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@andrejrakic andrejrakic released this 10 Oct 10:38
· 12 commits to develop since this release

chainlink local logo

v0.2.2-beta.1 Release

This release bumps the version of @chainlink/contracts-ccip package to 1.5.0-beta.1 for testing purposes and fixes a bug in the CCIPLocalSimulatorFork contract.


  • Bumped the version of @chainlink/contracts-ccip NPM package to 1.5.0-beta.1 to test that release
  • Fixed the bug in the CCIPLocalSimulatorFork.sol where the switchChainAndRouteMessage function was used the outdated EVM2EVMOffRamp contract
  • Genereted new docs artifacts

Testing the release

To test this release install @chainlink-local using the following commands:

Foundry (git)

forge install smartcontractkit/[email protected]

and then set remappings to: @chainlink/local/=lib/chainlink-local/ in either remappings.txt or foundry.toml file

Hardhat (npm)

npm install @chainlink/[email protected]

and then create the following contract and compile it:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "@chainlink/local/src/ccip/CCIPLocalSimulator.sol";

Remix IDE

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import {CCIPLocalSimulator} from "";

PRs included

Full Changelog: v0.2.2-beta.0...v0.2.2-beta.1