Mesh Cutout is a simple asset used to generate meshes/cutouts based on the distance to an object at runtime in a performant manner.
Supported in ALL graphics pipelines, since the tool modifies the mesh data directly.
- Go to Package Manager
- Go to Add Package from Git URL
- Add ''
- Click Add
Make sure the meshes used for Mesh Cutout have ‘Read/Write Enabled’ on.
Put ‘CutoutMesh.cs’ on an object with a MeshFilter component
Change Cutout mode to desired mode
Add Reference Object transform (can be left empty if manually calling CutoutMesh.UpdateCarvedMesh();)
Configure the minimum and maximum distances
Enable Generate on Start to generate the cutout immediately on start
Enable Generate on Update to generate the cutout every frame
Enable Generate on FixedUpdate to generate the cutout every FixedUpdate interval
To manually trigger the meshing call CutoutMesh.UpdateCarvedMesh(); (required a ReferenceObject Transform if not filled in inspector)
- Simple cutout (enclosing)
- Simple cutout with hole (enclosing)
- Simple cutout with hole (touching)
- Complex mesh with cutout (touching)
- Complex mesh with cutout and hole (touching)
- Complex mesh with cutout and hole (enclosing)
- Currently only 1 reference object is supported
- Code runs on main thread (could potentially be faster with job system/burst support)
- Read/Write Enabled has to be enabled resulting in more memory allocation
- Could Potentially use MeshData for more performance:
- All contributions for flexibility, performance and usability are welcome
- Follow code conventions from CutoutMesh.cs
- For changes in functionality (such as multiple reference objects), make a new script
- Potential contributions:
- Performance optimization
- multithread support (jobified for loop and/or 1 job per meshed object)
- run in editor
- cutout preview system
- Multiple reference objects support
- Update Mesh Collider
Bunny83 on Unity Forums for writing most of the script: