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Inject an ID into every log message from a Django request. ASGI compatible, integrates with Sentry, and works with Celery


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Django GUID

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Django GUID attaches a unique correlation ID/request ID to all your log outputs for every request. In other words, all logs connected to a request now has a unique ID attached to it, making debugging simple.



Log output with a GUID:

INFO ... [773fa6885e03493498077a273d1b7f2d] project.views This is a DRF view log, and should have a GUID.
WARNING ... [773fa6885e03493498077a273d1b7f2d] Some warning in a function
INFO ... [0d1c3919e46e4cd2b2f4ac9a187a8ea1] project.views This is a DRF view log, and should have a GUID.
INFO ... [99d44111e9174c5a9494275aa7f28858] project.views This is a DRF view log, and should have a GUID.
WARNING ... [0d1c3919e46e4cd2b2f4ac9a187a8ea1] Some warning in a function
WARNING ... [99d44111e9174c5a9494275aa7f28858] Some warning in a function

Log output without a GUID:

INFO ... project.views This is a DRF view log, and should have a GUID.
WARNING ... Some warning in a function
INFO ... project.views This is a DRF view log, and should have a GUID.
INFO ... project.views This is a DRF view log, and should have a GUID.
WARNING ... Some warning in a function
WARNING ... Some warning in a function

See the documentation for more examples.


Install using pip:

pip install django-guid


Package settings are added in your

    'GUID_HEADER_NAME': 'Correlation-ID',
    'VALIDATE_GUID': True,
    'RETURN_HEADER': True,
    'EXPOSE_HEADER': True,
    'IGNORE_URLS': [],
    'UUID_LENGTH': 32,

Optional Parameters


    The name of the GUID to look for in a header in an incoming request. Remember that it's case insensitive.

    Default: Correlation-ID


    Whether the GUID_HEADER_NAME should be validated or not. If the GUID sent to through the header is not a valid GUID (uuid.uuid4).

    Default: True


    Whether to return the GUID (Correlation-ID) as a header in the response or not. It will have the same name as the GUID_HEADER_NAME setting.

    Default: True


    Whether to return Access-Control-Expose-Headers for the GUID header if RETURN_HEADER is True, has no effect if RETURN_HEADER is False. This is allows the JavaScript Fetch API to access the header when CORS is enabled.

    Default: True


    Whether to enable any custom or available integrations with django_guid. As an example, using SentryIntegration() as an integration would set Sentry's transaction_id to match the GUID used by the middleware.

    Default: []


    URL endpoints where the middleware will be disabled. You can put your health check endpoints here.

    Default: []


    Lets you optionally trim the length of the package generated UUIDs.

    Default: 32


Once settings have set up, add the following to your projects'

1. Installed Apps

Add django_guid to your INSTALLED_APPS:


2. Middleware

Add the django_guid.middleware.guid_middleware to your MIDDLEWARE:


It is recommended that you add the middleware at the top, so that the remaining middleware loggers include the requests GUID.

3. Logging Configuration

Add django_guid.log_filters.CorrelationId as a filter in your LOGGING configuration:

    'filters': {
        'correlation_id': {
            '()': 'django_guid.log_filters.CorrelationId'

Put that filter in your handler:

    'handlers': {
        'console': {
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
            'formatter': 'medium',
            'filters': ['correlation_id'],

And make sure to add the new correlation_id filter to one or all of your formatters:

    'formatters': {
        'medium': {
            'format': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s [%(correlation_id)s] %(name)s %(message)s'

If these settings were confusing, please have a look in the demo projects' file for a complete example.

4. Django GUID Logger (Optional)

If you wish to see the Django GUID middleware outputs, you may configure a logger for the module. Simply add django_guid to your loggers in the project, like in the example below:

    'loggers': {
        'django_guid': {
            'handlers': ['console', 'logstash'],
            'level': 'WARNING',
            'propagate': False,

This is especially useful when implementing the package, if you plan to pass existing GUIDs to the middleware, as misconfigured GUIDs will not raise exceptions, but will generate warning logs.