Tags: smartondev/httpcache
- enh: custom DateMalFormedStringException added - fix: ETagHeaderBuilder#etag() etag set and already set with null -> null etag not stored - rename: ETagMatcher#ifMatchHeader() -> ETagMatcher#ifMatchHeaderValue() - rename: ETagMatcher#withIfMatchHeader() -> ETagMatcher#withIfMatchHeaderValue()
- fix: ModifiedMatcher::ifModifiedSinceHeader(), ::withIfModifiedSinc… …eHeader(), ::ifUnmodifiedSinceHeader(), ::withIfUnmodifiedSinceHeader() invalid header value addition - fix: ETagMatcher::ifMatchHeader(), ::withIfMatchHeader(), ::ifNoneMatchHeader(), ::withIfNoneMatchHeader() invalid header value addition - remove: ETagMatcherResult::matches() removed (BC break)
- enh: mutable accessors - enh: no-cache with more control tags + pragma - fix: no-cache reset if not used - enh: more tests added - enh: cache control tags sorted by name - enh: lowercased header names - fix: CacheHeaderBuilder::reset() staleWhileRevalidate and staleIfError - enh: header always converted to lowercase - enh: CacheHeaderBuilder::hasLastModified(), hasEtag(), isNoCache(), isEmpty(), isNotEmpty(), getEtag() - remove: ModifiedMatcherResult:: isBeforeModifiedSince, isAfterModifiedSince, isBeforeModifiedAt, isAfterModifiedAt, isEqualsModifiedAt, isEqualsUnmodifiedSince - enh: ModifiedMatcherResult::isModifiedSince, matchesModifiedAt, isUnmodifiedSince - fix: empty ETAG use as NO ETAG