- This theme combines Elgg with Twitter Bootstrap
- Based on the original by Dave Tosh: https://github.com/davetosh/twitter_bootstrap
- Excellent documentation for Twitter Bootstrap is available here: http://getbootstrap.com/
- Excellent documentation for Elgg is available here: http://learn.elgg.org
- More than 60 Github commits since the last release
- Post directly from the river ( enable or disable from plugin settings)
- Activity Filter moved to sidebar
- Sidebar Logon box issues resolved
- No longer shows tag cloud on the Activiy sidebar
- Require Login by email issue resolved
- newly bootstrapped River
- Does not post separate User commented on Object to the River.
- and more...
###Edit the Login, Register and Lost Password pages from the Admin settings panel:###
- Now you can edit the News in the header from the plugin settings page as well.
- This theme is written for Elgg 1.10 It will work with 1.9 but not work on any lower version of Elgg.
- For Elgg 1.8 with Bootstrap 3 use This
- For Elgg 1.8 with Bootstrap 2 use This
- New unmodified install of Elgg 1.10.2
- Report any issues Here: