This isn't a standard pentest report. A real one would have many more targets. Each one is for just one machine/application.
These are mini reports I put together for vulnerable VMs from Vulhubs(or other CTF sources). These are simple walk throughs users can follow to reproduce vulnerabilities. I also included information on how to patch/fix the vulnerability.
see CTF-Owens.pdf for the pentest report. This covers what the owner of this computer should fix, and how I gained root level privileges
see exploit-dev-Owens.pdf for fuzzing I did on custom application. This addresses poor coding practices in c/c++ application that results in exploits and privilege escalation.
see website-Owens.pdf for web app pentesting. This covers insecurities found in many websites, what developers need to fix, security tests they need to follow in the future, and practices they need to follow to not produce anymore bugs.