We have a discord going for discussing the rebuild, and I hope you'll join us! https://discord.gg/9RNE2rY
Open5e is a community project driven by a small number of volunteers in their spare time. We welcome any and all contributions! Please join our Discord to help out: https://discord.gg/9RNE2rY or check out the issue board if you'd like to see what's being worked on!
The Django API uses Django REST Framework for its browsability and ease of use when developing CRUD endpoints.
The server runs in a docker container. You'll need to first install docker on your system, then getting it running is extremely simple:
starting from root /open5e
export OPEN_5E_ROOT=`pwd` #set the /server folder as the root of the Python project
export DJANGO_SECRET='@pt#ouh)@!c+2eh(!aj_vtc=s7t$uk-l1!ry3^fcercz%si01@' # this should be a nukable test key that you're manually replacing at startup time for production
docker-compose build dev
docker-compose up dev
If you need to work with the db, serializers, or other django-level elements, you will need to be running the docker container then exec into it:
bash -c "clear && docker exec -it open5e_dev_1 sh"
From there you can apply any typical python/django commands. Some common and useful commands include:
pipenv run python manage.py makemigrations #create a new migration for the db
pipenv run python manage.py migrate #apply any pending db migrations
pipenv run python manage.py rebuild_index #rebuild search index to reflect model or indexer changes
You will want to leave the server terminal running while you launch the UI in a separate termainal so you can observe requests.
If all you want to test against is the API/backend, you're done! Otherwise you'll want to open another window and...
Open5e uses the Nuxt framework for Vue.js, which takes care of a lot of the architectural work for the frontend layer while allowing a large amount of flexibility.
From /open5e
# install dependencies
$ npm install # Or yarn install
# Optional: point it at a real API by setting API_URL=https:someurl.com
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000. If you
$ npm run dev
Other build options:
# build for production and launch server
$ npm start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the Nuxt.js docs.