Run one of the following. Store this in your Powershell session. Can be legacy Powershell before PS Core.
# jsDelivr cached version
$WinSetupScript = @"
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
# github raw version
$WinSetupScript = @"
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
# Run without setting $env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP
# This will cause you to be prompted for each step
Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript
Pattern | Meaning |
XXX- |
Priority; Lowest = First |
S- |
System / Administrator |
U- |
User / Non-Administrator |
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "000-S-ChocoInstall"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # install chocolatey
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "000-S-MicrosoftStore"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # update Microsoft Store
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "010-S-ChocoWingetPackages"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # install stuff as admin
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "010-U-ChocoWingetPackages"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # install stuff as non-admin
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "010-U-GitSetup"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # configure your git
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "010-U-NodePackages"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # install NVM and latest NodeJS and globals
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "010-U-TerminalSetup"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # configure Windows Terminal
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "011-S-PriviledgedConfigurations"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # configure priviledges settings
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "011-U-VSCodeSetup"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # install VSC plugins
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "020-S-WinWSL"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # install WSL with Ubuntu 22.04
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "021-S-WinDocker"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # install Docker with WSL compat
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "022-S-WinDockerPostSetup"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # Post-setup of docker Docker with WSL compat
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "030-S-DaprSetup"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # install and configure Dapr on Windows
$env:SNYDER_WIN_SETUP = "030-U-FontsInstall"; Invoke-Expression $WinSetupScript # installs fonts on Windows
Run one of the following:
## cached script
sudo apt install zsh -y && curl -fsSL | zsh
## not cached
sudo apt install zsh -y && curl -fsSL | zsh
# 000-S-InitSetup (this was already done during WslSetup)
wget -O /tmp/x.zsh && chmod +x /tmp/x.zsh && zsh /tmp/x.zsh
# 001-S-CoreUtilitiesInstall
wget -O /tmp/x.zsh && chmod +x /tmp/x.zsh && zsh /tmp/x.zsh
# 002-U-GitSetup
wget -O /tmp/x.zsh && chmod +x /tmp/x.zsh && zsh /tmp/x.zsh