This is the API + Admin Interface portion for the San Mateo County instance of the Ohana API. The API exposes information about community resources in San Mateo County to make it easier for residents in need to find services they are eligible for.
SMC-Connect, a mobile-friendly website for looking up community and human services. (GitHub repo for SMC-Connect)
We encourage third-party developers to build additional applications on top of the API. You can register your app on our developer portal, and view the API documentation.
We are currently using the Open Eligibility taxonomy to assign Services to Categories. The easiest way to assign categories to a service is to use the Admin interface. Here's a screenshot:
- Ruby version 3.1.4
- Rails version 6.1.7
- Postgres version 14.5
- Redis
- Testing Frameworks: RSpec, Factory Girl, Capybara
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