System Properties
- dbname: "botomo",
- dburl: "mongodb://localhost:27017"
Run the application
Start your local Mongo DB instance
Create some test data (This also creates the database and collection):
Navigate to src/main/scripts and run
Run the fat jar from console:
java -jar -Ddbname="botomo" -Ddburl="mongodb://localhost:27017" build/libs/botomo-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar
GET api/v1/books
Response body:
"title":"Lorem Ipsum",
"subtitle":"Lorem Ipsum Sub",
"author":"Loras Ipsum",
POST api/v1/books
Request body:
"title":"Lorem Ipsum",
"subtitle":"Lorem Ipsum Sub",
"author":"Loras Ipsum",
"_id": "123",
"title":"Lorem Ipsum",
"subtitle":"Lorem Ipsum Sub",
"author":"Loras Ipsum",
POST api/v1/books/:id/upvote
Path parameters:
- id: book id
POST api/v1/books/:id/downvote
Path parameters:
- id: book id
GET api/v1/books?search=searchterm
Query parameter
- searchterm: search term
Response body:
"title":"Lorem Ipsum",
"subtitle":"Lorem Ipsum Sub",
"author":"Loras Ipsum",
GET api/v1/goodreads?search=searchterm
- get list of book suggestions
Response body:
"title":"Lorem Ipsum",
"author":"Loras Ipsum",
"image": "http...."