X] = None, meaning that the request has neither a method nor an URI. Or, it can be type Id[X] = X (type-level identity), meaning that the request has both a method and an URI specified. Only requests with a specified URI & method can be sent.
  • T specifies the type to which the response will be read. By default, this is String. But it can also be e.g. Array[Byte] or Unit, if the response should be ignored. Response body handling can be changed by calling the .response method. With backends which support streaming, this can also be a supported stream type.
  • S specifies the stream type that this request uses. Most of the time this will be Nothing, meaning that this request does not send a streaming body or receive a streaming response. So most of the times you can just ignore that parameter. But, if you are using a streaming backend and want to send/receive a stream, the .streamBody or response(asStream[S]) will change the type parameter.

There are two type aliases for the request template that are used:

  • type Request[T, S] = RequestT[Id, T, S]. A sendable request.
  • type PartialRequest[T, S] = RequestT[Empty, T, S]


  • the encoding for Strings defaults to utf-8.
  • unless explicitly specified, the Content-Type defaults to:
    • text/plain for text
    • application/x-www-form-urlencoded for form data
    • multipart/form-data for multipart form data
    • application/octet-stream for everything else (binary)


  • multi-part uploads
  • netty-based backend
  • backends which wrap the responses in scalaz/monix/... Task
  • proxy support
  • compression support
  • connection options, SSL
  • your API improvement idea here

Other Scala HTTP clients
