Maps have been a unique source of knowledge for centuries. Such historical documents provide invaluable information for analyzing the complex spatial transformation of landscapes over important time frames. This is particularly true for urban areas that encompass multiple interleaved research domains (social sciences, economy, etc.). The large amount and significant diversity of map sources call for automatic image processing techniques in order to extract the relevant objects under a vectorial shape. The complexity of maps (text, noise, digitization artifacts, etc.) has hindered the capacity of proposing a versatile and efficient raster-to-vector approaches for decades. We propose a learnable, reproducible, and reusable solution for the automatic transformation of raster maps into vector objects (building blocks, streets, rivers). It is built upon the complementary strength of mathematical morphology and convolutional neural networks through efficient edge filtering. Evenmore, we modify ConnNet and combine with deep edge filtering architecture to make use of pixel connectivity information and built an end-to-end system without requiring any post-processing techniques. In this paper, we focus on the comprehensive benchmark on various architectures on multiple datasets coupled with a novel vectorization step. Our experimental results on a new public dataset using COCO Panoptic metric exhibit very encouraging results confirmed by a qualitative analysis of the success and failure cases of our approach. Code, dataset, results and extra illustrations are freely available at this github repository.
- 1. Visual Results
- 2. Installation
- 3. Prepare training data
- 4. Train
- 5. Inference
- 6. Watershed
- 7. Evaluation
Please check the Releases to download it.
Install Pytorch adapted to your CUDA version :
git clone
cd ICDAR-2021-Vectorization
You now have the code in directory ICDAR-2021-Vectorization. At this point, you should probably create a virtual environment. For instance:
python -m venv vec-env
source ./vec-env/bin/activate
Now, install the dependencies (with pip).
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download pre-trained models:
Please check the Releases to download it.
Dataset used to train, validate and test our approach:
Please check the Releases to download it.
To ease the usage of training data, we provide two versions of dataset:
Full images (~7000px * 11000px)
Patch version (already cutting into small patches to ease training, every patch have size 500px 500px), and file index .lst file: test_pari.lst, train_pair.lst, val_pair.lst Please check the Releases to download it.
The training patch data need to be downloaded from here, zipped and saved into ./data_generator
The file index .lst file can be also download in the same Release.
The file structure is:
├── train_data_tiles/
├── val_data_tiles/
├── test_data_tiles/
├── train_gt_tiles/
├── val_gt_tiles/
├── test_gt_tiles/
├── train_pari.lst
├── val_pair.lst
└── test_pair.lst
The configuration file, 'data_lst' should link with the path of the .lst file, mean_bgr is the average value of bgr channel for the whole train/val/test dataset, but you can also configure and more options are available:
config = {
'HistoricalMap2020': {'data_root': '../../data_generator/',
'data_lst': 'train_pair.lst',
'mean_bgr': [168.1872554, 195.97301654, 204.64264255]},
config_test = {
'HistoricalMap2020': {'data_root': '../../data_generator/',
'data_lst': 'test_pair.lst',
'mean_bgr': [158.0, 191.0, 210.0]},
config_val = {
'HistoricalMap2020': {'data_root': '../../data_generator/',
'data_lst': 'val_pair.lst',
'mean_bgr': [168.1872554, 195.97301654, 204.64264255]},
To create image patches for training, it consist two seperate step:
- Create image patches
- Generate .lst file index from image patches
Since the size of whole image is too big as the input of the network, we require to divide the whole map image into batches.
The batch images will save into folder output_directory/image and output_directory/gt
python ./data_generator/ <map_image_input> <ground_truth_image_input> <save_image_path> <save_gt_path> <width>
The prepare training text can create .lst file with image file indexing in order to train the network.
python ./data_generator/
The file structure should be the same as in section 3.2.
we can now train the models with the prepared data. Remeber the data should be patched and .lst file should be correctly generated and put into the right place. If you want to get more control for your training, you can list all the arguments:
cd ./train/<model_name>
python --help
usage: [-h] [-d {HistoricalMap2020}] [--param-dir PARAM_DIR] [--lr BASE_LR] [-m MOMENTUM] [--model MODEL] [-c] [-g GPU] [--weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY] [-r RESUME] [-p PRETRAIN] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--max-iter MAX_ITER] [--iter-size ITER_SIZE][--average-loss AVERAGE_LOSS] [-s SNAPSHOTS] [--step-size STEP_SIZE] [-b BALANCE] [-l LOG] [-k K] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--crop-size CROP_SIZE] [--complete-pretrain COMPLETE_PRETRAIN] [--side-weight SIDE_WEIGHT] [--fuse-weight FUSE_WEIGHT] [--gamma GAMMA]
If you want to train HED and BDCN with pre-train model (The folder ./train/HED_pretrain and ./train/BDCN_pretrain) please download the .pth pretrain model file (vgg16-397923af.pth) from here and put it into ./pretrain_weight/.
Once models are trained and best models are selected, the function can predict and reconstruct the predicted EPM patches into full-size image. The main goal for the EPM recosntruction is used furthur for watershed process.
cd ./train/<model_name>
python --cuda --gpu <gpu_index> --model <trained_save_model> --original_image_path <original_image_before_patch> --EPM_border <border_of_frame> --batch_image_size <size_of_patches>
A linux build is provided but, if for some reason it doesn't work for you, you can rebuild it yourself. Here is how.
pip install conan
conan remote add lrde-public
cd ./watershed/histmapseg/
mkdir newbuild && cd newbuild
conan install .. --build missing -s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 -s compiler.cppstd=20 -g cmake --build pylene
cmake --build . --config Release
Here you go: you now have your executable in newbuild/bin/histmapseg.
./watershed/histmapseg/build/bin/histmapseg <input.png> <dynamic> <area_closing> <ws.tiff> <out.png>
input.png: this should be the file of EPM
dynamic: the parameter of dynamic
area_closing: the size for closing area
ws.tiff: the resulting watershed tiff file
out.png: the colorized watershed file
For instance, to use one of the parameter sets from the paper:
./watershed/histmapseg/build/bin/histmapseg result_epm_mask 7 400 ws.tiff out.png
Run the connected labelling algorithm to transfer boundary map into components labelling.
python ./evaluation/ input_path output_path
Takes an edge probability map and produces a label map. Edge pixels > 0.
positional arguments:
input_path Path to the input EPM (PNG format or TIFF 16 bits).
output_path Path to the output label map (TIFF 16 format).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--threshold THRESHOLD
Threshold value (float): v<=threshold => v in background.
--debug_labels DEBUG_LABELS
Path to debug image (JPG) where to save the RGB label map.
2. Measure the COCO panoptic value repsect to predictions and ground turths by using
Run the evaluation according to predicted labelling and ground truth of labelling to get COCO panoptic score
python ./evaluation/ input_gt_path input_contenders_path
Evaluate the detection of shapes.
positional arguments:
input_gt_path Path to the input label map (TIFF 16 bits) for ground truth.
Path to the contenders label map (TIFF 16 bits) for predictions.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m INPUT_MASK, --input-mask INPUT_MASK
Path to an mask image (pixel with value 0 will be discarded in the evaluation).
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
Path to the output directory where results will be stored.
--iou-threshold IOU_THRESHOLD
Threshold value (float) for IoU: 0.5 <= t < 1. Default=0.5