This module is based on 0.1.1 (dev)
This module was developed with the orginal config files from Debian Jessie's Dovecot 2.2.18 and was tested with Ubuntu Trusty 14.04. Other Debian Versions only MAY work.
Install, enable and configure the Dovecot IMAP server. This module relies heavily on the conf.d structure adopted by dovecot 2.x.
: Main classdovecot::file
: Definition to manage configuration file snippetsdovecot::plugin
: Definition to install plugin sub-packages
class { 'dovecot':
plugins => [ 'mysql', 'pigeonhole' ],
protocols => 'imap pop3 sieve',
verbose_proctitle => 'yes',
auth_include => 'sql',
mail_location => 'maildir:~/Maildir',
auth_listener_userdb_mode => '0660',
auth_listener_userdb_group => 'vmail',
auth_listener_postfix => true,
ssl_cert => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/',
ssl_key => '/etc/pki/tls/private/',
postmaster_address => '[email protected]',
hostname => '',
lda_mail_plugins => '$mail_plugins sieve',
auth_sql_userdb_static => 'uid=vmail gid=vmail home=/home/vmail/%d/%n',
log_timestamp => '"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S "',
dovecot::file { 'dovecot-sql.conf.ext':
source => 'puppet:///modules/example/dovecot-sql.conf.ext',