SparseUtils is a header-only library that contains sparse matrix data structures and sparse direct/iterator solvers.
- metis-5.1.0
CMake is preferred to install SparseUtils. For basic installation, use the following command:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make install
This installs SparseUtils (headers and CMake files) into
Not yet supported.
Not yet supported.
Using SparseUtils is simple with CMake. For the application project, add
find_package(SparseUtils REQUIRED PATHS <path-to-sparse-utils-installation>)
to CMakeLists.txt
, and use
target_link_libraries(<app-target> SparseUtils::SparseUtils)
in the CMakeLists.txt
for the application executables. See
examples/CMakeLists.txt for example.
To build and execute unit tests, using the following command:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -DSPARSE_UTILS_BUILD_TESTS=ON && make -j && ctest .
Below is the complete table of CMake variables that SparseUtils uses to control the compilation.
Recall that to give the variable VARIABLE, its value VAL can be set using the following syntax in the command line:
cmake ... -DVARIABLE=VAL ...
Variable | Description | Default | Choices |
SPARSE_UTILS_METIS_DIR | path to metis installation | ${HOME}/installs/metis |
a path |
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | the path to install SparseUtils to | ${HOME}/installs/sparse-utils |
a path |
SPARSE_UTILS_BUILD_TESTS | build unit tests or not | OFF |
ON , OFF |
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE | build type | N/A | Release , Debug |